import {Component} from 'react'; import {browserHistory, RouteComponentProps} from 'react-router'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {withProfiler} from '@sentry/react'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import {Location} from 'history'; import Cookies from 'js-cookie'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import mapValues from 'lodash/mapValues'; import omit from 'lodash/omit'; import pickBy from 'lodash/pickBy'; import * as qs from 'query-string'; import {addMessage} from 'sentry/actionCreators/indicator'; import {fetchOrgMembers, indexMembersByProject} from 'sentry/actionCreators/members'; import { deleteSavedSearch, fetchSavedSearches, resetSavedSearches, } from 'sentry/actionCreators/savedSearches'; import {fetchTagValues, loadOrganizationTags} from 'sentry/actionCreators/tags'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator'; import {extractSelectionParameters} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/utils'; import Pagination, {CursorHandler} from 'sentry/components/pagination'; import {Panel, PanelBody} from 'sentry/components/panels'; import QueryCount from 'sentry/components/queryCount'; import ProcessingIssueList from 'sentry/components/stream/processingIssueList'; import {DEFAULT_QUERY, DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD} from 'sentry/constants'; import {t, tct, tn} from 'sentry/locale'; import GroupStore from 'sentry/stores/groupStore'; import {PageContent} from 'sentry/styles/organization'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import { BaseGroup, Group, IssueCategory, Organization, PageFilters, SavedSearch, TagCollection, } from 'sentry/types'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent from 'sentry/utils/analytics/trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent'; import CursorPoller from 'sentry/utils/cursorPoller'; import {getUtcDateString} from 'sentry/utils/dates'; import getCurrentSentryReactTransaction from 'sentry/utils/getCurrentSentryReactTransaction'; import parseApiError from 'sentry/utils/parseApiError'; import parseLinkHeader from 'sentry/utils/parseLinkHeader'; import {VisuallyCompleteWithData} from 'sentry/utils/performanceForSentry'; import {decodeScalar} from 'sentry/utils/queryString'; import withRouteAnalytics, { WithRouteAnalyticsProps, } from 'sentry/utils/routeAnalytics/withRouteAnalytics'; import withApi from 'sentry/utils/withApi'; import withIssueTags from 'sentry/utils/withIssueTags'; import withOrganization from 'sentry/utils/withOrganization'; import withPageFilters from 'sentry/utils/withPageFilters'; import withSavedSearches from 'sentry/utils/withSavedSearches'; import SavedIssueSearches from 'sentry/views/issueList/savedIssueSearches'; import IssueListActions from './actions'; import IssueListFilters from './filters'; import GroupListBody from './groupListBody'; import IssueListHeader from './header'; import { getTabs, getTabsWithCounts, isForReviewQuery, IssueSortOptions, Query, QueryCounts, TAB_MAX_COUNT, } from './utils'; const MAX_ITEMS = 25; const DEFAULT_SORT = IssueSortOptions.DATE; // the default period for the graph in each issue row const DEFAULT_GRAPH_STATS_PERIOD = '24h'; // the allowed period choices for graph in each issue row const DYNAMIC_COUNTS_STATS_PERIODS = new Set(['14d', '24h', 'auto']); const MAX_ISSUES_COUNT = 100; type Params = { orgId: string; }; type Props = { api: Client; location: Location; organization: Organization; params: Params; savedSearch: SavedSearch; savedSearchLoading: boolean; savedSearches: SavedSearch[]; selection: PageFilters; tags: TagCollection; } & RouteComponentProps<{searchId?: string}, {}> & WithRouteAnalyticsProps; type State = { actionTaken: boolean; actionTakenGroupData: Group[]; error: string | null; // TODO(Kelly): remove forReview once issue-list-removal-action feature is stable forReview: boolean; groupIds: string[]; isSavedSearchesOpen: boolean; issuesLoading: