import {Fragment} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import moment from 'moment'; import AsyncComponent from 'sentry/components/asyncComponent'; import OptionSelector from 'sentry/components/charts/optionSelector'; import {InlineContainer, SectionHeading} from 'sentry/components/charts/styles'; import {DateTimeObject, getSeriesApiInterval} from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import NotAvailable from 'sentry/components/notAvailable'; import ScoreCard from 'sentry/components/scoreCard'; import {DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD} from 'sentry/constants'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {DataCategory, IntervalPeriod, Organization} from 'sentry/types'; import {parsePeriodToHours} from 'sentry/utils/dates'; import { FORMAT_DATETIME_DAILY, FORMAT_DATETIME_HOURLY, getDateFromMoment, } from './usageChart/utils'; import {Outcome, UsageSeries, UsageStat} from './types'; import UsageChart, { CHART_OPTIONS_DATA_TRANSFORM, ChartDataTransform, ChartStats, } from './usageChart'; import UsageStatsPerMin from './usageStatsPerMin'; import {formatUsageWithUnits, getFormatUsageOptions, isDisplayUtc} from './utils'; type Props = { dataCategory: DataCategory; dataCategoryName: string; dataDatetime: DateTimeObject; handleChangeState: (state: { dataCategory?: DataCategory; pagePeriod?: string | null; transform?: ChartDataTransform; }) => void; organization: Organization; chartTransform?: string; } & AsyncComponent['props']; type State = { orgStats: UsageSeries | undefined; } & AsyncComponent['state']; class UsageStatsOrganization extends AsyncComponent { componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { const {dataDatetime: prevDateTime} = prevProps; const {dataDatetime: currDateTime} = this.props; if ( prevDateTime.start !== currDateTime.start || prevDateTime.end !== currDateTime.end || prevDateTime.period !== currDateTime.period || prevDateTime.utc !== currDateTime.utc ) { this.reloadData(); } } getEndpoints(): ReturnType { return [['orgStats', this.endpointPath, {query: this.endpointQuery}]]; } get endpointPath() { const {organization} = this.props; return `/organizations/${organization.slug}/stats_v2/`; } get endpointQuery() { const {dataDatetime} = this.props; const queryDatetime = dataDatetime.start && dataDatetime.end ? { start: dataDatetime.start, end: dataDatetime.end, utc: dataDatetime.utc, } : { statsPeriod: dataDatetime.period || DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD, }; return { ...queryDatetime, interval: getSeriesApiInterval(dataDatetime), groupBy: ['category', 'outcome'], field: ['sum(quantity)'], }; } get chartData(): { cardStats: { accepted?: string; dropped?: string; filtered?: string; total?: string; }; chartDateEnd: string; chartDateEndDisplay: string; chartDateInterval: IntervalPeriod; chartDateStart: string; chartDateStartDisplay: string; chartDateTimezoneDisplay: string; chartDateUtc: boolean; chartStats: ChartStats; chartTransform: ChartDataTransform; dataError?: Error; } { const {orgStats} = this.state; return { ...this.mapSeriesToChart(orgStats), ...this.chartDateRange, ...this.chartTransform, }; } get chartTransform(): {chartTransform: ChartDataTransform} { const {chartTransform} = this.props; switch (chartTransform) { case ChartDataTransform.CUMULATIVE: case ChartDataTransform.PERIODIC: return {chartTransform}; default: return {chartTransform: ChartDataTransform.PERIODIC}; } } get chartDateRange(): { chartDateEnd: string; chartDateEndDisplay: string; chartDateInterval: IntervalPeriod; chartDateStart: string; chartDateStartDisplay: string; chartDateTimezoneDisplay: string; chartDateUtc: boolean; } { const {orgStats} = this.state; const {dataDatetime} = this.props; const interval = getSeriesApiInterval(dataDatetime); // Use fillers as loading/error states will not display datetime at all if (!orgStats || !orgStats.intervals) { return { chartDateInterval: interval, chartDateStart: '', chartDateEnd: '', chartDateUtc: true, chartDateStartDisplay: '', chartDateEndDisplay: '', chartDateTimezoneDisplay: '', }; } const {intervals} = orgStats; const intervalHours = parsePeriodToHours(interval); // Keep datetime in UTC until we want to display it to users const startTime = moment(intervals[0]).utc(); const endTime = intervals.length < 2 ? moment(startTime) // when statsPeriod and interval is the same value : moment(intervals[intervals.length - 1]).utc(); const useUtc = isDisplayUtc(dataDatetime); // If interval is a day or more, use UTC to format date. Otherwise, the date // may shift ahead/behind when converting to the user's local time. const FORMAT_DATETIME = intervalHours >= 24 ? FORMAT_DATETIME_DAILY : FORMAT_DATETIME_HOURLY; const xAxisStart = moment(startTime); const xAxisEnd = moment(endTime); const displayStart = useUtc ? moment(startTime).utc() : moment(startTime).local(); const displayEnd = useUtc ? moment(endTime).utc() : moment(endTime).local(); if (intervalHours < 24) { displayEnd.add(intervalHours, 'h'); } return { chartDateInterval: interval, chartDateStart: xAxisStart.format(), chartDateEnd: xAxisEnd.format(), chartDateUtc: useUtc, chartDateStartDisplay: displayStart.format(FORMAT_DATETIME), chartDateEndDisplay: displayEnd.format(FORMAT_DATETIME), chartDateTimezoneDisplay: