import {createContext, useEffect, useMemo, useState} from 'react'; import {Organization, Project} from 'sentry/types'; import { AppStoreConnectCredentialsStatus, AppStoreConnectStatusData, } from 'sentry/types/debugFiles'; import {getAppStoreValidationErrorMessage} from 'sentry/utils/appStoreValidationErrorMessage'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; export type AppStoreConnectContextProps = | Record | undefined; const AppStoreConnectContext = createContext(undefined); type ProviderProps = { children: React.ReactNode; organization: Organization; project?: Project; }; function Provider({children, project, organization}: ProviderProps) { const api = useApi(); const [projectDetails, setProjectDetails] = useState(); const [appStoreConnectStatusData, setAppStoreConnectStatusData] = useState(undefined); const appStoreConnectSymbolSources = useMemo(() => { return ( projectDetails?.symbolSources ? JSON.parse(projectDetails.symbolSources) : [] ).reduce((acc, {type, id, ...symbolSource}) => { if (type.toLowerCase() === 'appstoreconnect') { acc[id] = {type, ...symbolSource}; } return acc; }, {}); }, [projectDetails?.symbolSources]); useEffect(() => { if (!project || projectDetails) { return undefined; } if (project.symbolSources) { setProjectDetails(project); return undefined; } let unmounted = false; api .requestPromise(`/projects/${organization.slug}/${project.slug}/`) .then(responseProjectDetails => { if (unmounted) { return; } setProjectDetails(responseProjectDetails); }) .catch(() => { // We do not care about the error }); return () => { unmounted = true; }; }, [project, organization, api]); useEffect(() => { if (!projectDetails) { return undefined; } if (!Object.keys(appStoreConnectSymbolSources).length) { return undefined; } let unmounted = false; api .requestPromise( `/projects/${organization.slug}/${projectDetails.slug}/appstoreconnect/status/` ) .then(appStoreConnectStatus => { if (unmounted) { return; } setAppStoreConnectStatusData(appStoreConnectStatus); }) .catch(() => { // We do not care about the error }); return () => { unmounted = true; }; }, [projectDetails, organization, appStoreConnectSymbolSources, api]); function getUpdateAlertMessage( respository: NonNullable[1]>, credentials: AppStoreConnectCredentialsStatus ) { if (credentials?.status === 'valid') { return undefined; } return getAppStoreValidationErrorMessage(credentials, respository); } return ( { const appStoreConnect = appStoreConnectStatusData[key]; return { ...acc, [key]: { ...appStoreConnect, updateAlertMessage: getUpdateAlertMessage( { name: appStoreConnectSymbolSources[key].name, link: `/settings/${organization.slug}/projects/${project.slug}/debug-symbols/?customRepository=${key}`, }, appStoreConnect.credentials ), }, }; }, {}) : undefined } > {children} ); } export {Provider}; export default AppStoreConnectContext;