boolean; itemsRemoved: number; memberList: ReturnType; pageLinks: string; /** * Current query total */ queryCount: number; /** * Counts for each inbox tab */ queryCounts: QueryCounts; queryMaxCount: number; realtimeActive: boolean; // TODO(Kelly): remove reviewedIds once issue-list-removal-action feature is stable reviewedIds: string[]; selectAllActive: boolean; undo: boolean; // Will be set to true if there is valid session data from issue-stats api call query?: string; }; type EndpointParams = Partial & { environment: string[]; project: number[]; cursor?: string; groupStatsPeriod?: string | null; page?: number | string; query?: string; sort?: string; statsPeriod?: string | null; }; type CountsEndpointParams = Omit & { query: string[]; }; type StatEndpointParams = Omit & { groups: string[]; expand?: string | string[]; }; class IssueListOverview extends Component { state: State = this.getInitialState(); getInitialState() { const realtimeActiveCookie = Cookies.get('realtimeActive'); const realtimeActive = typeof realtimeActiveCookie === 'undefined' ? false : realtimeActiveCookie === 'true'; return { groupIds: [], // TODO(Kelly): remove reviewedIds and forReview once issue-list-removal-action feature is stable reviewedIds: [], actionTaken: false, actionTakenGroupData: [], forReview: false, undo: false, selectAllActive: false, realtimeActive, pageLinks: '', itemsRemoved: 0, queryCount: 0, queryCounts: {}, queryMaxCount: 0, error: null, isSavedSearchesOpen: false, issuesLoading: true, memberList: {}, }; } componentDidMount() { this._poller = new CursorPoller({ linkPreviousHref: parseLinkHeader(this.state.pageLinks)?.previous?.href, success: this.onRealtimePoll, }); // Start by getting searches first so if the user is on a saved search // or they have a pinned search we load the correct data the first time. // But if searches are already there, we can go right to fetching issues if (this.props.savedSearchLoading) { this.fetchSavedSearches(); } else { this.fetchData(); } this.fetchTags(); this.fetchMemberList(); // let custom analytics take control this.props.setDisableRouteAnalytics?.(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State) { if (prevState.realtimeActive !== this.state.realtimeActive) { // User toggled realtime button if (this.state.realtimeActive) { this.resumePolling(); } else { this._poller.disable(); } } // If the project selection has changed reload the member list and tag keys // allowing autocomplete and tag sidebar to be more accurate. if (!isEqual(prevProps.selection.projects, this.props.selection.projects)) { this.fetchMemberList(); this.fetchTags(); } // TODO(Kelly): remove once issue-list-removal-action feature is stable if (!this.props.organization.features.includes('issue-list-removal-action')) { if (prevState.forReview !== this.state.forReview) { this.fetchData(); } } // Wait for saved searches to load before we attempt to fetch stream data if (this.props.savedSearchLoading) { return; } if (prevProps.savedSearchLoading) { this.fetchData(); return; } const prevQuery = prevProps.location.query; const newQuery = this.props.location.query; const selectionChanged = !isEqual(prevProps.selection, this.props.selection); // If any important url parameter changed or saved search changed // reload data. if ( selectionChanged || prevQuery.cursor !== newQuery.cursor || prevQuery.sort !== newQuery.sort || prevQuery.query !== newQuery.query || prevQuery.statsPeriod !== newQuery.statsPeriod || prevQuery.groupStatsPeriod !== newQuery.groupStatsPeriod || prevProps.savedSearch !== this.props.savedSearch ) { this.fetchData(selectionChanged); } else if ( !this._lastRequest && prevState.issuesLoading === false && this.state.issuesLoading ) { // Reload if we issues are loading or their loading state changed. // This can happen when transitionTo is called this.fetchData(); } } componentWillUnmount() { this._poller.disable(); GroupStore.reset(); this.props.api.clear(); this.listener?.