import {Fragment, memo, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import {components} from 'react-select'; import {css} from '@emotion/react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import {truncate} from '@sentry/utils'; import type {DataZoomComponentOption} from 'echarts'; import {Location} from 'history'; import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import trimStart from 'lodash/trimStart'; import moment from 'moment'; import {fetchTotalCount} from 'sentry/actionCreators/events'; import {ModalRenderProps} from 'sentry/actionCreators/modal'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import {Alert} from 'sentry/components/alert'; import {Button} from 'sentry/components/button'; import ButtonBar from 'sentry/components/buttonBar'; import SelectControl from 'sentry/components/forms/controls/selectControl'; import Option from 'sentry/components/forms/controls/selectOption'; import GridEditable, { COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED, GridColumnOrder, } from 'sentry/components/gridEditable'; import Pagination from 'sentry/components/pagination'; import QuestionTooltip from 'sentry/components/questionTooltip'; import {parseSearch} from 'sentry/components/searchSyntax/parser'; import HighlightQuery from 'sentry/components/searchSyntax/renderer'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {Organization, PageFilters, SelectValue} from 'sentry/types'; import {Series} from 'sentry/types/echarts'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import {trackAnalytics} from 'sentry/utils/analytics'; import {getUtcDateString} from 'sentry/utils/dates'; import {TableDataWithTitle} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery'; import EventView from 'sentry/utils/discover/eventView'; import { AggregationOutputType, isAggregateField, isEquation, isEquationAlias, } from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import {createOnDemandFilterWarning} from 'sentry/utils/onDemandMetrics'; import {hasOnDemandMetricWidgetFeature} from 'sentry/utils/onDemandMetrics/features'; import parseLinkHeader from 'sentry/utils/parseLinkHeader'; import {MetricsCardinalityProvider} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/metricsCardinality'; import {MEPSettingProvider} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/metricsEnhancedSetting'; import {decodeInteger, decodeList, decodeScalar} from 'sentry/utils/queryString'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import {useLocation} from 'sentry/utils/useLocation'; import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects'; import useRouter from 'sentry/utils/useRouter'; import withPageFilters from 'sentry/utils/withPageFilters'; import { DashboardFilters, DisplayType, Widget, WidgetType, } from 'sentry/views/dashboards/types'; import { dashboardFiltersToString, eventViewFromWidget, getColoredWidgetIndicator, getFieldsFromEquations, getNumEquations, getWidgetDiscoverUrl, getWidgetIssueUrl, getWidgetReleasesUrl, } from 'sentry/views/dashboards/utils'; import { SESSION_DURATION_ALERT, WidgetDescription, } from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetCard'; import WidgetCardChart, { AugmentedEChartDataZoomHandler, SLIDER_HEIGHT, } from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetCard/chart'; import { DashboardsMEPConsumer, DashboardsMEPProvider, useDashboardsMEPContext, } from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetCard/dashboardsMEPContext'; import {GenericWidgetQueriesChildrenProps} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetCard/genericWidgetQueries'; import IssueWidgetQueries from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetCard/issueWidgetQueries'; import ReleaseWidgetQueries from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetCard/releaseWidgetQueries'; import {WidgetCardChartContainer} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetCard/widgetCardChartContainer'; import WidgetQueries from 'sentry/views/dashboards/widgetCard/widgetQueries'; import {decodeColumnOrder} from 'sentry/views/discover/utils'; import {OrganizationContext} from 'sentry/views/organizationContext'; import {MetricsDataSwitcher} from 'sentry/views/performance/landing/metricsDataSwitcher'; import {WidgetViewerQueryField} from './widgetViewerModal/utils'; import { renderDiscoverGridHeaderCell, renderGridBodyCell, renderIssueGridHeaderCell, renderReleaseGridHeaderCell, } from './widgetViewerModal/widgetViewerTableCell'; export interface WidgetViewerModalOptions { organization: Organization; widget: Widget; dashboardFilters?: DashboardFilters; onEdit?: () => void; pageLinks?: string; seriesData?: Series[]; seriesResultsType?: Record; tableData?: TableDataWithTitle[]; totalIssuesCount?: string; } interface Props extends ModalRenderProps, WidgetViewerModalOptions { organization: Organization; selection: PageFilters; } const FULL_TABLE_ITEM_LIMIT = 20; const HALF_TABLE_ITEM_LIMIT = 10; const HALF_CONTAINER_HEIGHT = 300; const EMPTY_QUERY_NAME = '(Empty Query Condition)'; const shouldWidgetCardChartMemo = (prevProps, props) => { const selectionMatches = props.selection === prevProps.selection; const sortMatches = props.location.query[WidgetViewerQueryField.SORT] === prevProps.location.query[WidgetViewerQueryField.SORT]; const chartZoomOptionsMatches = isEqual( props.chartZoomOptions, prevProps.chartZoomOptions ); const isNotTopNWidget = props.widget.displayType !== DisplayType.TOP_N && !defined(props.widget.limit); return selectionMatches && chartZoomOptionsMatches && (sortMatches || isNotTopNWidget); }; // WidgetCardChartContainer and WidgetCardChart rerenders if selection was changed. // This is required because we want to prevent ECharts interactions from causing // unnecessary rerenders which can break legends and zoom functionality. const MemoizedWidgetCardChartContainer = memo( WidgetCardChartContainer, shouldWidgetCardChartMemo ); const MemoizedWidgetCardChart = memo(WidgetCardChart, shouldWidgetCardChartMemo); async function fetchDiscoverTotal( api: Client, organization: Organization, location: Location, eventView: EventView ): Promise { if (!eventView.isValid()) { return undefined; } try { const total = await fetchTotalCount( api, organization.slug, eventView.getEventsAPIPayload(location) ); return total.toLocaleString(); } catch (err) { Sentry.captureException(err); return undefined; } } function WidgetViewerModal(props: Props) { const { organization, widget, selection, Footer, Body, Header, closeModal, onEdit, seriesData, tableData, totalIssuesCount, pageLinks: defaultPageLinks, seriesResultsType, dashboardFilters, } = props; const location = useLocation(); const {projects} = useProjects(); const router = useRouter(); const shouldShowSlider = organization.features.includes('widget-viewer-modal-minimap'); // TODO(Tele-Team): Re-enable this when we have a better way to determine if the data is transaction only // let widgetContentLoadingStatus: boolean | undefined = undefined; // Get widget zoom from location // We use the start and end query params for just the initial state const start = decodeScalar(location.query[WidgetViewerQueryField.START]); const end = decodeScalar(location.query[WidgetViewerQueryField.END]); const isTableWidget = widget.displayType === DisplayType.TABLE; const hasSessionDuration = widget.queries.some(query => query.aggregates.some(aggregate => aggregate.includes('session.duration')) ); const locationPageFilter = useMemo( () => start && end ? { ...selection, datetime: {start, end, period: null, utc: null}, } : selection, [start, end, selection] ); const [chartUnmodified, setChartUnmodified] = useState(true); const [chartZoomOptions, setChartZoomOptions] = useState({ start: 0, end: 100, }); // We wrap the modalChartSelection in a useRef because we do not want to recalculate this value // (which would cause an unnecessary rerender on calculation) except for the initial load. // We use this for when a user visit a widget viewer url directly. const [modalTableSelection, setModalTableSelection] = useState(locationPageFilter); const modalChartSelection = useRef(modalTableSelection); // Detect when a user clicks back and set the PageFilter state to match the location // We need to use useEffect to prevent infinite looping rerenders due to the setModalTableSelection call useEffect(() => { if (location.action === 'POP') { setModalTableSelection(locationPageFilter); if (start && end) { setChartZoomOptions({ startValue: moment.utc(start).unix() * 1000, endValue: moment.utc(end).unix() * 1000, }); } else { setChartZoomOptions({start: 0, end: 100}); } } }, [end, location, locationPageFilter, start]); // Get legends toggle settings from location // We use the legend query params for just the initial state const [disabledLegends, setDisabledLegends] = useState<{[key: string]: boolean}>( decodeList(location.query[WidgetViewerQueryField.LEGEND]).reduce((acc, legend) => { acc[legend] = false; return acc; }, {}) ); const [totalResults, setTotalResults] = useState(); // Get query selection settings from location const selectedQueryIndex = decodeInteger(location.query[WidgetViewerQueryField.QUERY]) ?? 