#!/usr/bin/env sentry exec from __future__ import annotations from sentry.utils.silo.add_silo_decorators import add_silo_decorators from sentry.utils.silo.common import Keywords """ Instructions for use: 1. Commit or stash any Git changes in progress. 2. Add keywords to identify model and api classes in each silo. 3. From the Sentry project root, do ./scripts/silo/audit_silo_decorators.py | ./scripts/silo/add_silo_decorators.py 4. Do `git status` or `git diff` to observe the results. Commit if you're happy. """ SILO_KEYWORDS = { "control": Keywords( include_words=["User", "Auth", "Identity"], ), "region": Keywords( include_words=["Organization", "Project", "Team", "Group", "Event", "Issue"], exclude_words=["JiraIssue"], ), } if __name__ == "__main__": add_silo_decorators(silo_keywords=SILO_KEYWORDS)