(); // Reset store when unmounting because we always fetch on mount // This means if you navigate away from stream and then back to stream, // this component will go from: // "ready" -> // "loading" (because fetching saved searches) -> // "ready" // // We don't render anything until saved searches is ready, so this can // cause weird side effects (e.g. ProcessingIssueList mounting and making // a request, but immediately unmounting when fetching saved searches) resetSavedSearches(); } private _poller: any; private _lastRequest: any; private _lastStatsRequest: any; private _lastFetchCountsRequest: any; getQuery(): string { const {savedSearch, location} = this.props; if (savedSearch) { return savedSearch.query; } const {query} = location.query; if (query !== undefined) { return decodeScalar(query, ''); } return DEFAULT_QUERY; } getSort(): string { const {location, savedSearch} = this.props; if (!location.query.sort && savedSearch?.id) { return savedSearch.sort; } if (location.query.sort) { return location.query.sort as string; } return DEFAULT_SORT; } getGroupStatsPeriod(): string { let currentPeriod: string; if (typeof this.props.location.query?.groupStatsPeriod === 'string') { currentPeriod = this.props.location.query.groupStatsPeriod; } else if (this.getSort() === IssueSortOptions.TREND) { // Default to the larger graph when sorting by relative change currentPeriod = 'auto'; } else { currentPeriod = DEFAULT_GRAPH_STATS_PERIOD; } return DYNAMIC_COUNTS_STATS_PERIODS.has(currentPeriod) ? currentPeriod : DEFAULT_GRAPH_STATS_PERIOD; } getEndpointParams = (): EndpointParams => { const {selection} = this.props; const params: EndpointParams = { project: selection.projects, environment: selection.environments, query: this.getQuery(), ...selection.datetime, }; if (selection.datetime.period) { delete params.period; params.statsPeriod = selection.datetime.period; } if (params.end) { params.end = getUtcDateString(params.end); } if (params.start) { params.start = getUtcDateString(params.start); } const sort = this.getSort(); if (sort !== DEFAULT_SORT) { params.sort = sort; } const groupStatsPeriod = this.getGroupStatsPeriod(); if (groupStatsPeriod !== DEFAULT_GRAPH_STATS_PERIOD) { params.groupStatsPeriod = groupStatsPeriod; } // only include defined values. return pickBy(params, v => defined(v)) as EndpointParams; }; getSelectedProjectIds = (): string[] => { return => String(projectId)); }; fetchMemberList() { const projectIds = this.getSelectedProjectIds(); fetchOrgMembers(this.props.api, this.props.organization.slug, projectIds).then( members => { this.setState({memberList: indexMembersByProject(members)}); } ); } fetchTags() { const {api, organization, selection} = this.props; loadOrganizationTags(api, organization.slug, selection); } fetchSavedSearches() { const {organization, api} = this.props; if (!organization.features.includes('issue-list-saved-searches-v2')) { fetchSavedSearches(api, organization.slug); } } fetchStats = (groups: string[]) => { // If we have no groups to fetch, just skip stats if (!groups.length) { return; } const requestParams: StatEndpointParams = { ...this.getEndpointParams(), groups, }; // If no stats period values are set, use default if (!requestParams.statsPeriod && !requestParams.start) { requestParams.statsPeriod = DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD; } this._lastStatsRequest = this.props.api.request(this.groupStatsEndpoint, { method: 'GET', data: qs.stringify(requestParams), success: data => { if (!data) { return; } GroupStore.onPopulateStats(groups, data); }, error: err => { this.setState({ error: parseApiError(err), }); }, complete: () => { this._lastStatsRequest = null; // End navigation transaction to prevent additional page requests from impacting page metrics. // Other transactions include stacktrace preview request const currentTransaction = Sentry.getCurrentHub().getScope()?.getTransaction(); if (currentTransaction?.op === 