import {Fragment, useRef} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import {Observer} from 'mobx-react'; import Alert from 'sentry/components/alert'; import AlertLink from 'sentry/components/alertLink'; import NumberField from 'sentry/components/forms/fields/numberField'; import SelectField from 'sentry/components/forms/fields/selectField'; import SentryMemberTeamSelectorField from 'sentry/components/forms/fields/sentryMemberTeamSelectorField'; import SentryProjectSelectorField from 'sentry/components/forms/fields/sentryProjectSelectorField'; import TextField from 'sentry/components/forms/fields/textField'; import Form, {FormProps} from 'sentry/components/forms/form'; import FormModel from 'sentry/components/forms/model'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import List from 'sentry/components/list'; import ListItem from 'sentry/components/list/listItem'; import Panel from 'sentry/components/panels/panel'; import PanelBody from 'sentry/components/panels/panelBody'; import Text from 'sentry/components/text'; import {timezoneOptions} from 'sentry/data/timezones'; import {t, tct, tn} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; import {SelectValue} from 'sentry/types'; import {isActiveSuperuser} from 'sentry/utils/isActiveSuperuser'; import slugify from 'sentry/utils/slugify'; import commonTheme from 'sentry/utils/theme'; import useOrganization from 'sentry/utils/useOrganization'; import usePageFilters from 'sentry/utils/usePageFilters'; import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects'; import {normalizeUrl} from 'sentry/utils/withDomainRequired'; import {crontabAsText} from 'sentry/views/monitors/utils'; import { IntervalConfig, Monitor, MonitorConfig, MonitorType, ScheduleType, } from '../types'; const SCHEDULE_OPTIONS: SelectValue<string>[] = [ {value: ScheduleType.CRONTAB, label: t('Crontab')}, {value: ScheduleType.INTERVAL, label: t('Interval')}, ]; const DEFAULT_MONITOR_TYPE = 'cron_job'; const DEFAULT_CRONTAB = '0 0 * * *'; // Maps the value from the SentryMemberTeamSelectorField -> the expected alert // rule key and vice-versa. // // XXX(epurkhiser): For whatever reason the rules API wants the team and member // to be capitalized. const RULE_TARGET_MAP = {team: 'Team', member: 'Member'} as const; const RULES_SELECTOR_MAP = {Team: 'team', Member: 'member'} as const; // In minutes export const DEFAULT_MAX_RUNTIME = 30; export const DEFAULT_CHECKIN_MARGIN = 1; const CHECKIN_MARGIN_MINIMUM = 1; const TIMEOUT_MINIMUM = 1; const getIntervals = (n: number): SelectValue<string>[] => [ {value: 'minute', label: tn('minute', 'minutes', n)}, {value: 'hour', label: tn('hour', 'hours', n)}, {value: 'day', label: tn('day', 'days', n)}, {value: 'week', label: tn('week', 'weeks', n)}, {value: 'month', label: tn('month', 'months', n)}, {value: 'year', label: tn('year', 'years', n)}, ]; type Props = { apiEndpoint: string; apiMethod: FormProps['apiMethod']; onSubmitSuccess: FormProps['onSubmitSuccess']; monitor?: Monitor; submitLabel?: string; }; interface TransformedData extends Partial<Omit<Monitor, 'config' | 'alertRule'>> { alertRule?: Partial<Monitor['alertRule']>; config?: Partial<Monitor['config']>; } /** * Transform sub-fields for what the API expects */ function transformData(_data: Record<string, any>, model: FormModel) { const result = model.fields.toJSON().reduce<TransformedData>((data, [k, v]) => { data.config ??= {}; data.alertRule ??= {}; if (k === 'alertRule.targets') { const alertTargets = (v as string[] | undefined)?.map(item => { // See SentryMemberTeamSelectorField to understand why these are strings const [type, id] = item.split(':'); const targetType = RULE_TARGET_MAP[type]; return {targetType, targetIdentifier: Number(id)}; }); data.alertRule.targets = alertTargets; return data; } if (k === 'alertRule.environment') { const environment = v === '' ? undefined : (v as string); data.alertRule.environment = environment; return data; } if (k === 'config.schedule.frequency' || k === 'config.schedule.interval') { if (!Array.isArray(data.config.schedule)) { data.config.schedule = [1, 'hour']; } } if (Array.isArray(data.config.schedule) && k === 'config.schedule.frequency') { data.config.schedule[0] = parseInt(v as string, 10); return data; } if (Array.isArray(data.config.schedule) && k === 'config.schedule.interval') { data.config.schedule[1] = v as IntervalConfig['schedule'][1]; return data; } if (k.startsWith('config.')) { data.config[k.substring(7)] = v; return data; } data[k] = v; return data; }, {}); // If targets are not specified, don't send alert rule config to backend if (!result.alertRule?.targets) { result.alertRule = undefined; } return result; } /** * Transform config field errors from the error response */ function mapFormErrors(responseJson?: any) { if (responseJson.config === undefined) { return responseJson; } // Bring nested config entries to the top const {config, ...responseRest} = responseJson; const configErrors = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(config).map(([key, value]) => [`config.