import {Fragment} from 'react'; import debounce from 'lodash/debounce'; import * as qs from 'query-string'; import {ModalRenderProps} from 'sentry/actionCreators/modal'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import DeprecatedAsyncComponent from 'sentry/components/deprecatedAsyncComponent'; import FieldFromConfig from 'sentry/components/forms/fieldFromConfig'; import Form, {FormProps} from 'sentry/components/forms/form'; import FormModel, {FieldValue} from 'sentry/components/forms/model'; import QuestionTooltip from 'sentry/components/questionTooltip'; import {tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import { Choices, IntegrationIssueConfig, IssueConfigField, SelectValue, } from 'sentry/types'; import {FormField} from 'sentry/views/alerts/rules/issue/ruleNode'; export type ExternalIssueAction = 'create' | 'link'; export type ExternalIssueFormErrors = {[key: string]: React.ReactNode}; type Props = ModalRenderProps & DeprecatedAsyncComponent['props']; type State = { action: ExternalIssueAction; /** * Object of fields where `updatesFrom` is true, by field name. Derived from * `integrationDetails` when it loads. Null until set. */ dynamicFieldValues: {[key: string]: FieldValue | null} | null; /** * Cache of options fetched for async fields. */ fetchedFieldOptionsCache: Record; /** * Fetched via endpoint, null until set. */ integrationDetails: IntegrationIssueConfig | null; } & DeprecatedAsyncComponent['state']; // This exists because /extensions/type/search API is not prefixed with // /api/0/, but the default API client on the abstract issue form is... const API_CLIENT = new Client({baseUrl: '', headers: {}}); const DEBOUNCE_MS = 200; /** * @abstract */ export default class AbstractExternalIssueForm< P extends Props = Props, S extends State = State, > extends DeprecatedAsyncComponent { shouldRenderBadRequests = true; model = new FormModel(); getDefaultState(): State { return { ...super.getDefaultState(), action: 'create', dynamicFieldValues: null, fetchedFieldOptionsCache: {}, integrationDetails: null, }; } refetchConfig = () => { const {action, dynamicFieldValues} = this.state; const query = {action, ...dynamicFieldValues}; const endpoint = this.getEndPointString(); this.api.request(endpoint, { method: 'GET', query, success: (data, _, resp) => { this.handleRequestSuccess({stateKey: 'integrationDetails', data, resp}, true); }, error: error => { this.handleError(error, ['integrationDetails', endpoint, null, null]); }, }); }; getConfigName = (): 'createIssueConfig' | 'linkIssueConfig' => { // Explicitly returning a non-interpolated string for clarity. const {action} = this.state; switch (action) { case 'create': return 'createIssueConfig'; case 'link': return 'linkIssueConfig'; default: throw new Error('illegal action'); } }; /** * Convert IntegrationIssueConfig to an object that maps field names to the * values of fields where `updatesFrom` is true. This function prefers to read * configs from its parameters and otherwise falls back to reading from state. * @param integrationDetailsParam * @returns Object of field names to values. */ getDynamicFields = ( integrationDetailsParam?: IntegrationIssueConfig ): {[key: string]: FieldValue | null} => { const {integrationDetails: integrationDetailsFromState} = this.state; const integrationDetails = integrationDetailsParam || integrationDetailsFromState; const config = (integrationDetails || {})[this.getConfigName()]; return Object.fromEntries( (config || []) .filter((field: IssueConfigField) => field.updatesForm) .map((field: IssueConfigField) => [, field.default || null]) ); }; onRequestSuccess = ({stateKey, data}) => { if (stateKey === 'integrationDetails') { this.handleReceiveIntegrationDetails(data); this.setState({ dynamicFieldValues: this.getDynamicFields(data), }); } }; /** * If this field should updateForm, updateForm. Otherwise, do nothing. */ onFieldChange = (fieldName: string, value: FieldValue) => { const {dynamicFieldValues} = this.state; const dynamicFields = this.getDynamicFields(); if (dynamicFields.hasOwnProperty(fieldName) && dynamicFieldValues) { dynamicFieldValues[fieldName] = value; this.setState( { dynamicFieldValues, reloading: true, error: false, remainingRequests: 1, }, this.refetchConfig ); } }; /** * For fields with dynamic fields, cache the fetched choices. */ updateFetchedFieldOptionsCache = ( field: IssueConfigField, result: SelectValue[] ): void => { const {fetchedFieldOptionsCache} = this.state; this.setState({ fetchedFieldOptionsCache: { ...fetchedFieldOptionsCache, []: => [obj.value, obj.label]), }, }); }; /** * Ensures current result from Async select fields is never discarded. Without this method, * searching in an async select field without selecting one of the returned choices will * result in a value