# pylint: skip-file # flake8: noqa """ Script that sends generic metrics messages to sentry locally Overview This script is designed to be used when creating a new use case ID for the first time for the generic metrics platform. Usage python send_metrics.py Without any command line argument, the script will send 3 metrics (counter/set/distribution) for each use case ID registered in src/sentry/sentry_metrics/use_case_id_registry.py. python send_metrics.py hello world The script will treat any arguments supplied as a use case ID, and send 3 metrics (counter/set/distribution) for each use case ID specified. """ import datetime import itertools import json import pprint import random import string import sys from arroyo.backends.kafka import KafkaPayload, KafkaProducer from arroyo.types import Topic from sentry.sentry_metrics.use_case_id_registry import UseCaseID BOOTSTRAP_HOST = "" TOPIC_NAME = "ingest-performance-metrics" conf = {"bootstrap.servers": BOOTSTRAP_HOST} make_counter_payload = lambda use_case, rand_str: { "name": f"c:{use_case}/{use_case}@none", "tags": { "environment": "production", "session.status": "init", f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_counter_k_{rand_str}": f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_counter_v_{rand_str}", }, "timestamp": int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()), "type": "c", "value": 1, "org_id": 1, "retention_days": 90, "project_id": 3, } make_dist_payload = lambda use_case, rand_str: { "name": f"d:{use_case}/duration@second", "tags": { "environment": "production", "session.status": "healthy", f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_dist_k_{rand_str}": f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_dist_v_{rand_str}", }, "timestamp": int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()), "type": "d", "value": [4, 5, 6], "org_id": 1, "retention_days": 90, "project_id": 3, } make_set_payload = lambda use_case, rand_str: { "name": f"s:{use_case}/error@none", "tags": { "environment": "production", "session.status": "errored", f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_set_k_{rand_str}": f"gen_metric_e2e_{use_case}_set_v_{rand_str}", }, "timestamp": int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.timezone.utc).timestamp()), "type": "s", "value": [3], "org_id": 1, "retention_days": 90, "project_id": 3, } make_psql = ( lambda rand_str: f""" SELECT string, organization_id, date_added, use_case_id FROM sentry_perfstringindexer WHERE string ~ 'gen_metric_e2e_.*{rand_str}'; """ ) make_csql = lambda rand_str: "UNION ALL".join( [ f""" SELECT use_case_id, org_id, project_id, metric_id, timestamp, tags.key, tags.raw_value FROM {table_name} WHERE arrayExists(v -> match(v, 'gen_metric_e2e_.*{rand_str}'), tags.raw_value) """ for table_name in [ "generic_metric_counters_raw_local", "generic_metric_distributions_raw_local", "generic_metric_sets_raw_local", ] ] ) def produce_msgs(messages): producer = KafkaProducer(conf) for i, message in enumerate(messages): print(f"Sending message {i + 1} of {len(messages)}:") pprint.pprint(message) producer.produce( Topic(name=TOPIC_NAME), KafkaPayload(key=None, value=json.dumps(message).encode("utf-8"), headers=[]), ) print("Done") print() producer.close() if __name__ == "__main__": rand_str = "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=8)) use_cases = ( [use_case_id.value for use_case_id in UseCaseID if use_case_id is not UseCaseID.SESSIONS] if len(sys.argv) == 1 else sys.argv[1:] ) messages = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ( make_counter_payload(use_case, rand_str), make_dist_payload(use_case, rand_str), make_set_payload(use_case, rand_str), ) for use_case in use_cases ) ) random.shuffle(messages) produce_msgs(messages) print( f"Use the following SQL to verify postgres, there should be {(strs_per_use_case := 6)} strings for each use cases, {strs_per_use_case * len(use_cases)} in total." ) print(make_psql(rand_str)) print( f"Use the following SQL to verify clickhouse, there should be {(metrics_per_use_case := 3)} metrics for each use cases, {metrics_per_use_case * len(use_cases)} in total." ) print(make_csql(rand_str))