import {OrganizationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/organization'; import type {RawSpanType} from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/types'; import {EntryType, type Event} from 'sentry/types'; import type { TraceFullDetailed, TraceSplitResults, } from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/types'; import { type VirtualizedList, VirtualizedViewManager, } from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceRenderers/virtualizedViewManager'; import {TraceTree} from '../traceModels/traceTree'; function makeEvent(overrides: Partial = {}, spans: RawSpanType[] = []): Event { return { entries: [{type: EntryType.SPANS, data: spans}], ...overrides, } as Event; } function makeTrace( overrides: Partial> ): TraceSplitResults { return { transactions: [], orphan_errors: [], ...overrides, } as TraceSplitResults; } function makeTransaction(overrides: Partial = {}): TraceFullDetailed { return { children: [], start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 1, transaction: 'transaction', 'transaction.op': '', 'transaction.status': '', errors: [], performance_issues: [], ...overrides, } as TraceFullDetailed; } function makeSpan(overrides: Partial = {}): RawSpanType { return { op: '', description: '', span_id: '', start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 10, ...overrides, } as RawSpanType; } function makeParentAutogroupSpans(): RawSpanType[] { return [ makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: 'head_span'}), makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: 'middle_span', parent_span_id: 'head_span', }), makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: 'tail_span', parent_span_id: 'middle_span', }), ]; } function makeSiblingAutogroupedSpans(): RawSpanType[] { return [ makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: 'first_span'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: 'middle_span'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: 'other_middle_span'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: 'another_middle_span'}), makeSpan({description: 'span', op: 'db', span_id: 'last_span'}), ]; } function makeSingleTransactionTree(): TraceTree { return TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ transaction: 'transaction', project_slug: 'project', event_id: 'event_id', }), ], }) ); } function makeList(): VirtualizedList { return { scrollToRow: jest.fn(), } as unknown as VirtualizedList; } const EVENT_REQUEST_URL = '/organizations/org-slug/events/project:event_id/?averageColumn=span.self_time&averageColumn=span.duration'; describe('VirtualizedViewManger', () => { it('initializes space', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0.5}, span_list: {width: 0.5}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([10_000, 0, 1000, 1]); expect(manager.trace_space.serialize()).toEqual([0, 0, 1000, 1]); expect(manager.trace_view.serialize()).toEqual([0, 0, 1000, 1]); }); it('initializes physical space', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0.5}, span_list: {width: 0.5}, }); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); expect(manager.container_physical_space.serialize()).toEqual([0, 0, 1000, 1]); expect(manager.trace_physical_space.serialize()).toEqual([0, 0, 500, 1]); }); describe('computeSpanCSSMatrixTransform', () => { it('enforces min scaling', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([0, 0, 1000, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); expect(manager.computeSpanCSSMatrixTransform([0, 0.1])).toEqual([ 0.001, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, ]); }); it('computes width scaling correctly', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([0, 0, 100, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); expect(manager.computeSpanCSSMatrixTransform([0, 100])).toEqual([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]); }); it('computes x position correctly', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([0, 0, 1000, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); expect(manager.computeSpanCSSMatrixTransform([50, 1000])).toEqual([ 1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 0, ]); }); it('computes span x position correctly', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([0, 0, 1000, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); expect(manager.computeSpanCSSMatrixTransform([50, 1000])).toEqual([ 1, 0, 0, 1, 50, 0, ]); }); describe('when start is not 0', () => { it('computes width scaling correctly', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([100, 0, 100, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); expect(manager.computeSpanCSSMatrixTransform([100, 100])).toEqual([ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, ]); }); it('computes x position correctly when view is offset', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([100, 0, 100, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); expect(manager.computeSpanCSSMatrixTransform([100, 100])).toEqual([ 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, ]); }); }); }); describe('computeTransformXFromTimestamp', () => { it('computes x position correctly', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([0, 0, 1000, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); expect(manager.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(50)).toEqual(50); }); it('computes x position correctly when view is offset', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([50, 0, 1000, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); manager.trace_view.x = 50; expect(manager.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(-50)).toEqual(-150); }); it('when view is offset and scaled', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([50, 0, 100, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); manager.trace_view.width = 50; manager.trace_view.x = 50; expect(Math.round(manager.computeTransformXFromTimestamp(75))).toEqual(-250); }); }); describe('getConfigSpaceCursor', () => { it('returns the correct x position', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([0, 0, 100, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); expect(manager.getConfigSpaceCursor({x: 500, y: 0})).toEqual([50, 0]); }); it('returns the correct x position when view scaled', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([0, 0, 100, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); manager.trace_view.x = 50; manager.trace_view.width = 50; expect(manager.getConfigSpaceCursor({x: 500, y: 0})).toEqual([75, 0]); }); it('returns the correct x position when view is offset', () => { const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0}, span_list: {width: 1}, }); manager.initializeTraceSpace([0, 0, 100, 1]); manager.initializePhysicalSpace(1000, 1); manager.trace_view.x = 50; expect(manager.getConfigSpaceCursor({x: 500, y: 0})).toEqual([100, 0]); }); }); describe('expandToPath', () => { const organization = OrganizationFixture(); const api = new MockApiClient(); const manager = new VirtualizedViewManager({ list: {width: 0.5}, span_list: {width: 0.5}, }); it('scrolls to root node', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [makeTransaction()], orphan_errors: [], }) ); manager.list = makeList(); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath(tree, tree.list[0].path, () => void 0, { api: api, organization, }); expect(result?.node).toBe(tree.list[0]); }); it('scrolls to