#!/usr/bin/env sentry exec
"""Dumb CLI to experiment with our App Store Connect functionality.

It contains several useful tools to manipulate the database during development.  Exactly
what it does can be easily changed based on new needs though, nothing is set in stone.

Most actions assume you have only one App Store Connect source and will simply pick the
first one found.
import sys
from pprint import pprint

import orjson

from sentry.lang.native.appconnect import SYMBOL_SOURCES_PROP_NAME
from sentry.models.appconnectbuilds import AppConnectBuild
from sentry.models.project import Project
from sentry.tasks import app_store_connect


def main(argv):
    if argv[0] == "dump-cfg":
        # Dumps the symbolSource configuration as stored in the project option.
        project = Project.objects.get(pk=PROJECT_ID)
        raw_config = project.get_option(SYMBOL_SOURCES_PROP_NAME, default="[]")
        config = orjson.loads(raw_config)

    elif argv[0] == "dsyms":
        # Start the dsym_download task for first config found (needs running workers).
        config = appconnect_config()
        app_store_connect.dsym_download(PROJECT_ID, config["id"])

    elif argv[0] == "zip":
        # "Uploads" DIFs into sentry from a zipfile passed as argument.
        project = Project.objects.get(pk=PROJECT_ID)
        app_store_connect.create_difs_from_dsyms_zip(argv[1], project)

    elif argv[0] == "dump-db":
        # Dumps (part of) the AppConnectBuild table.
        for build in AppConnectBuild.objects.all():
            print(  # noqa: S002
                f"{build!r} app_id={build.app_id} bundle_id={build.bundle_id} platform={build.platform} version={build.bundle_short_version} build={build.bundle_version} fetched={build.fetched}"

    elif argv[0] == "reset-fetched":
        # Resets the fetched state of the AppConnectBuild table, so dsym_download task will
        # process the entries again.
        for build in AppConnectBuild.objects.all():
            build.fetched = False

    elif argv[0] == "task":
        # Manually trigger the dsym_download task right now (needs running workers).
        config = appconnect_config()
            kwargs={"project_id": PROJECT_ID, "config_id": config["id"]}

        raise ValueError("Unknown command")

def appconnect_config():
    project = Project.objects.get(pk=PROJECT_ID)
    raw_config = project.get_option(SYMBOL_SOURCES_PROP_NAME, default="[]")
    symbol_sources = orjson.loads(raw_config)
    for config in symbol_sources:
        if config["type"] == "appStoreConnect":
            return config
        raise KeyError("appStoreConnect config not found")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    if sys.argv[2].startswith("--project="):
        project_arg = sys.argv.pop(2)
        PROJECT_ID = int(project_arg[10:])