displayStart.format('Z'), }; } mapSeriesToChart(orgStats?: UsageSeries): { cardStats: { accepted?: string; dropped?: string; filtered?: string; total?: string; }; chartStats: ChartStats; dataError?: Error; } { const cardStats = { total: undefined, accepted: undefined, dropped: undefined, filtered: undefined, }; const chartStats: ChartStats = { accepted: [], dropped: [], projected: [], filtered: [], }; if (!orgStats) { return {cardStats, chartStats}; } try { const {dataCategory} = this.props; const {chartDateInterval, chartDateUtc} = this.chartDateRange; const usageStats: UsageStat[] = => { const dateTime = moment(interval); return { date: getDateFromMoment(dateTime, chartDateInterval, chartDateUtc), total: 0, accepted: 0, filtered: 0, dropped: {total: 0}, }; }); // Tally totals for card data const count: Record<'total' | Outcome, number> = { total: 0, [Outcome.ACCEPTED]: 0, [Outcome.FILTERED]: 0, [Outcome.DROPPED]: 0, [Outcome.INVALID]: 0, // Combined with dropped later [Outcome.RATE_LIMITED]: 0, // Combined with dropped later [Outcome.CLIENT_DISCARD]: 0, // Not exposed yet }; orgStats.groups.forEach(group => { const {outcome, category} =; // HACK: The backend enum are singular, but the frontend enums are plural if (!dataCategory.includes(`${category}`)) { return; } if (outcome !== Outcome.CLIENT_DISCARD) { += group.totals['sum(quantity)']; } count[outcome] += group.totals['sum(quantity)']; group.series['sum(quantity)'].forEach((stat, i) => { switch (outcome) { case Outcome.ACCEPTED: case Outcome.FILTERED: usageStats[i][outcome] += stat; return; case Outcome.DROPPED: case Outcome.RATE_LIMITED: case Outcome.INVALID: usageStats[i] += stat; // TODO: add client discards to dropped? return; default: return; } }); }); // Invalid and rate_limited data is combined with dropped count[Outcome.DROPPED] += count[Outcome.INVALID]; count[Outcome.DROPPED] += count[Outcome.RATE_LIMITED]; usageStats.forEach(stat => { = stat.accepted + stat.filtered +; // Chart Data (chartStats.accepted as any[]).push({value: [, stat.accepted]}); (chartStats.dropped as any[]).push({ value: [,], } as any); (chartStats.filtered as any[])?.push({value: [, stat.filtered]}); }); return { cardStats: { total: formatUsageWithUnits(, dataCategory, getFormatUsageOptions(dataCategory) ), accepted: formatUsageWithUnits( count[Outcome.ACCEPTED], dataCategory, getFormatUsageOptions(dataCategory) ), filtered: formatUsageWithUnits( count[Outcome.FILTERED], dataCategory, getFormatUsageOptions(dataCategory) ), dropped: formatUsageWithUnits( count[Outcome.DROPPED], dataCategory, getFormatUsageOptions(dataCategory) ), }, chartStats, }; } catch (err) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setContext('query', this.endpointQuery); scope.setContext('body', {...orgStats}); Sentry.captureException(err); }); return { cardStats, chartStats, dataError: new Error('Failed to parse stats data'), }; } } renderCards() { const {dataCategory, dataCategoryName, organization} = this.props; const {loading} = this.state; const {total, accepted, dropped, filtered} = this.chartData.cardStats; const cardMetadata = [ { title: tct('Total [dataCategory]', {dataCategory: dataCategoryName}), value: total, }, { title: t('Accepted'), help: tct('Accepted [dataCategory] were successfully processed by Sentry', { dataCategory, }), value: accepted, secondaryValue: ( ), }, { title: t('Filtered'), help: tct( 'Filtered [dataCategory] were blocked due to your inbound data filter rules', {dataCategory} ), value: filtered, }, { title: t('Dropped'), help: tct( 'Dropped [dataCategory] were discarded due to invalid data, rate-limits, quota limits, or spike protection', {dataCategory} ), value: dropped, }, ]; return, i) => ( )); } renderChart() { const {dataCategory} = this.props; const {error, errors, loading} = this.state; const { chartStats, dataError, chartDateInterval, chartDateStart, chartDateEnd, chartDateUtc, chartTransform, } = this.chartData; const hasError = error || !!dataError; const chartErrors: any = dataError ? {...errors, data: dataError} : errors; // TODO(ts): AsyncComponent return ( ); } renderChartFooter = () => { const {handleChangeState} = this.props; const {loading, error} = this.state; const { chartDateInterval, chartTransform, chartDateStartDisplay, chartDateEndDisplay, chartDateTimezoneDisplay, } = this.chartData; return (
{t('Date Range:')} {loading || error ? ( ) : ( tct('[start] — [end] ([timezone] UTC, [interval] interval)', { start: chartDateStartDisplay, end: chartDateEndDisplay, timezone: chartDateTimezoneDisplay, interval: chartDateInterval, }) )} handleChangeState({transform: val as ChartDataTransform}) } />
); }; renderComponent() { return ( {this.renderCards()} {this.renderChart()} ); } } export default UsageStatsOrganization; const StyledScoreCard = styled(ScoreCard)` grid-column: auto / span 1; margin: 0; `; const ChartWrapper = styled('div')` grid-column: 1 / -1; `; const Footer = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; padding: ${space(1)} ${space(3)}; border-top: 1px solid ${p => p.theme.border}; `; const FooterDate = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; > ${SectionHeading} { margin-right: ${space(1.5)}; } > span:last-child { font-weight: 400; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeMedium}; } `;