import {PureComponent} from 'react'; import color from 'color'; import type {TooltipComponentFormatterCallbackParams} from 'echarts'; import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'; import {extrapolatedAreaStyle} from 'sentry/components/alerts/onDemandMetricAlert'; import {AreaChart} from 'sentry/components/charts/areaChart'; import Graphic from 'sentry/components/charts/components/graphic'; import {defaultFormatAxisLabel} from 'sentry/components/charts/components/tooltip'; import type {LineChartSeries} from 'sentry/components/charts/lineChart'; import LineSeries from 'sentry/components/charts/series/lineSeries'; import {DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD} from 'sentry/constants'; import {CHART_PALETTE} from 'sentry/constants/chartPalette'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import type {PageFilters} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {ReactEchartsRef, Series} from 'sentry/types/echarts'; import theme from 'sentry/utils/theme'; import {getAnomalyMarkerSeries} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/utils/anomalyChart'; import type {Anomaly} from 'sentry/views/alerts/types'; import { ALERT_CHART_MIN_MAX_BUFFER, alertAxisFormatter, alertTooltipValueFormatter, isSessionAggregate, shouldScaleAlertChart, } from 'sentry/views/alerts/utils'; import {getChangeStatus} from 'sentry/views/alerts/utils/getChangeStatus'; import type {MetricRule, Trigger} from '../../types'; import {AlertRuleThresholdType, AlertRuleTriggerType} from '../../types'; type DefaultProps = { comparisonData: Series[]; comparisonMarkLines: LineChartSeries[]; data: Series[]; }; type Props = DefaultProps & { aggregate: string; hideThresholdLines: boolean; resolveThreshold: MetricRule['resolveThreshold']; thresholdType: MetricRule['thresholdType']; triggers: Trigger[]; anomalies?: Anomaly[]; comparisonSeriesName?: string; includePrevious?: boolean; isExtrapolatedData?: boolean; maxValue?: number; minValue?: number; minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds?: number; } & Partial; type State = { height: number; width: number; yAxisMax: number | null; yAxisMin: number | null; }; const CHART_GRID = { left: space(2), right: space(2), top: space(4), bottom: space(2), }; // Colors to use for trigger thresholds const COLOR = { RESOLUTION_FILL: color(theme.green200).alpha(0.1).rgb().string(), CRITICAL_FILL: color(theme.red300).alpha(0.25).rgb().string(), WARNING_FILL: color(theme.yellow200).alpha(0.1).rgb().string(), }; /** * This chart displays shaded regions that represent different Trigger thresholds in a * Metric Alert rule. */ export default class ThresholdsChart extends PureComponent { static defaultProps: DefaultProps = { data: [], comparisonData: [], comparisonMarkLines: [], }; state: State = { width: -1, height: -1, yAxisMax: null, yAxisMin: null, }; componentDidMount() { this.handleUpdateChartAxis(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { if ( this.props.triggers !== prevProps.triggers || !== || this.props.comparisonData !== prevProps.comparisonData || this.props.comparisonMarkLines !== prevProps.comparisonMarkLines ) { this.handleUpdateChartAxis(); } } ref: null | ReactEchartsRef = null; // If we have ref to chart and data, try to update chart axis so that // alertThreshold or resolveThreshold is visible in chart handleUpdateChartAxis = () => { const {triggers, resolveThreshold, hideThresholdLines} = this.props; const chartRef = this.ref?.getEchartsInstance?.(); if (hideThresholdLines) { return; } if (chartRef) { const thresholds = [ resolveThreshold || null, => t.alertThreshold || null), ].filter(threshold => threshold !