saved to the form, and no associated label; appearing empty. * @param field The field being examined * @param result The result from it's asynchronous query * @returns The result with a tooltip attached to the current option */ ensureCurrentOption = ( field: IssueConfigField, result: SelectValue[] ): SelectValue[] => { const currentOption = this.getDefaultOptions(field).find( option => option.value === this.model.getValue( ); if (!currentOption) { return result; } if (typeof currentOption.label === 'string') { currentOption.label = ( {' '} {currentOption.label} ); } const currentOptionResultIndex = result.findIndex( obj => obj.value === currentOption?.value ); // Has a selected option, and it is in API results if (currentOptionResultIndex >= 0) { const newResult = result; newResult[currentOptionResultIndex] = currentOption; return newResult; } // Has a selected option, and it is not in API results return [...result, currentOption]; }; /** * Get the list of options for a field via debounced API call. For example, * the list of users that match the input string. The Promise rejects if there * are any errors. */ getOptions = (field: IssueConfigField, input: string) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!input) { return resolve(this.getDefaultOptions(field)); } return this.debouncedOptionLoad(field, input, (err, result) => { if (err) { reject(err); } else { result = this.ensureCurrentOption(field, result); this.updateFetchedFieldOptionsCache(field, result); resolve(result); } }); }); debouncedOptionLoad = debounce( async ( field: IssueConfigField, input: string, cb: (err: Error | null, result?: any) => void ) => { const {dynamicFieldValues} = this.state; const query = qs.stringify({ ...dynamicFieldValues, field:, query: input, }); const url = field.url || ''; const separator = url.includes('?') ? '&' : '?'; // We can't use the API client here since the URL is not scoped under the // API endpoints (which the client prefixes) try { const response = await API_CLIENT.requestPromise(url + separator + query); cb(null, response); } catch (err) { cb(err); } }, DEBOUNCE_MS, {trailing: true} ); getDefaultOptions = (field: IssueConfigField) => { const choices = (field.choices as Array<[number | string, number | string | React.ReactElement]>) || []; return[value, label]) => ({value, label})); }; /** * If this field is an async select (field.url is not null), add async props. */ getFieldProps = (field: IssueConfigField) => field.url ? { async: true, autoload: true, cache: false, loadOptions: (input: string) => this.getOptions(field, input), defaultOptions: this.getDefaultOptions(field), onBlurResetsInput: false, onCloseResetsInput: false, onSelectResetsInput: false, } : {}; // Abstract methods. handleReceiveIntegrationDetails = (_data: any) => { // Do nothing. }; getEndPointString(): string { throw new Error("Method 'getEndPointString()' must be implemented."); } renderNavTabs = (): React.ReactNode => null; renderBodyText = (): React.ReactNode => null; getTitle = () => tct('Issue Link Settings', {}); getFormProps = (): FormProps => { throw new Error("Method 'getFormProps()' must be implemented."); }; hasErrorInFields = (): boolean => { // check if we have any form fields with name error and type blank const fields = this.getCleanedFields(); return fields.some(field => === 'error' && field.type === 'blank'); }; getDefaultFormProps = (): FormProps => { return { footerClass: 'modal-footer', onFieldChange: this.onFieldChange, submitDisabled: this.state.reloading || this.hasErrorInFields(), model: this.model, // Other form props implemented by child classes. }; }; getCleanedFields = (): IssueConfigField[] => { const {fetchedFieldOptionsCache, integrationDetails} = this.state; const configsFromAPI = (integrationDetails || {})[this.getConfigName()]; return (configsFromAPI || []).map(field => { const fieldCopy = {...field}; // Overwrite choices from cache. if (fetchedFieldOptionsCache?.hasOwnProperty( { fieldCopy.choices = fetchedFieldOptionsCache[]; } return fieldCopy; }); }; renderComponent() { return this.state.error ? this.renderError() : this.renderBody(); } renderForm = ( formFields?: IssueConfigField[], errors: ExternalIssueFormErrors = {} ) => { const initialData: {[key: string]: any} = (formFields || []).reduce( (accumulator, field: FormField) => { accumulator[] = field.default; return accumulator; }, {} ); const {Header, Body} = this.props as ModalRenderProps; return (


{this.renderNavTabs()} {this.shouldRenderLoading ? ( this.renderLoading() ) : ( {this.renderBodyText()}
{(formFields || []) .filter((field: FormField) => field.hasOwnProperty('name')) .map(fields => ({ ...fields, noOptionsMessage: () => 'No options. Type to search.', })) .map((field, i) => { return ( {errors[] && errors[]} ); })}
); }; }