'navigation') { currentTransaction.finish(); } }, }); }; fetchCounts = (currentQueryCount: number, fetchAllCounts: boolean) => { const {organization} = this.props; const {queryCounts: _queryCounts} = this.state; let queryCounts: QueryCounts = {..._queryCounts}; const endpointParams = this.getEndpointParams(); const tabQueriesWithCounts = getTabsWithCounts(organization); const currentTabQuery = tabQueriesWithCounts.includes(endpointParams.query as Query) ? endpointParams.query : null; // Update the count based on the exact number of issues, these shown as is if (currentTabQuery) { queryCounts[currentTabQuery] = { count: currentQueryCount, hasMore: false, }; } this.setState({queryCounts}); // If all tabs' counts are fetched, skip and only set if ( fetchAllCounts || !tabQueriesWithCounts.every(tabQuery => queryCounts[tabQuery] !== undefined) ) { const requestParams: CountsEndpointParams = { ...omit(endpointParams, 'query'), // fetch the counts for the tabs whose counts haven't been fetched yet query: tabQueriesWithCounts.filter(_query => _query !== currentTabQuery), }; // If no stats period values are set, use default if (!requestParams.statsPeriod && !requestParams.start) { requestParams.statsPeriod = DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD; } this._lastFetchCountsRequest = this.props.api.request(this.groupCountsEndpoint, { method: 'GET', data: qs.stringify(requestParams), success: data => { if (!data) { return; } // Counts coming from the counts endpoint is limited to 100, for >= 100 we display 99+ queryCounts = { ...queryCounts, ...mapValues(data, (count: number) => ({ count, hasMore: count > TAB_MAX_COUNT, })), }; }, error: () => { this.setState({queryCounts: {}}); }, complete: () => { this._lastFetchCountsRequest = null; this.setState({queryCounts}); }, }); } }; fetchData = (fetchAllCounts = false) => { const {organization} = this.props; const query = this.getQuery(); const hasIssueListRemovalAction = organization.features.includes( 'issue-list-removal-action' ); // TODO(Kelly): update once issue-list-removal-action feature is stable if (hasIssueListRemovalAction && !this.state.realtimeActive) { if (!this.state.actionTaken && !this.state.undo) { GroupStore.loadInitialData([]); this.setState({ issuesLoading: true, queryCount: 0, itemsRemoved: 0, error: null, }); } } else { if (!this.state.reviewedIds.length || !isForReviewQuery(query)) { GroupStore.loadInitialData([]); this.setState({ issuesLoading: true, queryCount: 0, itemsRemoved: 0, reviewedIds: [], error: null, }); } } const transaction = getCurrentSentryReactTransaction(); transaction?.setTag('query.sort', this.getSort()); this.setState({ queryCount: 0, itemsRemoved: 0, error: null, }); const requestParams: any = { ...this.getEndpointParams(), limit: MAX_ITEMS, shortIdLookup: 1, }; const currentQuery = this.props.location.query || {}; if ('cursor' in currentQuery) { requestParams.cursor = currentQuery.cursor; } // If no stats period values are set, use default if (!requestParams.statsPeriod && !requestParams.start) { requestParams.statsPeriod = DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD; } requestParams.expand = ['owners', 'inbox']; requestParams.collapse = 'stats'; if (this._lastRequest) { this._lastRequest.cancel(); } if (this._lastStatsRequest) { this._lastStatsRequest.cancel(); } if (this._lastFetchCountsRequest) { this._lastFetchCountsRequest.cancel(); } this._poller.disable(); this._lastRequest = this.props.api.request(this.groupListEndpoint, { method: 'GET', data: qs.stringify(requestParams), success: (data, _, resp) => { if (!resp) { return; } const {orgId} = this.props.params; // If this is a direct hit, we redirect to the intended result directly. if (resp.getResponseHeader('X-Sentry-Direct-Hit') === '1') { let redirect: string; if (data[0] && data[0].matchingEventId) { const {id, matchingEventId} = data[0]; redirect = `/organizations/${orgId}/issues/${id}/events/${matchingEventId}/`; } else { const {id} = data[0]; redirect = `/organizations/${orgId}/issues/${id}/`; } browserHistory.replace({ pathname: redirect, query: { referrer: 'issue-list', ...extractSelectionParameters(this.props.location.query), }, }); return; } if (this.state.undo) { GroupStore.loadInitialData(data); } GroupStore.add(data); // TODO(Kelly): update once issue-list-removal-action feature is stable if (!hasIssueListRemovalAction) { if (isForReviewQuery(query)) { GroupStore.remove(this.state.reviewedIds); } } const numPerfIssues = data.filter( (group: BaseGroup) => group.issueCategory === IssueCategory.PERFORMANCE ).length; const page =; const endpointParams = this.getEndpointParams(); const tabQueriesWithCounts = getTabsWithCounts(organization); const currentTabQuery = tabQueriesWithCounts.includes( endpointParams.query as Query ) ? endpointParams.query : null; const tab = getTabs(organization).find( ([tabQuery]) => currentTabQuery === tabQuery )?.[1]; trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('issues_tab.viewed', { organization, tab: tab?.analyticsName, page: page ? parseInt(page, 10) : 0, query, num_perf_issues: numPerfIssues, num_issues: data.length, }); this.fetchStats( BaseGroup) =>; const hits = resp.getResponseHeader('X-Hits'); const queryCount = typeof hits !== 'undefined' && hits ? parseInt(hits, 10) || 0 : 0; const maxHits = resp.getResponseHeader('X-Max-Hits'); const queryMaxCount = typeof maxHits !== 'undefined' && maxHits ? parseInt(maxHits, 10) || 0 : 0; const pageLinks = resp.getResponseHeader('Link'); // TODO(Kelly): update once issue-list-removal-action feature is stable if (hasIssueListRemovalAction && !this.state.realtimeActive) { this.fetchCounts(queryCount, fetchAllCounts); } else { if (!this.state.forReview) { this.fetchCounts(queryCount, fetchAllCounts); } } this.setState({ error: null, issuesLoading: false, queryCount, queryMaxCount, pageLinks: pageLinks !== null ? pageLinks : '', }); if (data.length === 0) { trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('issue_search.empty', { organization: this.props.organization, search_type: 'issues', search_source: 'main_search', query, }); } }, error: err => { trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('issue_search.failed', { organization: this.props.organization, search_type: 'issues', search_source: 'main_search', error: parseApiError(err), }); this.setState({ error: parseApiError(err), issuesLoading: false, }); }, complete: () => { this._lastRequest = null; this.resumePolling(); // TODO(Kelly): update once issue-list-removal-action feature is stable if (hasIssueListRemovalAction && !this.state.realtimeActive) { this.setState({actionTaken: false, undo: false}); } else { this.setState({forReview: false}); } }, }); }; resumePolling = () => { if (!this.state.pageLinks) { return; } // Only resume polling if we're on the first page of results const links = parseLinkHeader(this.state.pageLinks); if (links && !links.previous.results && this.state.realtimeActive) { this._poller.setEndpoint(links?.previous?.href); this._poller.enable(); } }; get groupListEndpoint(): string { return `/organizations/${this.props.params.orgId}/issues/`; } get groupCountsEndpoint(): string { return `/organizations/${this.props.params.orgId}/issues-count/`; } get groupStatsEndpoint(): string { return `/organizations/${this.props.params.orgId}/issues-stats/`; } onRealtimeChange = (realtime: boolean) => { Cookies.set('realtimeActive', realtime.toString()); this.setState({realtimeActive: realtime}); trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('issues_stream.realtime_clicked', { organization: this.props.organization, enabled: realtime, }); }; onSelectStatsPeriod = (period: string) => { const {location} = this.props; if (period !== this.getGroupStatsPeriod()) { const cursor = location.query.cursor; const queryPageInt = parseInt(, 10); const page = isNaN(queryPageInt) || !location.query.cursor ? 