from functools import cached_property from urllib.parse import parse_qsl, urlparse import orjson import responses from django.test import RequestFactory from sentry.testutils.cases import PluginTestCase from sentry_plugins.trello.plugin import TrelloPlugin class TrelloPluginTestBase(PluginTestCase): @cached_property def plugin(self): return TrelloPlugin() @cached_property def request(self): return RequestFactory() class TrelloPluginTest(TrelloPluginTestBase): def test_conf_key(self): assert self.plugin.conf_key == "trello" def test_entry_point(self): self.assertPluginInstalled("trello", self.plugin) def test_get_issue_label(self): group = self.create_group(message="Hello world", culprit="") # test new and old format assert self.plugin.get_issue_label(group, "rPPDb") == "Trello-rPPDb" assert ( self.plugin.get_issue_label(group, "5dafd/") == "Trello-5dafd" ) def test_get_issue_url(self): group = self.create_group(message="Hello world", culprit="") # test new and old format assert self.plugin.get_issue_url(group, "rPPDb") == "" assert self.plugin.get_issue_url(group, {"id": "rPPDb"}) == "" assert ( self.plugin.get_issue_url(group, "5dafd/") == "" ) def test_is_configured(self): assert self.plugin.is_configured(None, self.project) is False self.plugin.set_option("token", "7c8951d1", self.project) assert self.plugin.is_configured(None, self.project) is False self.plugin.set_option("key", "39g", self.project) assert self.plugin.is_configured(None, self.project) is True class TrelloPluginApiTests(TrelloPluginTestBase): def setUp(self): = self.create_group(message="Hello world", culprit="") self.plugin.set_option("token", "7c8951d1", self.project) self.plugin.set_option("key", "39g", self.project) self.plugin.set_option("organization", "f187", self.project) self.login_as(self.user) def test_get_config_no_org(self): self.plugin.unset_option("organization", self.project) out = self.plugin.get_config(self.project) assert out == [ { "default": "39g", "required": True, "type": "text", "name": "key", "label": "Trello API Key", }, { "name": "token", "default": None, "required": False, "label": "Trello API Token", "prefix": "7c895", "type": "secret", "has_saved_value": True, }, ] @responses.activate def test_get_config_include_additional(self): self.plugin.unset_option("organization", self.project) responses.add( responses.GET, "", json=[{"name": "team 1", "id": "2d8e"}, {"name": "team 2", "id": "d0cc"}], ) out = self.plugin.get_config(self.project, add_additial_fields=True) assert out == [ { "default": "39g", "required": True, "type": "text", "name": "key", "label": "Trello API Key", }, { "name": "token", "default": None, "required": False, "label": "Trello API Token", "prefix": "7c895", "type": "secret", "has_saved_value": True, }, { "name": "organization", "default": None, "required": False, "choices": [("2d8e", "team 1"), ("d0cc", "team 2")], "label": "Trello Organization", "type": "select", }, ] @responses.activate def test_create_issue(self): responses.add(responses.POST, "", json={"shortLink": "rds43"}) form_data = { "title": "Hello", "description": "Fix this.", "board": "ads23f", "list": "23tds", } request = self.make_request(user=self.user, method="POST") assert self.plugin.create_issue(request,, form_data) == "rds43" responses_request = responses.calls[0].request assert responses_request.url == "" payload = orjson.loads(responses_request.body) assert payload == {"name": "Hello", "desc": "Fix this.", "idList": "23tds"} @responses.activate def test_link_issue(self): responses.add( responses.GET, "", json={"idShort": 2, "name": "MyTitle", "shortLink": "SstgnBIQ"}, ) responses.add( responses.POST, "", json={} ) form_data = {"comment": "please fix this", "issue_id": "SstgnBIQ"} request = self.make_request(user=self.user, method="POST") assert self.plugin.link_issue(request,, form_data) == { "title": "MyTitle", "id": "SstgnBIQ", } responses_request = responses.calls[0].request assert ( responses_request.url == "" ) responses_request = responses.calls[1].request assert ( responses_request.url == "" ) @responses.activate def test_view_options(self): responses.add( responses.GET, "", json=[{"id": "8f3", "name": "list 1"}, {"id": "j8f", "name": "list 2"}], ) request = self.make_request( user=self.user, method="GET", GET={"option_field": "list", "board": "f34"} ) response = self.plugin.view_options(request, assert == {"list": [("8f3", "list 1"), ("j8f", "list 2")]} responses_request = responses.calls[0].request assert ( responses_request.url == "" ) @responses.activate def test_view_autocomplete(self): responses.add( responses.GET, "", json={ "cards": [ {"id": "4fsdafad", "name": "KeyError", "idShort": 1, "shortLink": "0lr"}, {"id": "f4usdfa", "name": "Key Missing", "idShort": 3, "shortLink": "9lf"}, ] }, ) request = self.make_request( user=self.user, method="GET", GET={"autocomplete_field": "issue_id", "autocomplete_query": "Key"}, ) response = self.plugin.view_autocomplete(request, assert == { "issue_id": [ {"id": "0lr", "text": "(#1) KeyError"}, {"id": "9lf", "text": "(#3) Key Missing"}, ] } responses_request = responses.calls[0].request url = urlparse(responses_request.url) query = dict(parse_qsl(url.query)) assert url.path == "/1/search" assert query == { "cards_limit": "100", "partial": "true", "modelTypes": "cards", "token": "7c8951d1", "card_fields": "name,shortLink,idShort", "key": "39g", "query": "Key", "idOrganizations": "f187", } @responses.activate def test_view_autocomplete_no_org(self): self.plugin.unset_option("organization", self.project) responses.add( responses.GET, "", json={ "cards": [ {"id": "4fsdafad", "name": "KeyError", "idShort": 1, "shortLink": "0lr"}, {"id": "f4usdfa", "name": "Key Missing", "idShort": 3, "shortLink": "9lf"}, ] }, ) request = self.make_request( user=self.user, method="GET", GET={"autocomplete_field": "issue_id", "autocomplete_query": "Key"}, ) response = self.plugin.view_autocomplete(request, assert == { "issue_id": [ {"id": "0lr", "text": "(#1) KeyError"}, {"id": "9lf", "text": "(#3) Key Missing"}, ] } responses_request = responses.calls[0].request url = urlparse(responses_request.url) query = dict(parse_qsl(url.query)) assert url.path == "/1/search" assert query == { "cards_limit": "100", "partial": "true", "modelTypes": "cards", "token": "7c8951d1", "card_fields": "name,shortLink,idShort", "key": "39g", "query": "Key", }