import {type ComponentProps, Fragment, PureComponent} from 'react'; import React from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import type {Location} from 'history'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import maxBy from 'lodash/maxBy'; import minBy from 'lodash/minBy'; import {fetchTotalCount} from 'sentry/actionCreators/events'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import ErrorPanel from 'sentry/components/charts/errorPanel'; import EventsRequest, { type EventsRequestProps, } from 'sentry/components/charts/eventsRequest'; import type {LineChartSeries} from 'sentry/components/charts/lineChart'; import {OnDemandMetricRequest} from 'sentry/components/charts/onDemandMetricRequest'; import SessionsRequest from 'sentry/components/charts/sessionsRequest'; import { ChartControls, InlineContainer, SectionHeading, SectionValue, } from 'sentry/components/charts/styles'; import {CompactSelect} from 'sentry/components/compactSelect'; import LoadingMask from 'sentry/components/loadingMask'; import PanelAlert from 'sentry/components/panels/panelAlert'; import Placeholder from 'sentry/components/placeholder'; import {IconWarning} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import type {Series} from 'sentry/types/echarts'; import type { Confidence, EventsStats, MultiSeriesEventsStats, NewQuery, Organization, } from 'sentry/types/organization'; import type {Project} from 'sentry/types/project'; import type {TableData} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery'; import EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import {doDiscoverQuery} from 'sentry/utils/discover/genericDiscoverQuery'; import {DiscoverDatasets} from 'sentry/utils/discover/types'; import {parsePeriodToHours} from 'sentry/utils/duration/parsePeriodToHours'; import {shouldShowOnDemandMetricAlertUI} from 'sentry/utils/onDemandMetrics/features'; import { getCrashFreeRateSeries, MINUTES_THRESHOLD_TO_DISPLAY_SECONDS, } from 'sentry/utils/sessions'; import {capitalize} from 'sentry/utils/string/capitalize'; import {MutableSearch} from 'sentry/utils/tokenizeSearch'; import withApi from 'sentry/utils/withApi'; import {COMPARISON_DELTA_OPTIONS} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/constants'; import {shouldUseErrorsDiscoverDataset} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/utils'; import type {Anomaly} from 'sentry/views/alerts/types'; import {isSessionAggregate, SESSION_AGGREGATE_TO_FIELD} from 'sentry/views/alerts/utils'; import {getComparisonMarkLines} from 'sentry/views/alerts/utils/getComparisonMarkLines'; import {AlertWizardAlertNames} from 'sentry/views/alerts/wizard/options'; import {getAlertTypeFromAggregateDataset} from 'sentry/views/alerts/wizard/utils'; import {ConfidenceFooter} from 'sentry/views/explore/charts/confidenceFooter'; import {showConfidence} from 'sentry/views/explore/utils'; import type {MetricRule, Trigger} from '../../types'; import { AlertRuleComparisonType, Dataset, SessionsAggregate, TimePeriod, TimeWindow, } from '../../types'; import {getMetricDatasetQueryExtras} from '../../utils/getMetricDatasetQueryExtras'; import ThresholdsChart from './thresholdsChart'; type Props = { aggregate: MetricRule['aggregate']; api: Client; comparisonType: AlertRuleComparisonType; dataset: MetricRule['dataset']; environment: string | null; isQueryValid: boolean; location: Location; newAlertOrQuery: boolean; organization: Organization; projects: Project[]; query: MetricRule['query']; resolveThreshold: MetricRule['resolveThreshold']; thresholdType: MetricRule['thresholdType']; timeWindow: MetricRule['timeWindow']; triggers: Trigger[]; anomalies?: Anomaly[]; comparisonDelta?: number; confidence?: Confidence; formattedAggregate?: string; header?: React.ReactNode; includeConfidence?: boolean; includeHistorical?: boolean; isOnDemandMetricAlert?: boolean; isSampled?: boolean | null; onConfidenceDataLoaded?: (data: EventsStats | MultiSeriesEventsStats | null) => void; onDataLoaded?: (data: EventsStats | MultiSeriesEventsStats | null) => void; onHistoricalDataLoaded?: (data: EventsStats | MultiSeriesEventsStats | null) => void; showTotalCount?: boolean; }; type TimePeriodMap = Omit, TimePeriod.TWENTY_EIGHT_DAYS>; const TIME_PERIOD_MAP: TimePeriodMap = { [TimePeriod.SIX_HOURS]: t('Last 6 hours'), [TimePeriod.ONE_DAY]: t('Last 24 hours'), [TimePeriod.THREE_DAYS]: t('Last 3 days'), [TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS]: t('Last 7 days'), [TimePeriod.FOURTEEN_DAYS]: t('Last 14 days'), }; /** * Just to avoid repeating it */ const MOST_TIME_PERIODS: readonly TimePeriod[] = [ TimePeriod.ONE_DAY, TimePeriod.THREE_DAYS, TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS, TimePeriod.FOURTEEN_DAYS, ]; /** * TimeWindow determines data available in TimePeriod * If TimeWindow is small, lower TimePeriod to limit data points */ export const AVAILABLE_TIME_PERIODS: Record = { [TimeWindow.ONE_MINUTE]: [ TimePeriod.SIX_HOURS, TimePeriod.ONE_DAY, TimePeriod.THREE_DAYS, TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS, ], [TimeWindow.FIVE_MINUTES]: MOST_TIME_PERIODS, [TimeWindow.TEN_MINUTES]: MOST_TIME_PERIODS, [TimeWindow.FIFTEEN_MINUTES]: MOST_TIME_PERIODS, [TimeWindow.THIRTY_MINUTES]: MOST_TIME_PERIODS, [TimeWindow.ONE_HOUR]: MOST_TIME_PERIODS, [TimeWindow.TWO_HOURS]: MOST_TIME_PERIODS, [TimeWindow.FOUR_HOURS]: [ TimePeriod.THREE_DAYS, TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS, TimePeriod.FOURTEEN_DAYS, ], [TimeWindow.ONE_DAY]: [TimePeriod.FOURTEEN_DAYS], }; const MOST_EAP_TIME_PERIOD = [ TimePeriod.ONE_DAY, TimePeriod.THREE_DAYS, TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS, ]; const EAP_AVAILABLE_TIME_PERIODS = { [TimeWindow.ONE_MINUTE]: [], // One minute intervals are not allowed on EAP Alerts [TimeWindow.FIVE_MINUTES]: MOST_EAP_TIME_PERIOD, [TimeWindow.TEN_MINUTES]: MOST_EAP_TIME_PERIOD, [TimeWindow.FIFTEEN_MINUTES]: MOST_EAP_TIME_PERIOD, [TimeWindow.THIRTY_MINUTES]: MOST_EAP_TIME_PERIOD, [TimeWindow.ONE_HOUR]: MOST_EAP_TIME_PERIOD, [TimeWindow.TWO_HOURS]: MOST_EAP_TIME_PERIOD, [TimeWindow.FOUR_HOURS]: [TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS], [TimeWindow.ONE_DAY]: [TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS], }; export const TIME_WINDOW_TO_INTERVAL = { [TimeWindow.FIVE_MINUTES]: '5m', [TimeWindow.TEN_MINUTES]: '10m', [TimeWindow.FIFTEEN_MINUTES]: '15m', [TimeWindow.THIRTY_MINUTES]: '30m', [TimeWindow.ONE_HOUR]: '1h', [TimeWindow.TWO_HOURS]: '2h', [TimeWindow.FOUR_HOURS]: '4h', [TimeWindow.ONE_DAY]: '1d', }; const SESSION_AGGREGATE_TO_HEADING = { [SessionsAggregate.CRASH_FREE_SESSIONS]: t('Total Sessions'), [SessionsAggregate.CRASH_FREE_USERS]: t('Total Users'), }; const HISTORICAL_TIME_PERIOD_MAP: TimePeriodMap = { [TimePeriod.SIX_HOURS]: '678h', [TimePeriod.ONE_DAY]: '29d', [TimePeriod.THREE_DAYS]: '31d', [TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS]: '35d', [TimePeriod.FOURTEEN_DAYS]: '42d', }; const HISTORICAL_TIME_PERIOD_MAP_FIVE_MINS: TimePeriodMap = { ...HISTORICAL_TIME_PERIOD_MAP, [TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS]: '28d', // fetching 28 + 7 days of historical data at 5 minute increments exceeds the max number of data points that snuba can return [TimePeriod.FOURTEEN_DAYS]: '28d', // fetching 28 + 14 days of historical data at 5 minute increments exceeds the max number of data points that snuba can return }; const noop: any = () => {}; type State = { extrapolationSampleCount: number | null; sampleRate: number; statsPeriod: TimePeriod; totalCount: number | null; }; const getStatsPeriodFromQuery = ( queryParam: string | string[] | null | undefined ): TimePeriod => { if (typeof queryParam !