0 : queryPageInt; this.transitionTo({cursor, page, groupStatsPeriod: period}); } }; onRealtimePoll = (data: any, _links: any) => { // Note: We do not update state with cursors from polling, // `CursorPoller` updates itself with new cursors GroupStore.addToFront(data); }; listener = GroupStore.listen(() => this.onGroupChange(), undefined); onGroupChange() { const {organization} = this.props; const {actionTakenGroupData} = this.state; const query = this.getQuery(); const hasIssueListRemovalAction = organization.features.includes( 'issue-list-removal-action' ); // TODO(Kelly): update once issue-list-removal-action feature is stable if ( hasIssueListRemovalAction && !this.state.realtimeActive && actionTakenGroupData.length > 0 ) { const filteredItems = GroupStore.getAllItems().filter(item => { return actionTakenGroupData.findIndex(data => === !== -1; }); const resolvedIds = filteredItems .filter(item => item.status === 'resolved') .map(id =>; const ignoredIds = filteredItems .filter(item => item.status === 'ignored') .map(i =>; // need to include resolve and ignored statuses because marking as resolved/ignored also // counts as reviewed const reviewedIds = filteredItems .filter( item => !item.inbox && item.status !== 'resolved' && item.status !== 'ignored' ) .map(i =>; // Remove Ignored and Resolved group ids from the issue stream if on the All Unresolved, // For Review, or Ignored tab. Still include on the saved/custom search tab. if ( resolvedIds.length > 0 && (query.includes('is:unresolved') || query.includes('is:ignored') || isForReviewQuery(query)) ) { this.onIssueAction(resolvedIds, 'Resolved'); } if ( ignoredIds.length > 0 && (query.includes('is:unresolved') || isForReviewQuery(query)) ) { this.onIssueAction(ignoredIds, 'Ignored'); } // Remove issues that are marked as Reviewed from the For Review tab, but still include the // issues if on the All Unresolved tab or saved/custom searches. if ( reviewedIds.length > 0 && (isForReviewQuery(query) || query.includes('is:ignored')) ) { this.onIssueAction(reviewedIds, 'Reviewed'); } } const groupIds = GroupStore.getAllItems() .map(item => .slice(0, MAX_ISSUES_COUNT); if (!isEqual(groupIds, this.state.groupIds)) { this.setState({groupIds}); } } onIssueListSidebarSearch = (query: string) => { trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('search.searched', { organization: this.props.organization, query, search_type: 'issues', search_source: 'search_builder', }); this.onSearch(query); }; onSearch = (query: string) => { if (query === this.state.query) { // if query is the same, just re-fetch data this.fetchData(); } else { // Clear the saved search as the user wants something else. this.transitionTo({query}, null); } }; onSortChange = (sort: string) => { trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('issues_stream.sort_changed', { organization: this.props.organization, sort, }); this.transitionTo({sort}); }; onCursorChange: CursorHandler = (nextCursor, _path, _query, delta) => { const queryPageInt = parseInt(, 10); let nextPage: number | undefined = isNaN(queryPageInt) ? delta : queryPageInt + delta; let cursor: undefined | string = nextCursor; // unset cursor and page when we navigate back to the first page // also reset cursor if somehow the previous button is enabled on // first page and user attempts to go backwards if (nextPage <= 0) { cursor = undefined; nextPage = undefined; } this.transitionTo({cursor, page: nextPage}); }; paginationAnalyticsEvent = (direction: string) => { trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('issues_stream.paginate', { organization: this.props.organization, direction, }); }; /** * Returns true if all results in the current query are visible/on this page */ allResultsVisible(): boolean { if (!this.state.pageLinks) { return false; } const links = parseLinkHeader(this.state.pageLinks); return links && !links.previous.results && !; } transitionTo = ( newParams: Partial = {}, savedSearch: (SavedSearch & {projectId?: number}) | null = this.props.savedSearch ) => { const query = { referrer: 'issue-list', ...this.getEndpointParams(), ...newParams, }; const {organization} = this.props; let path: string; if (savedSearch && { path = `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/searches/${}/`; // Remove the query as saved searches bring their own query string. delete query.query; // If we aren't going to another page in the same search // drop the query and replace the current project, with the saved search search project // if available. if (!query.cursor && savedSearch.projectId) { query.project = [savedSearch.projectId]; } if (!query.cursor && !newParams.sort && savedSearch.sort) { query.sort = savedSearch.sort; } } else { path = `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/`; } // Remove inbox tab specific sort if (query.sort === IssueSortOptions.INBOX && query.query !== Query.FOR_REVIEW) { delete query.sort; } if ( path !== this.props.location.pathname || !isEqual(query, this.props.location.query) ) { browserHistory.push({ pathname: path, query, }); this.setState({issuesLoading: true}); } }; displayReprocessingTab() { const {organization} = this.props; const {queryCounts} = this.state; return ( organization.features.includes('reprocessing-v2') && !!queryCounts?.[Query.REPROCESSING]?.count ); } displayReprocessingLayout(showReprocessingTab: boolean, query: string) { return showReprocessingTab && query === Query.REPROCESSING; } renderLoading(): React.ReactNode { return ( ); } onSavedSearchSelect = (savedSearch: SavedSearch) => { trackAdvancedAnalyticsEvent('organization_saved_search.selected', { organization: this.props.organization, search_type: 'issues', id: ? parseInt(, 10) : -1, is_global: savedSearch.isGlobal, query: savedSearch.query, visibility: savedSearch.visibility, }); this.setState({issuesLoading: true}, () => this.transitionTo(undefined, savedSearch)); }; onSavedSearchDelete = (search: SavedSearch) => { const {orgId} = this.props.params; deleteSavedSearch(this.props.api, orgId, search).then(() => { this.setState( { issuesLoading: true, }, () => this.transitionTo({}, null) ); }); }; onDelete = () => { this.setState({actionTaken: true}); this.fetchData(true); }; onUndo = () => { const {organization, selection} = this.props; const {actionTakenGroupData} = this.state; const query = this.getQuery(); const groupIds = =>; const projectIds = selection?.projects?.map(p => p.toString()); const endpoint = `/organizations/${organization.slug}/issues/`; if (this._lastRequest) { this._lastRequest.cancel(); } if (this._lastStatsRequest) { this._lastStatsRequest.cancel(); } if (this._lastFetchCountsRequest) { this._lastFetchCountsRequest.cancel(); } this.props.api.request(endpoint, { method: 'PUT', data: { status: 'unresolved', }, query: { project: projectIds, id: groupIds, }, success: response => { if (!response) { return; } // If on the Ignore or For Review tab, adding back to the GroupStore will make the issue show up // on this page for a second and then be removed (will show up on All Unresolved). This is to // stop this from happening and avoid confusion. if (!query.includes('is:ignored') && !isForReviewQuery(query)) { GroupStore.add(actionTakenGroupData); } this.setState({undo: true}); }, error: err => { this.setState({ error: parseApiError(err), issuesLoading: false, }); }, complete: () => { this.setState({actionTakenGroupData: []}); this.fetchData(); }, }); }; onMarkReviewed = (itemIds: string[]) => { const {organization} = this.props; const query = this.getQuery(); const hasIssueListRemovalAction = organization.features.includes( 'issue-list-removal-action' ); if (!isForReviewQuery(query)) { if (itemIds.length > 1) { addMessage( tn('Reviewed %s Issue', 'Reviewed %s Issues', itemIds.length), 'success', {duration: 4000} ); } else { const shortId = => GroupStore.get(item)?.shortId).toString(); addMessage(t('Reviewed %s', shortId), 'success', {duration: 4000}); } return; } const {queryCounts, itemsRemoved} = this.state; const