link: (
, sentryCode:
configurations: [
language: 'url',
code: params.dsn,
additionalInfo: (
{t("And that's it! Now Sentry can capture errors automatically.")}
{tct('If you like additional contexts you could enable [link:Screenshots].', { link: ({t( "Confirm the URL doesn't have a trailing whitespace at the end. The Unity Package Manager will fail to find the package if a trailing whitespace is appended." )}
{tct( "If you're running into any kind of issue please check out our [troubleshootingLink:troubleshooting page] or [raiseAnIssueLink:raise an issue].", { troubleshootingLink: (
configure: () => [
type: StepType.CONFIGURE,
description: t(
'Once the SDK is installed or updated, you can enable the experimental metrics feature and code locations being emitted in your RuntimeConfiguration.'
configurations: [
language: 'csharp',
code: getMetricsConfigureSnippet(),
verify: () => [
type: StepType.VERIFY,
description: tct(
"Then you'll be able to add metrics as [codeCounters:counters], [codeSets:sets], [codeDistribution:distributions], [codeGauge:gauges], and [codeTimings:timings]. Try out this example:",
configurations: [
code: [
label: 'Counter',
value: 'counter',
language: 'csharp',
code: exampleSnippets.dotnet.counter,
label: 'Distribution',
value: 'distribution',
language: 'csharp',
code: exampleSnippets.dotnet.distribution,
label: 'Set',
value: 'set',
language: 'csharp',
code: exampleSnippets.dotnet.set,
label: 'Gauge',
value: 'gauge',
language: 'csharp',
code: exampleSnippets.dotnet.gauge,
description: t(
'With a bit of delay you can see the data appear in the Sentry UI.'
description: tct(
'Learn more about metrics and how to configure them, by reading the [docsLink:docs].',
docsLink: (