0; // Get pagination settings from location const page = decodeInteger(location.query[WidgetViewerQueryField.PAGE]) ?? 0; const cursor = decodeScalar(location.query[WidgetViewerQueryField.CURSOR]); // Get table column widths from location const widths = decodeList(location.query[WidgetViewerQueryField.WIDTH]); // Get table sort settings from location const sort = decodeScalar(location.query[WidgetViewerQueryField.SORT]); const sortedQueries = cloneDeep( sort ? => ({...query, orderby: sort})) : widget.queries ); // Top N widget charts (including widgets with limits) results rely on the sorting of the query // Set the orderby of the widget chart to match the location query params const primaryWidget = widget.displayType === DisplayType.TOP_N || widget.limit !== undefined ? {...widget, queries: sortedQueries} : widget; const api = useApi(); // Create Table widget const tableWidget = { ...cloneDeep({...widget, queries: [sortedQueries[selectedQueryIndex]]}), displayType: DisplayType.TABLE, }; const {aggregates, columns} = tableWidget.queries[0]; const {orderby} = widget.queries[0]; const order = orderby.startsWith('-'); const rawOrderby = trimStart(orderby, '-'); const fields = defined(tableWidget.queries[0].fields) ? tableWidget.queries[0].fields : [...columns, ...aggregates]; // Some Discover Widgets (Line, Area, Bar) allow the user to specify an orderby // that is not explicitly selected as an aggregate or column. We need to explicitly // include the orderby in the table widget aggregates and columns otherwise // eventsv2 will complain about sorting on an unselected field. if ( widget.widgetType === WidgetType.DISCOVER && orderby && !isEquationAlias(rawOrderby) && !fields.includes(rawOrderby) ) { fields.push(rawOrderby); [tableWidget, primaryWidget].forEach(aggregatesAndColumns => { if (isAggregateField(rawOrderby) || isEquation(rawOrderby)) { aggregatesAndColumns.queries.forEach(query => { if (!query.aggregates.includes(rawOrderby)) { query.aggregates.push(rawOrderby); } }); } else { aggregatesAndColumns.queries.forEach(query => { if (!query.columns.includes(rawOrderby)) { query.columns.push(rawOrderby); } }); } }); } // Need to set the orderby of the eventsv2 query to equation[index] format // since eventsv2 does not accept the raw equation as a valid sort payload if (isEquation(rawOrderby) && tableWidget.queries[0].orderby === orderby) { tableWidget.queries[0].orderby = `${order ? '-' : ''}equation[${ getNumEquations(fields) - 1 }]`; } // Default table columns for visualizations that don't have a column setting const shouldReplaceTableColumns = [ DisplayType.AREA, DisplayType.LINE, DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER, DisplayType.BAR, ].includes(widget.displayType) && widget.widgetType && [WidgetType.DISCOVER, WidgetType.RELEASE].includes(widget.widgetType) && !defined(widget.limit); // Updates fields by adding any individual terms from equation fields as a column if (!isTableWidget) { const equationFields = getFieldsFromEquations(fields); equationFields.forEach(term => { if (isAggregateField(term) && !aggregates.includes(term)) { aggregates.unshift(term); } if (!isAggregateField(term) && !columns.includes(term)) { columns.unshift(term); } }); } // Add any group by columns into table fields if missing columns.forEach(column => { if (!fields.includes(column)) { fields.unshift(column); } }); if (shouldReplaceTableColumns) { switch (widget.widgetType) { case WidgetType.DISCOVER: if (fields.length === 1) { tableWidget.queries[0].orderby = tableWidget.queries[0].orderby || `-${fields[0]}`; } fields.unshift('title'); columns.unshift('title'); break; case WidgetType.RELEASE: fields.unshift('release'); columns.unshift('release'); break; default: break; } } const eventView = eventViewFromWidget( tableWidget.title, tableWidget.queries[0], modalTableSelection ); let columnOrder = decodeColumnOrder( => ({ field, })) ); const columnSortBy = eventView.getSorts(); columnOrder =, index) => ({ ...column, width: parseInt(widths[index], 10) || -1, })); const getOnDemandFilterWarning = createOnDemandFilterWarning( t( 'We don’t routinely collect metrics from this property. As such, historical data may be limited.' ) ); const queryOptions ={name, conditions}, index) => { // Creates the highlighted query elements to be used in the Query Select const dashboardFiltersString = dashboardFiltersToString(dashboardFilters); const parsedQuery = !name && !!conditions ? parseSearch( conditions + (dashboardFiltersString === '' ? '' : ` ${dashboardFiltersString}`), { getFilterTokenWarning: hasOnDemandMetricWidgetFeature(organization) ? getOnDemandFilterWarning : undefined, } ) : null; const getHighlightedQuery = ( highlightedContainerProps: React.ComponentProps ) => { return parsedQuery !== null ? ( ) : undefined; }; return { label: truncate(name || conditions, 120), value: index, getHighlightedQuery, }; }); const onResizeColumn = (columnIndex: number, nextColumn: GridColumnOrder) => { const newWidth = nextColumn.width ? Number(nextColumn.width) : COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED; const newWidths: number[] = new Array(Math.max(columnIndex, widths.length)).fill( COL_WIDTH_UNDEFINED ); widths.forEach((width, index) => (newWidths[index] = parseInt(width, 10))); newWidths[columnIndex] = newWidth; router.replace({ pathname: location.pathname, query: { ...location.query, [WidgetViewerQueryField.WIDTH]: newWidths, }, }); }; // Get discover result totals useEffect(() => { const getDiscoverTotals = async () => { if (widget.widgetType === WidgetType.DISCOVER) { setTotalResults(await fetchDiscoverTotal(api, organization, location, eventView)); } }; getDiscoverTotals(); // Disabling this for now since this effect should only run on initial load and query index changes // Including all exhaustive deps would cause fetchDiscoverTotal on nearly every update // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [selectedQueryIndex]); function onLegendSelectChanged({selected}: {selected: Record}) { setDisabledLegends(selected); router.replace({ pathname: location.pathname, query: { ...location.query, [WidgetViewerQueryField.LEGEND]: Object.keys(selected).filter( key => !selected[key] ), }, }); trackAnalytics('dashboards_views.widget_viewer.toggle_legend', { organization, widget_type: widget.widgetType ?? WidgetType.DISCOVER, display_type: widget.displayType, }); } function DiscoverTable({ tableResults, loading, pageLinks, }: GenericWidgetQueriesChildrenProps) { const {isMetricsData} = useDashboardsMEPContext(); const links = parseLinkHeader(pageLinks ?? null); const isFirstPage = links.previous?.results === false; return ( { if ( [DisplayType.TOP_N, DisplayType.TABLE].includes(widget.displayType) || defined(widget.limit) ) { setChartUnmodified(false); } }, isMetricsData, }) as (column: GridColumnOrder, columnIndex: number) => React.ReactNode, renderBodyCell: renderGridBodyCell({ ...props, location, tableData: tableResults?.[0], isFirstPage, projects, eventView, }), onResizeColumn, }} location={location} /> {(links?.previous?.results || links?.next?.results) && ( { router.replace({ pathname: location.pathname, query: { ...location.query, [WidgetViewerQueryField.CURSOR]: newCursor, }, }); if (widget.displayType === DisplayType.TABLE) { setChartUnmodified(false); } trackAnalytics('dashboards_views.widget_viewer.paginate', { organization, widget_type: WidgetType.DISCOVER, display_type: widget.displayType, }); }} /> )} ); } const renderIssuesTable = ({ tableResults, loading, pageLinks, totalCount, }: GenericWidgetQueriesChildrenProps) => { if (totalResults === undefined && totalCount) { setTotalResults(totalCount); } const links = parseLinkHeader(pageLinks ?? null); return ( { setChartUnmodified(false); }, }) as (column: GridColumnOrder, columnIndex: number) => React.ReactNode, renderBodyCell: renderGridBodyCell({ location, organization, selection, widget: tableWidget, }), onResizeColumn, }} location={location} /> {(links?.previous?.results || links?.next?.results) && ( { let nextPage = isNaN(page) ? delta : page + delta; let newCursor = nextCursor; // unset cursor and page when we navigate back to the first page // also reset cursor if somehow the previous button is enabled on // first page and user attempts to go backwards if (nextPage <= 0) { newCursor = undefined; nextPage = 0; } router.replace({ pathname: location.pathname, query: { ...location.query, [WidgetViewerQueryField.CURSOR]: newCursor, [WidgetViewerQueryField.PAGE]: nextPage, }, }); if (widget.displayType === DisplayType.TABLE) { setChartUnmodified(false); } trackAnalytics('dashboards_views.widget_viewer.paginate', { organization, widget_type: WidgetType.ISSUE, display_type: widget.displayType, }); }} /> )} ); }; const renderReleaseTable: ReleaseWidgetQueries['props']['children'] = ({ tableResults, loading, pageLinks, }) => { const links = parseLinkHeader(pageLinks ?? null); const isFirstPage = links.previous?.results === false; return ( { if ( [DisplayType.TOP_N, DisplayType.TABLE].includes(widget.displayType) || defined(widget.limit) ) { setChartUnmodified(false); } }, }) as (column: GridColumnOrder, columnIndex: number) => React.ReactNode, renderBodyCell: renderGridBodyCell({ ...props, location, tableData: tableResults?.[0], isFirstPage, }), onResizeColumn, }} location={location} /> {!tableWidget.queries[0].orderby.match(/^-?release$/) && (links?.previous?.results || links?.next?.results) && ( { router.replace({ pathname: location.pathname, query: { ...location.query, [WidgetViewerQueryField.CURSOR]: newCursor, }, }); trackAnalytics('dashboards_views.widget_viewer.paginate', { organization, widget_type: WidgetType.RELEASE, display_type: widget.displayType, }); }} /> )} ); }; const onZoom: AugmentedEChartDataZoomHandler = (evt, chart) => { // @ts-expect-error getModel() is private but we need this to retrieve datetime values of zoomed in region const model = chart.getModel(); const {seriesStart, seriesEnd} = evt; let startValue, endValue; startValue = model._payload.batch?.[0].startValue; endValue = model._payload.batch?.[0].endValue; const seriesStartTime = seriesStart ? new Date(seriesStart).getTime() : undefined; const seriesEndTime = seriesEnd ? new Date(seriesEnd).getTime() : undefined; // Slider zoom events don't contain the raw date time value, only the percentage // We use the percentage with the start and end of the series to calculate the adjusted zoom if (startValue === undefined || endValue === undefined) { if (seriesStartTime && seriesEndTime) { const diff = seriesEndTime - seriesStartTime; startValue = diff * model._payload.start * 0.01 + seriesStartTime; endValue = diff * model._payload.end * 0.01 + seriesStartTime; } else { return; } } setChartZoomOptions({startValue, endValue}); const newStart = getUtcDateString(moment.utc(startValue)); const newEnd = getUtcDateString(moment.utc(endValue)); setModalTableSelection({ ...modalTableSelection, datetime: { ...modalTableSelection.datetime, start: newStart, end: newEnd, period: null, }, }); router.push({ pathname: location.pathname, query: { ...location.query, [WidgetViewerQueryField.START]: newStart, [WidgetViewerQueryField.END]: newEnd, }, }); trackAnalytics('dashboards_views.widget_viewer.zoom', { organization, widget_type: widget.widgetType ?? WidgetType.DISCOVER, display_type: widget.displayType, }); }; function renderWidgetViewerTable() { switch (widget.widgetType) { case WidgetType.ISSUE: if (tableData && chartUnmodified && widget.displayType === DisplayType.TABLE) { return renderIssuesTable({ tableResults: tableData, loading: false, errorMessage: undefined, pageLinks: defaultPageLinks, totalCount: totalIssuesCount, }); } return ( {renderIssuesTable} ); case WidgetType.RELEASE: if (tableData && chartUnmodified && widget.displayType === DisplayType.TABLE) { return renderReleaseTable({ tableResults: tableData, loading: false, pageLinks: defaultPageLinks, }); } return ( {renderReleaseTable} ); case WidgetType.DISCOVER: default: if (tableData && chartUnmodified && widget.displayType === DisplayType.TABLE) { return ( ); } return ( {({tableResults, loading, pageLinks}) => { // TODO(Tele-Team): Re-enable this when we have a better way to determine if the data is transaction only // small hack that improves the concurrency render of the warning triangle // widgetContentLoadingStatus = loading; return ( ); }} ); } } function renderWidgetViewer() { return ( {hasSessionDuration && SESSION_DURATION_ALERT} {widget.displayType !