== 'string') { return TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS; } const inMinutes = parsePeriodToHours(queryParam || '') * 60; switch (inMinutes) { case 6 * 60: return TimePeriod.SIX_HOURS; case 24 * 60: return TimePeriod.ONE_DAY; case 3 * 24 * 60: return TimePeriod.THREE_DAYS; case 9999: return TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS; case 14 * 24 * 60: return TimePeriod.FOURTEEN_DAYS; default: return TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS; } }; /** * This is a chart to be used in Metric Alert rules that fetches events based on * query, timewindow, and aggregations. */ class TriggersChart extends PureComponent { state: State = { statsPeriod: getStatsPeriodFromQuery(this.props.location.query.statsPeriod), totalCount: null, sampleRate: 1, extrapolationSampleCount: null, }; componentDidMount() { const {aggregate, showTotalCount} = this.props; if (showTotalCount && !isSessionAggregate(aggregate)) { this.fetchTotalCount(); } if (this.props.dataset === Dataset.EVENTS_ANALYTICS_PLATFORM) { this.fetchExtrapolationSampleCount(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State) { const {query, environment, timeWindow, aggregate, projects, showTotalCount} = this.props; const {statsPeriod} = this.state; if ( !isEqual(prevProps.projects, projects) || prevProps.environment !== environment || prevProps.query !== query || !isEqual(prevProps.timeWindow, timeWindow) || !isEqual(prevState.statsPeriod, statsPeriod) ) { if (showTotalCount && !isSessionAggregate(aggregate)) { this.fetchTotalCount(); } if (this.props.dataset === Dataset.EVENTS_ANALYTICS_PLATFORM) { this.fetchExtrapolationSampleCount(); } } } // Create new API Client so that historical requests aren't automatically deduplicated historicalAPI = new Client(); confidenceAPI = new Client(); get availableTimePeriods() { // We need to special case sessions, because sub-hour windows are available // only when time period is six hours or less (backend limitation) if (isSessionAggregate(this.props.aggregate)) { return { ...AVAILABLE_TIME_PERIODS, [TimeWindow.THIRTY_MINUTES]: [TimePeriod.SIX_HOURS], }; } if (this.props.dataset === Dataset.EVENTS_ANALYTICS_PLATFORM) { return EAP_AVAILABLE_TIME_PERIODS; } return AVAILABLE_TIME_PERIODS; } handleStatsPeriodChange = (timePeriod: TimePeriod) => { this.setState({statsPeriod: timePeriod}); }; getStatsPeriod = () => { const {statsPeriod} = this.state; const {timeWindow} = this.props; const statsPeriodOptions = this.availableTimePeriods[timeWindow]; const period = statsPeriodOptions.includes(statsPeriod) ? statsPeriod : statsPeriodOptions[statsPeriodOptions.length - 1]; return period; }; get comparisonSeriesName() { return capitalize( COMPARISON_DELTA_OPTIONS.find(({value}) => value === this.props.comparisonDelta) ?.label || '' ); } async fetchTotalCount() { const { api, organization, location, newAlertOrQuery, environment, projects, query, dataset, } = this.props; const statsPeriod = this.getStatsPeriod(); const queryExtras = getMetricDatasetQueryExtras({ organization, location, dataset, newAlertOrQuery, }); let queryDataset = queryExtras.dataset as undefined | DiscoverDatasets; const queryOverride = (queryExtras.query as string | undefined) ?? query; if (shouldUseErrorsDiscoverDataset(query, dataset, organization)) { queryDataset = DiscoverDatasets.ERRORS; } try { const totalCount = await fetchTotalCount(api, organization.slug, { field: [], project:{id}) => id), query: queryOverride, statsPeriod, environment: environment ? [environment] : [], dataset: queryDataset, }); this.setState({totalCount}); } catch (e) { this.setState({totalCount: null}); } } async fetchExtrapolationSampleCount() { const {location, api, organization, environment, projects, query} = this.props; const search = new MutableSearch(query); // Filtering out all spans with op like 'ui.interaction*' which aren't // embedded under transactions. The trace view does not support rendering // such spans yet. search.addFilterValues('!transaction.span_id', ['00']); const discoverQuery: NewQuery = { id: undefined, name: 'Alerts - Extrapolation Meta', fields: ['count_sample()', 'min(sampling_rate)'], query: search.formatString(), version: 2, dataset: DiscoverDatasets.SPANS_EAP_RPC, }; const eventView = EventView.fromNewQueryWithPageFilters(discoverQuery, { datetime: { period: TimePeriod.SEVEN_DAYS, start: null, end: null, utc: false, }, environments: environment ? [environment] : [], projects:{id}) => Number(id)), }); const response = await doDiscoverQuery( api, `/organizations/${organization.slug}/events/`, eventView.getEventsAPIPayload(location) ); const extrapolationSampleCount = response[0]?.data?.