== null); this.updateChartAxis(Math.min(...thresholds), Math.max(...thresholds)); } }; /** * Updates the chart so that yAxis is within bounds of our max value */ updateChartAxis = debounce((minThreshold: number, maxThreshold: number) => { const {minValue, maxValue, aggregate} = this.props; const shouldScale = shouldScaleAlertChart(aggregate); let yAxisMax = shouldScale && maxValue ? this.clampMaxValue(Math.ceil(maxValue * ALERT_CHART_MIN_MAX_BUFFER)) : null; let yAxisMin = shouldScale && minValue ? Math.floor(minValue / ALERT_CHART_MIN_MAX_BUFFER) : 0; if (typeof maxValue === 'number' && maxThreshold > maxValue) { yAxisMax = maxThreshold; } if (typeof minValue === 'number' && minThreshold < minValue) { yAxisMin = Math.floor(minThreshold / ALERT_CHART_MIN_MAX_BUFFER); } // We need to force update after we set a new yAxis min/max because `convertToPixel` // can return a negative position (probably because yAxisMin/yAxisMax is not synced with chart yet) this.setState({yAxisMax, yAxisMin}, this.forceUpdate); }, 150); /** * Syncs component state with the chart's width/heights */ updateDimensions = () => { const chartRef = this.ref?.getEchartsInstance?.(); if (!chartRef || !chartRef.getWidth?.()) { return; } const width = chartRef.getWidth(); const height = chartRef.getHeight(); if (width !== this.state.width || height !== this.state.height) { this.setState({ width, height, }); } }; handleRef = (ref: ReactEchartsRef): void => { // When chart initially renders, we want to update state with its width, as well as initialize starting // locations (on y axis) for the draggable lines if (ref && !this.ref) { this.ref = ref; this.updateDimensions(); this.handleUpdateChartAxis(); } if (!ref) { this.ref = null; } }; /** * Draws the boundary lines and shaded areas for the chart. * * May need to refactor so that they are aware of other trigger thresholds. * * e.g. draw warning from threshold -> critical threshold instead of the entire height of chart */ getThresholdLine = ( trigger: Trigger, type: 'alertThreshold' | 'resolveThreshold', isResolution: boolean ) => { const {thresholdType, resolveThreshold, maxValue, hideThresholdLines} = this.props; const position = type === 'alertThreshold' ? this.getChartPixelForThreshold(trigger[type]) : this.getChartPixelForThreshold(resolveThreshold); const isInverted = thresholdType === AlertRuleThresholdType.BELOW; const chartRef = this.ref?.getEchartsInstance?.(); if ( typeof position !== 'number' || isNaN(position) || !this.state.height || !chartRef || hideThresholdLines ) { return []; } const yAxisPixelPosition = chartRef.convertToPixel( {yAxisIndex: 0}, `${this.state.yAxisMin}` ); const yAxisPosition = typeof yAxisPixelPosition === 'number' ? yAxisPixelPosition : 0; // As the yAxis gets larger we want to start our line/area further to the right // Handle case where the graph max is 1 and includes decimals const yAxisMax = (Math.round(Math.max(maxValue ?? 1, this.state.yAxisMax ?? 1)) * 100) / 100; const yAxisSize = 15 + (yAxisMax <= 1 ? 15 : `${yAxisMax ?? ''}`.length * 8); // Shave off the right margin and yAxisSize from the width to get the actual area we want to render content in const graphAreaWidth = this.state.width - parseInt(CHART_GRID.right.slice(0, -2), 10) - yAxisSize; // Distance from the top of the chart to save for the legend const legendPadding = 20; // Shave off the left margin const graphAreaMargin = 7; const isCritical = trigger.label === AlertRuleTriggerType.CRITICAL; const LINE_STYLE = { stroke: isResolution ? theme.green300 : isCritical ? theme.red300 : theme.yellow300, lineDash: [2], }; return [ // This line is used as a "border" for the shaded region // and represents the threshold value. { type: 'line', // Resolution is considered "off" if it is -1 invisible: position === null, draggable: false, position: [yAxisSize, position], shape: {y1: 1, y2: 1, x1: graphAreaMargin, x2: graphAreaWidth}, style: LINE_STYLE, silent: true, z: 100, }, // Shaded area for incident/resolutions to show user when they can expect to be alerted // (or when they will be considered as resolved) // // Resolution is considered "off" if it is -1 ...