import {useCallback} from 'react'; import type {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import type {Organization, OrganizationSummary} from 'sentry/types'; import {promptIsDismissed} from 'sentry/utils/promptIsDismissed'; import type {ApiQueryKey, UseApiQueryOptions} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import {setApiQueryData, useApiQuery, useQueryClient} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; type PromptsUpdateParams = { /** * The prompt feature name */ feature: string; organization: OrganizationSummary; status: 'snoozed' | 'dismissed'; /** * The numeric project ID as a string */ projectId?: string; }; /** * Update the status of a prompt */ export function promptsUpdate(api: Client, params: PromptsUpdateParams) { const url = `/organizations/${params.organization.slug}/prompts-activity/`; return api.requestPromise(url, { method: 'PUT', data: { organization_id:, project_id: params.projectId, feature: params.feature, status: params.status, }, }); } type PromptCheckParams = { /** * The prompt feature name */ feature: string | string[]; organization: OrganizationSummary; /** * The numeric project ID as a string */ projectId?: string; }; export type PromptResponseItem = { dismissed_ts?: number; snoozed_ts?: number; }; export type PromptResponse = { data?: PromptResponseItem; features?: {[key: string]: PromptResponseItem}; }; export type PromptData = null | { dismissedTime?: number; snoozedTime?: number; }; /** * Get the status of a prompt */ export async function promptsCheck( api: Client, params: PromptCheckParams ): Promise { const query = { feature: params.feature, organization_id:, ...(params.projectId === undefined ? {} : {project_id: params.projectId}), }; const url = `/organizations/${params.organization.slug}/prompts-activity/`; const response: PromptResponse = await api.requestPromise(url, { query, }); if (response?.data) { return { dismissedTime:, snoozedTime:, }; } return null; } export const makePromptsCheckQueryKey = ({ feature, organization, projectId, }: PromptCheckParams): ApiQueryKey => { const url = `/organizations/${organization.slug}/prompts-activity/`; return [ url, {query: {feature, organization_id:, project_id: projectId}}, ]; }; /** * @param organizationId org numerical id, not the slug */ export function usePromptsCheck( {feature, organization, projectId}: PromptCheckParams, options: Partial> = {} ) { return useApiQuery( makePromptsCheckQueryKey({feature, organization, projectId}), { staleTime: 120000, retry: false, ...options, } ); } export function usePrompt({ feature, organization, projectId, }: { feature: string; organization: Organization; projectId?: string; }) { const api = useApi({persistInFlight: true}); const prompt = usePromptsCheck({feature, organization, projectId}); const queryClient = useQueryClient(); const isPromptDismissed = prompt.isSuccess && ? promptIsDismissed({ dismissedTime:, snoozedTime:, }) : undefined; const dismissPrompt = useCallback(() => { promptsUpdate(api, { organization, projectId, feature, status: 'dismissed', }); // Update cached query data // Will set prompt to dismissed setApiQueryData( queryClient, makePromptsCheckQueryKey({ organization, feature, projectId, }), () => { const dimissedTs = new Date().getTime() / 1000; return { data: {dismissed_ts: dimissedTs}, features: {[feature]: {dismissed_ts: dimissedTs}}, }; } ); }, [api, feature, organization, projectId, queryClient]); return { isLoading: prompt.isLoading, isError: prompt.isError, isPromptDismissed, dismissPrompt, }; } /** * Get the status of many prompt */ export async function batchedPromptsCheck( api: Client, features: T, params: { organization: OrganizationSummary; projectId?: string; } ): Promise<{[key in T[number]]: PromptData}> { const query = { feature: features, organization_id:, ...(params.projectId === undefined ? {} : {project_id: params.projectId}), }; const url = `/organizations/${params.organization.slug}/prompts-activity/`; const response: PromptResponse = await api.requestPromise(url, { query, }); const responseFeatures = response?.features; const result: {[key in T[number]]?: PromptData} = {}; if (!responseFeatures) { return result as {[key in T[number]]: PromptData}; } for (const featureName of features) { const item = responseFeatures[featureName]; if (item) { result[featureName] = { dismissedTime: item.dismissed_ts, snoozedTime: item.snoozed_ts, }; } else { result[featureName] = null; } } return result as {[key in T[number]]: PromptData}; }