[0]?.['count_sample()']; this.setState({ extrapolationSampleCount: extrapolationSampleCount ? Number(extrapolationSampleCount) : null, }); } renderChart({ isLoading, isReloading, timeseriesData = [], comparisonData, comparisonMarkLines, errorMessage, minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds, isQueryValid, errored, orgFeatures, seriesAdditionalInfo, }: { isLoading: boolean; isQueryValid: boolean; isReloading: boolean; orgFeatures: string[]; timeseriesData: Series[]; comparisonData?: Series[]; comparisonMarkLines?: LineChartSeries[]; errorMessage?: string; errored?: boolean; minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds?: number; seriesAdditionalInfo?: Record; }) { const { triggers, resolveThreshold, thresholdType, header, timeWindow, aggregate, comparisonType, organization, showTotalCount, anomalies = [], confidence, dataset, } = this.props; const {statsPeriod, totalCount, extrapolationSampleCount} = this.state; const statsPeriodOptions = this.availableTimePeriods[timeWindow]; const period = this.getStatsPeriod(); const error = orgFeatures.includes('alert-allow-indexed') ? errored || errorMessage : errored || errorMessage || !isQueryValid; const showExtrapolatedChartData = shouldShowOnDemandMetricAlertUI(organization) && seriesAdditionalInfo?.[timeseriesData[0]?.seriesName!]?.isExtrapolatedData; const totalCountLabel = isSessionAggregate(aggregate) ? // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message SESSION_AGGREGATE_TO_HEADING[aggregate] : showExtrapolatedChartData ? t('Estimated Transactions') : t('Total'); return ( {header} {isLoading && !error ? ( ) : error ? ( ) : ( value)?.value} maxValue={maxBy(timeseriesData[0]?.data, ({value}) => value)?.value} data={timeseriesData} comparisonData={comparisonData ?? []} comparisonSeriesName={this.comparisonSeriesName} comparisonMarkLines={comparisonMarkLines ?? []} hideThresholdLines={comparisonType !== AlertRuleComparisonType.COUNT} triggers={triggers} anomalies={anomalies} resolveThreshold={resolveThreshold} thresholdType={thresholdType} aggregate={aggregate} minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds={minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds} isExtrapolatedData={showExtrapolatedChartData} /> )} {showTotalCount ? ( {dataset === Dataset.EVENTS_ANALYTICS_PLATFORM && showConfidence(this.props.isSampled) ? ( ) : ( {totalCountLabel} {totalCount === null ? '\u2014' : totalCount.toLocaleString()} )} ) : ( )} ({ value: timePeriod, // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message label: TIME_PERIOD_MAP[timePeriod], }))} value={period} onChange={opt => this.handleStatsPeriodChange(opt.value)} position="bottom-end" triggerProps={{ borderless: true, prefix: t('Display'), }} /> ); } render() { const { api, organization, projects, timeWindow, query, location, aggregate, dataset, newAlertOrQuery, onDataLoaded, onHistoricalDataLoaded, environment, formattedAggregate, comparisonDelta, triggers, thresholdType, isQueryValid, isOnDemandMetricAlert, onConfidenceDataLoaded, } = this.props; const period = this.getStatsPeriod()!; const renderComparisonStats = Boolean( organization.features.includes('change-alerts') && comparisonDelta ); const queryExtras = getMetricDatasetQueryExtras({ organization, location, dataset, query, newAlertOrQuery, }); if (isOnDemandMetricAlert) { const {sampleRate} = this.state; const baseProps: EventsRequestProps = { api, organization, query, queryExtras, sampleRate, period, environment: environment ? [environment] : undefined, project:{id}) => Number(id)), interval: `${timeWindow}m`, comparisonDelta: comparisonDelta ? comparisonDelta * 60 : undefined, yAxis: aggregate, includePrevious: