import {useEffect, useState} from 'react'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import NotFound from 'sentry/components/errors/notFound'; import * as Layout from 'sentry/components/layouts/thirds'; import LoadingError from 'sentry/components/loadingError'; import LoadingIndicator from 'sentry/components/loadingIndicator'; import SentryDocumentTitle from 'sentry/components/sentryDocumentTitle'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {useApiQuery} from 'sentry/utils/queryClient'; import type {WithRouteAnalyticsProps} from 'sentry/utils/routeAnalytics/withRouteAnalytics'; import withRouteAnalytics from 'sentry/utils/routeAnalytics/withRouteAnalytics'; import normalizeUrl from 'sentry/utils/url/normalizeUrl'; import {useLocation} from 'sentry/utils/useLocation'; import {useNavigate} from 'sentry/utils/useNavigate'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import {useParams} from 'sentry/utils/useParams'; import {assignTempId} from './layoutUtils'; import type {DashboardDetails, DashboardListItem} from './types'; import {hasSavedPageFilters} from './utils'; type OrgDashboardsChildrenProps = { dashboard: DashboardDetails | null; dashboards: DashboardListItem[]; error: boolean; onDashboardUpdate: (updatedDashboard: DashboardDetails) => void; }; type Props = WithRouteAnalyticsProps & { children: (props: OrgDashboardsChildrenProps) => React.ReactNode; }; function OrgDashboards(props: Props) { const {children} = props; const location = useLocation(); const organization = useOrganization(); const navigate = useNavigate(); const {dashboardId} = useParams<{dashboardId: string}>(); const ENDPOINT = `/organizations/${organization.slug}/dashboards/`; // The currently selected dashboard const [selectedDashboardState, setSelectedDashboardState] = useState(null); const { data: dashboards, isPending: isDashboardsPending, isError: isDashboardsError, error: dashboardsError, } = useApiQuery([ENDPOINT], {staleTime: 0, retry: false}); const { data: fetchedSelectedDashboard, isLoading: isSelectedDashboardLoading, isError: isSelectedDashboardError, error: selectedDashboardError, } = useApiQuery([`${ENDPOINT}${dashboardId}/`], { staleTime: 0, enabled: !!dashboardId, retry: false, }); const selectedDashboard = selectedDashboardState ?? fetchedSelectedDashboard; useEffect(() => { if (dashboardId && !isEqual(dashboardId, selectedDashboard?.id)) { setSelectedDashboardState(null); } }, [dashboardId, selectedDashboard]); // If we don't have a selected dashboard, and one isn't going to arrive // we can redirect to the first dashboard in the list. useEffect(() => { if (!dashboardId) { const firstDashboardId = dashboards?.length ? dashboards[0]?.id : 'default-overview'; navigate( normalizeUrl({ pathname: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/dashboard/${firstDashboardId}/`, query: { ...location.query, }, }), {replace: true} ); } }, [dashboards, dashboardId, organization.slug, location.query, navigate]); useEffect(() => { if (dashboardId || selectedDashboard) { const queryParamFilters = new Set([ 'project', 'environment', 'statsPeriod', 'start', 'end', 'utc', 'release', ]); if ( selectedDashboard && // Only redirect if there are saved filters and none of the filters // appear in the query params hasSavedPageFilters(selectedDashboard) && Object.keys(location.query).filter(unsavedQueryParam => queryParamFilters.has(unsavedQueryParam) ).length === 0 ) { navigate( { ...location, query: { ...location.query, project: selectedDashboard.projects, environment: selectedDashboard.environment, statsPeriod: selectedDashboard.period, start: selectedDashboard.start, end: selectedDashboard.end, utc: selectedDashboard.utc, }, }, {replace: true} ); } } }, [dashboardId, location, navigate, selectedDashboard]); useEffect(() => { if (!organization.features.includes('dashboards-basic')) { // Redirect to Dashboards v1 navigate( normalizeUrl({ pathname: `/organizations/${organization.slug}/dashboards/`, query: { ...location.query, }, }), {replace: true} ); } }, [location.query, navigate, organization]); if (isDashboardsPending || isSelectedDashboardLoading) { return ( ); } if ( (isDashboardsPending || isSelectedDashboardLoading) && selectedDashboard && hasSavedPageFilters(selectedDashboard) && Object.keys(location.query).length === 0 ) { // Block dashboard from rendering if the dashboard has filters and // the URL does not contain filters yet. The filters can either match the // saved filters, or can be different (i.e. sharing an unsaved state) return ( ); } if (isDashboardsError || isSelectedDashboardError) { const notFound = dashboardsError?.status === 404 || selectedDashboardError?.status === 404; if (notFound) { return ; } return ; } const getDashboards = (): DashboardListItem[] => { return Array.isArray(dashboards) ? dashboards : []; }; const renderContent = () => { // Ensure there are always tempIds for grid layout // This is needed because there are cases where the dashboard // renders before the onRequestSuccess setState is processed // and will caused stacked widgets because of missing tempIds const dashboard = selectedDashboard ? { ...selectedDashboard, widgets:, } : null; return children({ error: Boolean(dashboardsError || selectedDashboardError), dashboard, dashboards: getDashboards(), onDashboardUpdate: setSelectedDashboardState, }); }; return ( {renderContent()} ); } export default withRouteAnalytics(OrgDashboards);