import {Component, Fragment, PureComponent} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {fetchOrgMembers} from 'sentry/actionCreators/members'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import CircleIndicator from 'sentry/components/circleIndicator'; import Field from 'sentry/components/forms/field'; import {IconDiamond} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import space from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {Config, Organization, Project} from 'sentry/types'; import withApi from 'sentry/utils/withApi'; import withConfig from 'sentry/utils/withConfig'; import {getThresholdUnits} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/constants'; import ThresholdControl from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/metric/triggers/thresholdControl'; import {isSessionAggregate} from '../../../utils'; import { AlertRuleComparisonType, AlertRuleThresholdType, AlertRuleTriggerType, ThresholdControlValue, Trigger, UnsavedMetricRule, UnsavedTrigger, } from '../types'; type Props = { aggregate: UnsavedMetricRule['aggregate']; api: Client; comparisonType: AlertRuleComparisonType; config: Config; disabled: boolean; fieldHelp: React.ReactNode; hasAlertWizardV3: boolean; isCritical: boolean; onChange: (trigger: Trigger, changeObj: Partial) => void; onThresholdPeriodChange: (value: number) => void; onThresholdTypeChange: (thresholdType: AlertRuleThresholdType) => void; organization: Organization; placeholder: string; projects: Project[]; resolveThreshold: UnsavedMetricRule['resolveThreshold']; thresholdPeriod: UnsavedMetricRule['thresholdPeriod']; thresholdType: UnsavedMetricRule['thresholdType']; trigger: Trigger; triggerIndex: number; triggerLabel: React.ReactNode; /** * Map of fieldName -> errorMessage */ error?: {[fieldName: string]: string}; hideControl?: boolean; }; class TriggerFormItem extends PureComponent { /** * Handler for threshold changes coming from slider or chart. * Needs to sync state with the form. */ handleChangeThreshold = (value: ThresholdControlValue) => { const {onChange, trigger} = this.props; onChange( { ...trigger, alertThreshold: value.threshold, }, {alertThreshold: value.threshold} ); }; render() { const { disabled, error, trigger, isCritical, thresholdType, thresholdPeriod, hasAlertWizardV3, hideControl, comparisonType, fieldHelp, triggerLabel, placeholder, onThresholdTypeChange, onThresholdPeriodChange, } = this.props; return ( ); } } type TriggerFormContainerProps = Omit< React.ComponentProps, | 'onChange' | 'isCritical' | 'error' | 'triggerIndex' | 'trigger' | 'fieldHelp' | 'triggerHelp' | 'triggerLabel' | 'placeholder' > & { hasAlertWizardV3: boolean; onChange: (triggerIndex: number, trigger: Trigger, changeObj: Partial) => void; onResolveThresholdChange: ( resolveThreshold: UnsavedMetricRule['resolveThreshold'] ) => void; triggers: Trigger[]; errors?: Map; }; class TriggerFormContainer extends Component { componentDidMount() { const {api, organization} = this.props; fetchOrgMembers(api, organization.slug); } handleChangeTrigger = (triggerIndex: number) => (trigger: Trigger, changeObj: Partial) => { const {onChange} = this.props; onChange(triggerIndex, trigger, changeObj); }; handleChangeResolveTrigger = (trigger: Trigger, _: Partial) => { const {onResolveThresholdChange} = this.props; onResolveThresholdChange(trigger.alertThreshold); }; getCriticalThresholdPlaceholder( aggregate: string, comparisonType: AlertRuleComparisonType ) { if (aggregate.includes('failure_rate')) { return '0.05'; } if (isSessionAggregate(aggregate)) { return '97'; } if (comparisonType === AlertRuleComparisonType.CHANGE) { return '100'; } return '300'; } getIndicator(type: AlertRuleTriggerType) { const {hasAlertWizardV3} = this.props; if (type === AlertRuleTriggerType.CRITICAL) { return hasAlertWizardV3 ? ( ) : ( ); } if (type === AlertRuleTriggerType.WARNING) { return hasAlertWizardV3 ? ( ) : ( ); } return hasAlertWizardV3 ? ( ) : ( ); } render() { const { api, config, disabled, errors, organization, triggers, thresholdType, thresholdPeriod, comparisonType, aggregate, resolveThreshold, projects, hasAlertWizardV3, onThresholdTypeChange, onThresholdPeriodChange, } = this.props; const resolveTrigger: UnsavedTrigger = { label: AlertRuleTriggerType.RESOLVE, alertThreshold: resolveThreshold, actions: [], }; const thresholdUnits = getThresholdUnits(aggregate, comparisonType); return ( {, index) => { const isCritical = index === 0; // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define return ( {this.getIndicator( isCritical ? AlertRuleTriggerType.CRITICAL : AlertRuleTriggerType.WARNING )} {isCritical ? t('Critical') : t('Warning')} } placeholder={ isCritical ? `${this.getCriticalThresholdPlaceholder(aggregate, comparisonType)}${ comparisonType === AlertRuleComparisonType.COUNT ? thresholdUnits : '' }` : t('None') } onChange={this.handleChangeTrigger(index)} onThresholdTypeChange={onThresholdTypeChange} onThresholdPeriodChange={onThresholdPeriodChange} /> ); })} {this.getIndicator(AlertRuleTriggerType.RESOLVE)} {t('Resolved')} } placeholder={t('Automatic')} onChange={this.handleChangeResolveTrigger} onThresholdTypeChange={onThresholdTypeChange} onThresholdPeriodChange={onThresholdPeriodChange} /> ); } } const CriticalIndicator = styled(CircleIndicator)` background: ${p => p.theme.red300}; margin-right: ${space(1)}; `; const WarningIndicator = styled(CircleIndicator)` background: ${p => p.theme.yellow300}; margin-right: ${space(1)}; `; const ResolvedIndicator = styled(CircleIndicator)` background: ${p => p.theme.green300}; margin-right: ${space(1)}; `; const TriggerLabel = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: center; `; const StyledIconDiamond = styled(IconDiamond)` margin-right: ${space(0.75)}; `; const StyledField = styled(Field)<{hasAlertWizardV3: boolean}>` & > label > div:first-child > span { display: flex; flex-direction: row; } `; export default withConfig(withApi(TriggerFormContainer));