== DisplayType.TABLE && ( {(!!seriesData || !!tableData) && chartUnmodified ? ( ) : ( )} )} {widget.queries.length > 1 && ( {t( 'This widget was built with multiple queries. Table data can only be displayed for one query at a time. To edit any of the queries, edit the widget.' )} )} {(widget.queries.length > 1 || widget.queries[0].conditions) && ( ) => { router.replace({ pathname: location.pathname, query: { ...location.query, [WidgetViewerQueryField.QUERY]: option.value, [WidgetViewerQueryField.PAGE]: undefined, [WidgetViewerQueryField.CURSOR]: undefined, }, }); trackAnalytics('dashboards_views.widget_viewer.select_query', { organization, widget_type: widget.widgetType ?? WidgetType.DISCOVER, display_type: widget.displayType, }); }} components={{ // Replaces the displayed selected value SingleValue: containerProps => { return ( ({ wordBreak: 'break-word', flex: 1, display: 'flex', padding: `0 ${space(0.5)}`, })} > {queryOptions[selectedQueryIndex].getHighlightedQuery({ display: 'block', }) ?? (queryOptions[selectedQueryIndex].label || ( {EMPTY_QUERY_NAME} ))} ); }, // Replaces the dropdown options Option: containerProps => { const highlightedQuery ={ display: 'flex', }); return ( )} {renderWidgetViewerTable()} ); } return ( {metricsDataSide => (


{widget.thresholds && tableData && organization.features.includes('dashboard-widget-indicators') && getColoredWidgetIndicator(widget.thresholds, tableData)}
{widget.description && ( {widget.description} )} {({}) => { // TODO(Tele-Team): Re-enable this when we have a better way to determine if the data is transaction only // if ( // widgetContentLoadingStatus === false && // widget.widgetType === WidgetType.DISCOVER && // isMetricsData === false // ) { // return ( // // // // ); // } return null; }}
{renderTotalResults(totalResults, widget.widgetType)} {onEdit && && ( )} {widget.widgetType && ( )}
); } interface OpenButtonProps { organization: Organization; selectedQueryIndex: number; selection: PageFilters; widget: Widget; } function OpenButton({ widget, selection, organization, selectedQueryIndex, }: OpenButtonProps) { let openLabel: string; let path: string; const {isMetricsData} = useDashboardsMEPContext(); switch (widget.widgetType) { case WidgetType.ISSUE: openLabel = t('Open in Issues'); path = getWidgetIssueUrl(widget, selection, organization); break; case WidgetType.RELEASE: openLabel = t('Open in Releases'); path = getWidgetReleasesUrl(widget, selection, organization); break; case WidgetType.DISCOVER: default: openLabel = t('Open in Discover'); path = getWidgetDiscoverUrl( {...widget, queries: [widget.queries[selectedQueryIndex]]}, selection, organization, 0, isMetricsData ); break; } return ( ); } function renderTotalResults(totalResults?: string, widgetType?: WidgetType) { if (totalResults === undefined) { return ; } switch (widgetType) { case WidgetType.ISSUE: return ( {tct('[description:Total Issues:] [total]', { description: , total: totalResults === '1000' ? '1000+' : totalResults, })} ); case WidgetType.DISCOVER: return ( {tct('[description:Sampled Events:] [total]', { description: , total: totalResults, })} ); default: return ; } } export const modalCss = css` width: 100%; max-width: 1200px; `; const Container = styled('div')<{height?: number | null}>` height: ${p => (p.height ? `${p.height}px` : 'auto')}; position: relative; padding-bottom: ${space(3)}; `; const QueryContainer = styled('div')` margin-bottom: ${space(2)}; position: relative; `; const StyledQuestionTooltip = styled(QuestionTooltip)` position: absolute; top: ${space(1.5)}; right: ${space(2)}; `; const HighlightContainer = styled('span')<{display?: 'block' | 'flex'}>` display: ${p => p.display}; gap: ${space(1)}; font-family: ${p => p.theme.text.familyMono}; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeSmall}; line-height: 2; flex: 1; `; const ResultsContainer = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-grow: 1; flex-direction: column; gap: ${space(1)}; @media (min-width: ${p => p.theme.breakpoints.small}) { align-items: center; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; } `; const EmptyQueryContainer = styled('span')` color: ${p => p.theme.disabled}; `; const WidgetHeader = styled('div')` display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: ${space(1)}; `; const WidgetTitleRow = styled('div')` display: flex; align-items: center; gap: ${space(0.75)}; `; export default withPageFilters(WidgetViewerModal);