import {Component} from 'react'; import HookStore from 'sentry/stores/hookStore'; import {Organization} from 'sentry/types'; import {HookName, Hooks} from 'sentry/types/hooks'; import withOrganization from 'sentry/utils/withOrganization'; import SettingsNavigation from 'sentry/views/settings/components/settingsNavigation'; import navigationConfiguration, { organizationNavigationWithAuthTokens, } from 'sentry/views/settings/organization/navigationConfiguration'; import {NavigationSection} from 'sentry/views/settings/types'; type Props = { organization: Organization; }; type State = { hookConfigs: NavigationSection[]; hooks: React.ReactElement[]; }; class OrganizationSettingsNavigation extends Component { state: State = this.getHooks(); componentDidMount() { // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-did-mount-set-state this.setState(this.getHooks()); } componentWillUnmount() { this.unsubscribe(); } /** * TODO(epurkhiser): Becase the settings organization navigation hooks * do not conform to a normal component style hook, and take a single * parameter 'organization', we cannot use the `Hook` component here, * and must resort to using listening to the HookStore to retrieve hook data. * * We should update the hook interface for the two hooks used here */ unsubscribe = HookStore.listen( (hookName: HookName, hooks: Hooks['settings:organization-navigation-config'][]) => { this.handleHooks(hookName, hooks); }, undefined ); getHooks() { // Allow injection via getsentry et all const {organization} = this.props as Props; return { hookConfigs: HookStore.get('settings:organization-navigation-config').map(cb => cb(organization) ), hooks: HookStore.get('settings:organization-navigation').map(cb => cb(organization) ), }; } handleHooks(name: HookName, hooks: Hooks['settings:organization-navigation-config'][]) { const org = this.props.organization; if (name !== 'settings:organization-navigation-config') { return; } this.setState({hookConfigs: => cb(org))}); } render() { const {hooks, hookConfigs} = this.state as State; const {organization} = this.props as Props; const access = new Set(organization.access); const features = new Set(organization.features); const navigationObjects = features.has('org-auth-tokens') ? organizationNavigationWithAuthTokens : navigationConfiguration; return ( ); } } export default withOrganization(OrganizationSettingsNavigation);