import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import {StepType} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/step'; import type { Docs, DocsParams, OnboardingConfig, } from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/types'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {getPackageVersion} from 'sentry/utils/gettingStartedDocs/getPackageVersion'; type Params = DocsParams; const getInstallSnipet = (params: Params) => ` dependencies: sentry: ^${getPackageVersion(params, 'sentry.dart', '7.8.0')}`; const getConfigureSnippet = (params: Params) => ` import 'package:sentry/sentry.dart'; Future main() async { await Sentry.init((options) { options.dsn = '${params.dsn}'; // Set tracesSampleRate to 1.0 to capture 100% of transactions for performance monitoring. // We recommend adjusting this value in production. options.tracesSampleRate = 1.0; }); // or define SENTRY_DSN via Dart environment variable (--dart-define) }`; const getVerifySnippet = () => ` import 'package:sentry/sentry.dart'; try { aMethodThatMightFail(); } catch (exception, stackTrace) { await Sentry.captureException( exception, stackTrace: stackTrace, ); }`; const getPerfomanceSnippet = () => ` import 'package:sentry/sentry.dart'; import { getPackageVersion } from 'sentry/utils/gettingStartedDocs/getPackageVersion'; final transaction = Sentry.startTransaction('processOrderBatch()', 'task'); try { await processOrderBatch(transaction); } catch (exception) { transaction.throwable = exception; transaction.status = SpanStatus.internalError(); } finally { await transaction.finish(); } Future processOrderBatch(ISentrySpan span) async { // span operation: task, span description: operation final innerSpan = span.startChild('task', description: 'operation'); try { // omitted code } catch (exception) { innerSpan.throwable = exception; innerSpan.status = SpanStatus.notFound(); } finally { await innerSpan.finish(); } }`; const onboarding: OnboardingConfig = { install: params => [ { type: StepType.INSTALL, description: tct( 'Sentry captures data by using an SDK within your application’s runtime. Add the following to your [pubspec: pubspec.yaml]', { pubspec: , } ), configurations: [ { language: 'yml', partialLoading: params.sourcePackageRegistries.isLoading, code: getInstallSnipet(params), }, ], }, ], configure: params => [ { type: StepType.CONFIGURE, description: tct('Import [sentry: sentry] and initialize it', { sentry: , }), configurations: [ { language: 'dart', code: getConfigureSnippet(params), additionalInfo: tct( 'You can configure the [sentryDsn: SENTRY_DSN], [sentryRelease: SENTRY_RELEASE], [sentryDist: SENTRY_DIST], and [sentryEnv: SENTRY_ENVIRONMENT] via the Dart environment variables passing the [dartDefine: --dart-define] flag to the compiler, as noted in the code sample.', { sentryDsn: , sentryRelease: , sentryDist: , sentryEnv: , dartDefine: , } ), }, ], }, ], verify: () => [ { type: StepType.VERIFY, description: t( 'Create an intentional error, so you can test that everything is working:' ), configurations: [ { language: 'dart', code: getVerifySnippet(), additionalInfo: tct( "If you're new to Sentry, use the email alert to access your account and complete a product tour.[break] If you're an existing user and have disabled alerts, you won't receive this email.", { break:
, } ), }, ], }, { title: t('Performance'), description: t( "You'll be able to monitor the performance of your app using the SDK. For example:" ), configurations: [ { language: 'dart', code: getPerfomanceSnippet(), additionalInfo: tct( 'To learn more about the API and automatic instrumentations, check out the [perfDocs: performance documentation].', { perfDocs: ( ), } ), }, ], }, ], }; const docs: Docs = { onboarding, }; export default docs;