${key}`, value]) ); return {...responseRest, ...configErrors}; } function MonitorForm({ monitor, submitLabel, apiEndpoint, apiMethod, onSubmitSuccess, }: Props) { const form = useRef(new FormModel({transformData, mapFormErrors})); const organization = useOrganization(); const {projects} = useProjects(); const {selection} = usePageFilters(); function formDataFromConfig(type: MonitorType, config: MonitorConfig) { const rv = {}; switch (type) { case 'cron_job': rv['config.schedule_type'] = config.schedule_type; rv['config.checkin_margin'] = config.checkin_margin; rv['config.max_runtime'] = config.max_runtime; rv['config.failure_issue_threshold'] = config.failure_issue_threshold; rv['config.recovery_threshold'] = config.recovery_threshold; switch (config.schedule_type) { case 'interval': rv['config.schedule.frequency'] = config.schedule[0]; rv['config.schedule.interval'] = config.schedule[1]; break; case 'crontab': default: rv['config.schedule'] = config.schedule; rv['config.timezone'] = config.timezone; } break; default: } return rv; } const selectedProjectId = selection.projects[0]; const selectedProject = selectedProjectId ? projects.find(p => === selectedProjectId + '') : null; const isSuperuser = isActiveSuperuser(); const filteredProjects = projects.filter(project => isSuperuser || project.isMember); const alertRuleTarget = monitor?.alertRule? target => `${RULES_SELECTOR_MAP[target.targetType]}:${target.targetIdentifier}` ); const envOptions = selectedProject? => ({value: e, label: e})) ?? []; const alertRuleEnvs = [ { label: 'All Environments', value: '', }, ...envOptions, ]; const hasIssuePlatform = organization.features.includes('issue-platform'); return ( <Form allowUndo requireChanges apiEndpoint={apiEndpoint} apiMethod={apiMethod} model={form.current} initialData={ monitor ? { name:, slug: monitor.slug, type: monitor.type ?? DEFAULT_MONITOR_TYPE, project: monitor.project.slug, 'alertRule.targets': alertRuleTarget, 'alertRule.environment': monitor.alertRule?.environment, ...formDataFromConfig(monitor.type, monitor.config), } : { project: selectedProject ? selectedProject.slug : null, type: DEFAULT_MONITOR_TYPE, } } onSubmitSuccess={onSubmitSuccess} submitLabel={submitLabel} > <StyledList symbol="colored-numeric"> <StyledListItem>{t('Add a name and project')}</StyledListItem> <ListItemSubText>{t('The name will show up in notifications.')}</ListItemSubText> <InputGroup> <StyledTextField name="name" placeholder={t('My Cron Job')} required stacked inline={false} /> {monitor && ( <StyledTextField name="slug" help={tct( 'The [strong:monitor-slug] is used to uniquely identify your monitor within your organization. Changing this slug will require updates to any instrumented check-in calls.', {strong: <strong />} )} placeholder={t('monitor-slug')} required stacked inline={false} transformInput={slugify} /> )} <StyledSentryProjectSelectorField name="project" projects={filteredProjects} placeholder={t('Choose Project')} disabled={!!monitor} disabledReason={t('Existing monitors cannot be moved between projects')} valueIsSlug required stacked inline={false} /> </InputGroup> <StyledListItem>{t('Set your schedule')}</StyledListItem> <ListItemSubText> {tct('You can use [link:the crontab syntax] or our interval schedule.', { link: <ExternalLink href="" />, })} </ListItemSubText> <InputGroup> {monitor !