(position === null ? [] : [ { type: 'rect', draggable: false, silent: true, position: isResolution === isInverted ? [yAxisSize + graphAreaMargin, legendPadding] : [yAxisSize + graphAreaMargin, position + 1], shape: { width: graphAreaWidth - graphAreaMargin, height: isResolution === isInverted ? position - legendPadding : yAxisPosition - position, }, style: { fill: isResolution ? COLOR.RESOLUTION_FILL : isCritical ? COLOR.CRITICAL_FILL : COLOR.WARNING_FILL, }, // This needs to be below the draggable line z: 100, }, ]), ]; }; getChartPixelForThreshold = (threshold: number | '' | null) => { const chartRef = this.ref?.getEchartsInstance?.(); return ( threshold !== '' && chartRef && chartRef.convertToPixel({yAxisIndex: 0}, `${threshold}`) ); }; clampMaxValue(value: number) { // When we apply top buffer to the crash free percentage (99.7% * 1.03), it // can cross 100%, so we clamp it if (isSessionAggregate(this.props.aggregate) && value > 100) { return 100; } return value; } render() { const { data, triggers, period, aggregate, comparisonData, comparisonSeriesName, comparisonMarkLines, minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds, thresholdType, anomalies = [], } = this.props; const dataWithoutRecentBucket = data?.map(({data: eventData, ...restOfData}) => { if (this.props.isExtrapolatedData) { return { ...restOfData, data: eventData.slice(0, -1), areaStyle: extrapolatedAreaStyle, }; } return { ...restOfData, data: eventData.slice(0, -1), }; }); const comparisonDataWithoutRecentBucket = comparisonData?.map( ({data: eventData, ...restOfData}) => ({ ...restOfData, data: eventData.slice(0, -1), }) ); const chartOptions = { tooltip: { // use the main aggregate for all series (main, min, max, avg, comparison) // to format all values similarly valueFormatter: (value: number) => alertTooltipValueFormatter(value, aggregate, aggregate), formatAxisLabel: ( value: number, isTimestamp: boolean, utc: boolean, showTimeInTooltip: boolean, addSecondsToTimeFormat: boolean, bucketSize: number | undefined, seriesParamsOrParam: TooltipComponentFormatterCallbackParams ) => { const date = defaultFormatAxisLabel( value, isTimestamp, utc, showTimeInTooltip, addSecondsToTimeFormat, bucketSize ); const seriesParams = Array.isArray(seriesParamsOrParam) ? seriesParamsOrParam : [seriesParamsOrParam]; const pointY = // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message (seriesParams.length > 1 ? seriesParams[0]!.data[1] : undefined) as | number | undefined; const comparisonSeries = seriesParams.length > 1 ? seriesParams.find(({seriesName: _sn}) => _sn === comparisonSeriesName) : undefined; // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message const comparisonPointY = comparisonSeries?.data[1] as number | undefined; if ( comparisonPointY === undefined || pointY === undefined || comparisonPointY === 0 ) { return `${date}`; } const changePercentage = ((pointY - comparisonPointY) * 100) / comparisonPointY; const changeStatus = getChangeStatus(changePercentage, thresholdType, triggers); const changeStatusColor = changeStatus === AlertRuleTriggerType.CRITICAL ? theme.red300 : changeStatus === AlertRuleTriggerType.WARNING ? theme.yellow300 : theme.green300; return `${date} ${Math.sign(changePercentage) === 1 ? '+' : '-'}${Math.abs( changePercentage ).toFixed(2)}%`; }, }, yAxis: { min: this.state.yAxisMin ?? undefined, max: this.state.yAxisMax ?? undefined, axisLabel: { formatter: (value: number) => alertAxisFormatter(value, data[0]!.seriesName, aggregate), }, }, }; return ( [ ...this.getThresholdLine(trigger, 'alertThreshold', false), ...this.getThresholdLine(trigger, 'resolveThreshold', true), ]), })} colors={CHART_PALETTE[0]} series={[ ...dataWithoutRecentBucket, ...comparisonMarkLines, ...getAnomalyMarkerSeries(anomalies), ]} additionalSeries={ ({data: _data, ...otherSeriesProps}) => LineSeries({ name: comparisonSeriesName, data:{name, value}) => [name, value]), lineStyle: {color: theme.gray200, type: 'dashed', width: 1}, itemStyle: {color: theme.gray200}, animation: false, animationThreshold: 1, animationDuration: 0, ...otherSeriesProps, }) )} onFinished={() => { // We want to do this whenever the chart finishes re-rendering so that we can update the dimensions of // any graphics related to the triggers (e.g. the threshold areas + boundaries) this.updateDimensions(); }} /> ); } }