import {Query} from 'history'; import {addErrorMessage} from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import {normalizeDateTimeParams} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/parse'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import AlertStore from 'sentry/stores/alertStore'; import TagStore from 'sentry/stores/tagStore'; import {PageFilters, Tag} from 'sentry/types'; const MAX_TAGS = 1000; function tagFetchSuccess(tags: Tag[] | undefined) { // We occasionally get undefined passed in when APIs are having a bad time. tags = tags || []; const trimmedTags = tags.slice(0, MAX_TAGS); if (tags.length > MAX_TAGS) { AlertStore.addAlert({ message: t('You have too many unique tags and some have been truncated'), type: 'warning', }); } TagStore.loadTagsSuccess(trimmedTags); } /** * Load an organization's tags based on a global selection value. */ export function loadOrganizationTags( api: Client, orgSlug: string, selection: PageFilters ): Promise { TagStore.reset(); const query: Query = selection.datetime ? {...normalizeDateTimeParams(selection.datetime)} : {}; query.use_cache = '1'; if (selection.projects) { query.project =; } return api .requestPromise(`/organizations/${orgSlug}/tags/`, { method: 'GET', query, }) .then(tagFetchSuccess) .catch(() => { addErrorMessage(t('Unable to load tags')); }); } /** * Fetch tags for an organization or a subset or projects. */ export function fetchOrganizationTags( api: Client, orgId: string, projectIds: string[] | null = null ) { TagStore.reset(); const url = `/organizations/${orgId}/tags/`; const query: Query = {use_cache: '1'}; if (projectIds) { query.project = projectIds; } const promise = api.requestPromise(url, { method: 'GET', query, }); promise.then(tagFetchSuccess); return promise; } /** * Fetch tag values for an organization. * The `projectIds` argument can be used to subset projects. */ export function fetchTagValues({ api, orgSlug, tagKey, endpointParams, includeReplays, includeSessions, includeTransactions, projectIds, search, sort, }: { api: Client; orgSlug: string; tagKey: string; endpointParams?: Query; includeReplays?: boolean; includeSessions?: boolean; includeTransactions?: boolean; projectIds?: string[]; search?: string; sort?: string; }) { const url = `/organizations/${orgSlug}/tags/${tagKey}/values/`; const query: Query = {}; if (search) { query.query = search; } if (projectIds) { query.project = projectIds; } if (endpointParams) { if (endpointParams.start) { query.start = endpointParams.start; } if (endpointParams.end) { query.end = endpointParams.end; } if (endpointParams.statsPeriod) { query.statsPeriod = endpointParams.statsPeriod; } } if (includeTransactions) { query.includeTransactions = '1'; } if (includeSessions) { query.includeSessions = '1'; } if (includeReplays) { query.includeReplays = '1'; } if (sort) { query.sort = sort; } return api.requestPromise(url, { method: 'GET', query, }); }