== undefined && ( <StyledAlert type="info"> {t( 'Any changes you make to the execution schedule will only be applied after the next expected check-in.' )} </StyledAlert> )} <StyledSelectField name="config.schedule_type" options={SCHEDULE_OPTIONS} defaultValue={ScheduleType.CRONTAB} orientInline required stacked inline={false} /> <Observer> {() => { const scheduleType = form.current.getValue('config.schedule_type'); const parsedSchedule = scheduleType === 'crontab' ? crontabAsText( form.current.getValue('config.schedule')?.toString() ?? '' ) : null; if (scheduleType === 'crontab') { return ( <MultiColumnInput columns="1fr 2fr"> <StyledTextField name="config.schedule" placeholder="* * * * *" defaultValue={DEFAULT_CRONTAB} css={{input: {fontFamily: commonTheme.text.familyMono}}} required stacked inline={false} /> <StyledSelectField name="config.timezone" defaultValue="UTC" options={timezoneOptions} required stacked inline={false} /> {parsedSchedule && <CronstrueText>"{parsedSchedule}"</CronstrueText>} </MultiColumnInput> ); } if (scheduleType === 'interval') { return ( <MultiColumnInput columns="auto 1fr 2fr"> <LabelText>{t('Every')}</LabelText> <StyledNumberField name="config.schedule.frequency" placeholder="e.g. 1" defaultValue="1" required stacked inline={false} /> <StyledSelectField name="config.schedule.interval" options={getIntervals( Number(form.current.getValue('config.schedule.frequency') ?? 1) )} defaultValue="day" required stacked inline={false} /> </MultiColumnInput> ); } return null; }} </Observer> </InputGroup> <StyledListItem>{t('Set thresholds')}</StyledListItem> <ListItemSubText> {t('Configure when we mark your monitor as failed or missed.')} </ListItemSubText> <InputGroup> <Panel> <PanelBody> <NumberField name="config.checkin_margin" min={CHECKIN_MARGIN_MINIMUM} placeholder={tn( 'Defaults to %s minute', 'Defaults to %s minutes', DEFAULT_CHECKIN_MARGIN )} help={t('Number of minutes before a check-in is considered missed.')} label={t('Grace Period')} /> <NumberField name="config.max_runtime" min={TIMEOUT_MINIMUM} placeholder={tn( 'Defaults to %s minute', 'Defaults to %s minutes', DEFAULT_MAX_RUNTIME )} help={t( 'Number of a minutes before an in-progress check-in is marked timed out.' )} label={t('Max Runtime')} /> </PanelBody> </Panel> </InputGroup> <StyledListItem>{t('Notifications')}</StyledListItem> <ListItemSubText>{t('Configure who to notify and when.')}</ListItemSubText> <InputGroup> <Panel> <PanelBody> {monitor?.config.alert_rule_id && ( <AlertLink priority="muted" to={normalizeUrl( `/alerts/rules/${monitor.project.slug}/${monitor.config.alert_rule_id}/` )} withoutMarginBottom > {t('Customize this monitors notification configuration in Alerts')} </AlertLink> )} <SentryMemberTeamSelectorField label={t('Notify')} help={t('Send notifications to a member or team.')} name="alertRule.targets" multiple menuPlacement="auto" /> {hasIssuePlatform && ( <Fragment> <NumberField name="config.failure_issue_threshold" min={1} placeholder="1" help={t('Create an issue after this many missed or error check-ins')} label={t('Tolerate Failures')} /> <NumberField name="config.recovery_threshold" min={1} placeholder="1" help={t('Recover monitor status after this many healthy check-ins')} label={t('Recovery Threshold')} /> </Fragment> )} <SelectField label={t('Environment')} help={t('Only receive notifications from a specific environment.')} name="alertRule.environment" options={alertRuleEnvs} menuPlacement="auto" defaultValue="" /> </PanelBody> </Panel> </InputGroup> </StyledList> </Form> ); } export default MonitorForm; const StyledList = styled(List)` width: 800px; `; const StyledAlert = styled(Alert)` margin-bottom: 0; `; const StyledNumberField = styled(NumberField)` padding: 0; `; const StyledSelectField = styled(SelectField)` padding: 0; `; const StyledTextField = styled(TextField)` padding: 0; `; const StyledSentryProjectSelectorField = styled(SentryProjectSelectorField)` padding: 0; `; const StyledListItem = styled(ListItem)` font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeExtraLarge}; font-weight: bold; line-height: 1.3; `; const LabelText = styled(Text)` font-weight: bold; color: ${p => p.theme.subText}; `; const ListItemSubText = styled(Text)` padding-left: ${space(4)}; color: ${p => p.theme.subText}; `; const InputGroup = styled('div')` padding-left: ${space(4)}; margin-top: ${space(1)}; margin-bottom: ${space(4)}; display: flex; flex-direction: column; gap: ${space(1)}; `; const MultiColumnInput = styled('div')<{columns?: string}>` display: grid; align-items: center; gap: ${space(1)}; grid-template-columns: ${p => p.columns}; `; const CronstrueText = styled(LabelText)` font-weight: normal; font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeExtraSmall}; font-family: ${p => p.theme.text.familyMono}; grid-column: auto / span 2; `;