import {Dataset, SessionsAggregate} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/types'; import type {MetricAlertType, WizardRuleTemplate} from './options'; // A set of unique identifiers to be able to tie aggregate and dataset back to a wizard alert type const alertTypeIdentifiers: Record< Exclude, // IssuePlatform (search_issues) is not used in alerts, so we can exclude it here Partial> > = { [Dataset.ERRORS]: { num_errors: 'count()', users_experiencing_errors: 'count_unique(user)', }, [Dataset.TRANSACTIONS]: { throughput: 'count()', trans_duration: 'transaction.duration', apdex: 'apdex', failure_rate: 'failure_rate()', lcp: 'measurements.lcp', fid: 'measurements.fid', cls: 'measurements.cls', }, [Dataset.GENERIC_METRICS]: { throughput: 'count()', trans_duration: 'transaction.duration', apdex: 'apdex', failure_rate: 'failure_rate()', lcp: 'measurements.lcp', fid: 'measurements.fid', cls: 'measurements.cls', }, [Dataset.SESSIONS]: { crash_free_sessions: SessionsAggregate.CRASH_FREE_SESSIONS, crash_free_users: SessionsAggregate.CRASH_FREE_USERS, }, [Dataset.METRICS]: { crash_free_sessions: SessionsAggregate.CRASH_FREE_SESSIONS, crash_free_users: SessionsAggregate.CRASH_FREE_USERS, }, [Dataset.EVENTS_ANALYTICS_PLATFORM]: { throughput: 'count(span.duration)', }, }; /** * Given an aggregate and dataset object, will return the corresponding wizard alert type * e.g. {aggregate: 'count()', dataset: 'events'} will yield 'num_errors' * @param template */ export function getAlertTypeFromAggregateDataset({ aggregate, dataset, }: Pick): MetricAlertType { if (dataset === Dataset.EVENTS_ANALYTICS_PLATFORM) { return 'eap_metrics'; } // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message const identifierForDataset = alertTypeIdentifiers[dataset]; const matchingAlertTypeEntry = Object.entries(identifierForDataset).find( ([_alertType, identifier]) => identifier && aggregate.includes(identifier as string) ); const alertType = matchingAlertTypeEntry && (matchingAlertTypeEntry[0] as MetricAlertType); return alertType ? alertType : 'custom_transactions'; }