currentQueryCount = queryCounts[query as Query]; if (itemIds.length && currentQueryCount) { const inInboxCount = itemIds.filter(id => GroupStore.get(id)?.inbox).length; currentQueryCount.count -= inInboxCount; // TODO(Kelly): update once issue-list-removal-action feature is stable if (!hasIssueListRemovalAction) { this.setState({ reviewedIds: itemIds, forReview: true, }); } this.setState({ queryCounts: { ...queryCounts, [query as Query]: currentQueryCount, }, itemsRemoved: itemsRemoved + inInboxCount, }); } }; onActionTaken = (itemIds: string[]) => { const actionTakenGroupData = => GroupStore.get(id) as Group); this.setState({ actionTakenGroupData, }); }; onIssueAction = ( itemIds: string[], actionType: 'Reviewed' | 'Resolved' | 'Ignored' ) => { if (itemIds.length > 1) { addMessage(`${actionType} ${itemIds.length} ${t('Issues')}`, 'success', { duration: 4000, ...(actionType !== 'Reviewed' && {undo: this.onUndo}), }); } else { const shortId = => GroupStore.get(item)?.shortId).toString(); addMessage(`${actionType} ${shortId}`, 'success', { duration: 4000, ...(actionType !== 'Reviewed' && {undo: this.onUndo}), }); } GroupStore.remove(itemIds); this.setState({actionTaken: true}); this.fetchData(true); }; onToggleSavedSearches = (isOpen: boolean) => { this.setState({ isSavedSearchesOpen: isOpen, }); }; tagValueLoader = (key: string, search: string) => { const {orgId} = this.props.params; const projectIds = this.getSelectedProjectIds(); const endpointParams = this.getEndpointParams(); return fetchTagValues({ api: this.props.api, orgSlug: orgId, tagKey: key, search, projectIds, endpointParams: endpointParams as any, }); }; render() { if (this.props.savedSearchLoading) { return this.renderLoading(); } const { isSavedSearchesOpen, pageLinks, queryCount, queryCounts, realtimeActive, groupIds, queryMaxCount, itemsRemoved, issuesLoading, error, } = this.state; const {organization, savedSearch, savedSearches, selection, location, router} = this.props; const links = parseLinkHeader(pageLinks); const query = this.getQuery(); const queryPageInt = parseInt(, 10); // Cursor must be present for the page number to be used const page = isNaN(queryPageInt) || !location.query.cursor ? 0 : queryPageInt; const pageBasedCount = page * MAX_ITEMS + groupIds.length; let pageCount = pageBasedCount > queryCount ? queryCount : pageBasedCount; if (!links?.next?.results || this.allResultsVisible()) { // On last available page pageCount = queryCount; } else if (!links?.previous?.results) { // On first available page pageCount = groupIds.length; } // Subtract # items that have been marked reviewed pageCount = Math.max(pageCount - itemsRemoved, 0); const modifiedQueryCount = Math.max(queryCount - itemsRemoved, 0); const displayCount = tct('[count] of [total]', { count: pageCount, total: ( ), }); const projectIds = selection?.projects?.map(p => p.toString()); const showReprocessingTab = this.displayReprocessingTab(); const displayReprocessingActions = this.displayReprocessingLayout( showReprocessingTab, query ); return ( 0} id="IssueList-Body" > ); } } export default withRouteAnalytics( withApi( withPageFilters( withSavedSearches(withOrganization(withIssueTags(withProfiler(IssueListOverview)))) ) ) ); export {IssueListOverview}; const StyledBody = styled('div')` background-color: ${p => p.theme.background}; display: flex; flex-direction: column-reverse; @media (min-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.small}) { flex: 1; display: grid; grid-template-rows: 1fr; grid-template-columns: 1fr auto; gap: 0; padding: 0; } `; const StyledMain = styled('section')` padding: ${space(2)}; overflow: hidden; @media (min-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.medium}) { padding: ${space(3)} ${space(4)}; } `; const StyledPagination = styled(Pagination)` margin-top: 0; `; const StyledQueryCount = styled(QueryCount)` margin-left: 0; `; const StyledPageContent = styled(PageContent)` padding: 0; `;