transaction', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction(), makeTransaction({ event_id: 'event_id', children: [], }), ], }) ); manager.list = makeList(); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath(tree, ['txn-event_id'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, }); expect(result?.node).toBe(tree.list[2]); }); it('scrolls to nested transaction', async () => { const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ event_id: 'root', children: [ makeTransaction({ event_id: 'child', children: [ makeTransaction({ event_id: 'event_id', children: [], }), ], }), ], }), ], }) ); manager.list = makeList(); expect(tree.list[tree.list.length - 1].path).toEqual([ 'txn-event_id', 'txn-child', 'txn-root', ]); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath( tree, ['txn-event_id', 'txn-child', 'txn-root'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, } ); expect(result?.node).toBe(tree.list[tree.list.length - 1]); }); it('scrolls to spans of expanded transaction', async () => { manager.list = makeList(); const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ event_id: 'event_id', project_slug: 'project', children: [], }), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent(undefined, [makeSpan({span_id: 'span_id'})]), }); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath( tree, ['span-span_id', 'txn-event_id'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, } ); expect(tree.list[1].zoomedIn).toBe(true); expect(result?.node).toBe(tree.list[2]); }); it('scrolls to empty data node of expanded transaction', async () => { manager.list = makeList(); const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ event_id: 'event_id', project_slug: 'project', children: [], }), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent(undefined, []), }); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath( tree, ['empty-node', 'txn-event_id'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, } ); expect(tree.list[1].zoomedIn).toBe(true); expect(result?.node).toBe(tree.list[2]); }); it('scrolls to span -> transaction -> span -> transaction', async () => { manager.list = makeList(); const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [ makeTransaction({ event_id: 'event_id', project_slug: 'project_slug', children: [ makeTransaction({ parent_span_id: 'child_span', event_id: 'child_event_id', project_slug: 'project_slug', }), ], }), ], }) ); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent(undefined, [ makeSpan({span_id: 'other_child_span'}), makeSpan({span_id: 'child_span'}), ]), }); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: '/organizations/org-slug/events/project_slug:child_event_id/?averageColumn=span.self_time&averageColumn=span.duration', method: 'GET', body: makeEvent(undefined, [makeSpan({span_id: 'other_child_span'})]), }); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath( tree, ['span-other_child_span', 'txn-child_event_id', 'txn-event_id'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, } ); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }); describe('scrolls to directly autogrouped node', () => { for (const headOrTailId of ['head_span', 'tail_span']) { it('scrolls to directly autogrouped node head', async () => { manager.list = makeList(); const tree = makeSingleTransactionTree(); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, makeParentAutogroupSpans()), }); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath( tree, [`ag-${headOrTailId}`, 'txn-event_id'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, } ); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }); } for (const headOrTailId of ['head_span', 'tail_span']) { it('scrolls to child of autogrouped node head or tail', async () => { manager.list = makeList(); const tree = makeSingleTransactionTree(); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, makeParentAutogroupSpans()), }); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath( tree, ['span-middle_span', `ag-${headOrTailId}`, 'txn-event_id'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, } ); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }); } }); describe('sibling autogrouping', () => { it('scrolls to child span of sibling autogrouped node', async () => { manager.list = makeList(); const tree = makeSingleTransactionTree(); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, makeSiblingAutogroupedSpans()), }); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath( tree, ['span-middle_span', `ag-first_span`, 'txn-event_id'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, } ); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('missing instrumentation', () => { it('scrolls to missing instrumentation via previous span_id', async () => { manager.list = makeList(); const tree = makeSingleTransactionTree(); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [ makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 0.5, span_id: 'first_span', }), makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', start_timestamp: 0.7, timestamp: 1, span_id: 'middle_span', }), ]), }); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath( tree, ['ms-first_span', 'txn-event_id'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, } ); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }); it('scrolls to missing instrumentation via next span_id', async () => { manager.list = makeList(); const tree = makeSingleTransactionTree(); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, [ makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', start_timestamp: 0, timestamp: 0.5, span_id: 'first_span', }), makeSpan({ description: 'span', op: 'db', start_timestamp: 0.7, timestamp: 1, span_id: 'second_span', }), ]), }); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath( tree, ['ms-second_span', 'txn-event_id'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, } ); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }); }); it('scrolls to orphan error', async () => { manager.list = makeList(); const tree = TraceTree.FromTrace( makeTrace({ transactions: [makeTransaction()], orphan_errors: [ { event_id: 'ded', project_slug: 'project_slug', project_id: 1, issue: 'whoa rusty', issue_id: 0, span: '', level: 'error', title: 'ded fo good', timestamp: 1, }, ], }) ); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath(tree, ['error-ded'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, }); expect(result?.node).toBe(tree.list[2]); }); describe('error handling', () => { it('scrolls to child span of sibling autogrouped node when path is missing autogrouped node', async () => { manager.list = makeList(); const tree = makeSingleTransactionTree(); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, makeSiblingAutogroupedSpans()), }); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath( tree, ['span-middle_span', 'txn-event_id'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, } ); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }); it('scrolls to child span of parent autogrouped node when path is missing autogrouped node', async () => { manager.list = makeList(); const tree = makeSingleTransactionTree(); MockApiClient.addMockResponse({ url: EVENT_REQUEST_URL, method: 'GET', body: makeEvent({}, makeParentAutogroupSpans()), }); const result = await TraceTree.ExpandToPath( tree, ['span-middle_span', 'txn-event_id'], () => void 0, { api: api, organization, } ); expect(result).toBeTruthy(); }); }); }); });