false, currentSeriesNames: [formattedAggregate || aggregate], partial: false, limit: 15, children: noop, }; return ( {this.props.includeHistorical ? ( ) : null} {({ loading, errored, errorMessage, reloading, timeseriesData, comparisonTimeseriesData, seriesAdditionalInfo, }) => { let comparisonMarkLines: LineChartSeries[] = []; if (renderComparisonStats && comparisonTimeseriesData) { comparisonMarkLines = getComparisonMarkLines( timeseriesData, comparisonTimeseriesData, timeWindow, triggers, thresholdType ); } return this.renderChart({ timeseriesData: timeseriesData as Series[], isLoading: loading, isReloading: reloading, comparisonData: comparisonTimeseriesData, comparisonMarkLines, errorMessage, isQueryValid, errored, orgFeatures: organization.features, seriesAdditionalInfo, }); }} ); } if (isSessionAggregate(aggregate)) { const baseProps: ComponentProps = { api, organization, project:{id}) => Number(id)), environment: environment ? [environment] : undefined, statsPeriod: period, query, // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message interval: TIME_WINDOW_TO_INTERVAL[timeWindow], // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message field: SESSION_AGGREGATE_TO_FIELD[aggregate], groupBy: ['session.status'], children: noop, }; return ( {({loading, errored, reloading, response}) => { const {groups, intervals} = response || {}; const sessionTimeSeries = [ { seriesName: AlertWizardAlertNames[ getAlertTypeFromAggregateDataset({ aggregate, dataset: Dataset.SESSIONS, }) ], data: getCrashFreeRateSeries( groups, intervals, // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message SESSION_AGGREGATE_TO_FIELD[aggregate] ), }, ]; return this.renderChart({ timeseriesData: sessionTimeSeries, isLoading: loading, isReloading: reloading, comparisonData: undefined, comparisonMarkLines: undefined, minutesThresholdToDisplaySeconds: MINUTES_THRESHOLD_TO_DISPLAY_SECONDS, isQueryValid, errored, orgFeatures: organization.features, }); }} ); } const useRpc = dataset === Dataset.EVENTS_ANALYTICS_PLATFORM; const baseProps = { api, organization, query, period, queryExtras, environment: environment ? [environment] : undefined, project:{id}) => Number(id)), interval: `${timeWindow}m`, comparisonDelta: comparisonDelta ? comparisonDelta * 60 : undefined, yAxis: aggregate, includePrevious: false, currentSeriesNames: [formattedAggregate || aggregate], partial: false, useRpc, }; return ( {this.props.includeHistorical ? ( {noop} ) : null} {this.props.includeConfidence ? ( {noop} ) : null} {({ loading, errored, errorMessage, reloading, timeseriesData, comparisonTimeseriesData, }) => { let comparisonMarkLines: LineChartSeries[] = []; if (renderComparisonStats && comparisonTimeseriesData) { comparisonMarkLines = getComparisonMarkLines( timeseriesData, comparisonTimeseriesData, timeWindow, triggers, thresholdType ); } return this.renderChart({ timeseriesData: timeseriesData as Series[], isLoading: loading, isReloading: reloading, comparisonData: comparisonTimeseriesData, comparisonMarkLines, errorMessage, isQueryValid, errored, orgFeatures: organization.features, }); }} ); } } export default withApi(TriggersChart); const TransparentLoadingMask = styled(LoadingMask)<{visible: boolean}>` ${p => !p.visible && 'display: none;'}; opacity: 0.4; z-index: 1; `; const ChartPlaceholder = styled(Placeholder)` /* Height and margin should add up to graph size (200px) */ margin: 0 0 ${space(2)}; height: 184px; `; const StyledErrorPanel = styled(ErrorPanel)` /* Height and margin should with the alert should match up placeholder height of (184px) */ padding: ${space(2)}; height: 119px; `; const ChartErrorWrapper = styled('div')` margin-top: ${space(2)}; `; export function ErrorChart({isAllowIndexed, isQueryValid, errorMessage, ...props}: any) { return ( {!isAllowIndexed && !isQueryValid ? t('Your filter conditions contain an unsupported field - please review.') : typeof errorMessage === 'string' ? errorMessage : t('An error occurred while fetching data')} ); }