import {Fragment} from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import type {Field} from 'sentry/components/forms/types'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import {space} from 'sentry/styles/space'; // Export route to make these forms searchable by label/help export const route = '/settings/:orgId/projects/:projectId/issue-grouping/'; export const fields: Record<string, Field> = { fingerprintingRules: { name: 'fingerprintingRules', type: 'string', label: t('Fingerprint Rules'), hideLabel: true, placeholder: t( 'error.type:MyException -> fingerprint-value\nstack.function:some_panic_function -> fingerprint-value' ), multiline: true, monospace: true, autosize: true, inline: false, maxRows: 20, saveOnBlur: false, saveMessageAlertType: 'info', saveMessage: t( 'Changing fingerprint rules will apply to future events only (can take up to a minute).' ), formatMessageValue: false, help: () => ( <Fragment> <RuleDescription> {tct( `This can be used to modify the fingerprint rules on the server with custom rules. Rules follow the pattern [pattern]. To learn more about fingerprint rules, [docs:read the docs].`, { pattern: <code>matcher:glob -> fingerprint, values</code>, docs: ( <ExternalLink href="" /> ), } )} </RuleDescription> <RuleExample> {`# force all errors of the same type to have the same fingerprint error.type:DatabaseUnavailable -> system-down # force all memory allocation errors to be grouped together stack.function:malloc -> memory-allocation-error`} </RuleExample> </Fragment> ), visible: true, }, groupingEnhancements: { name: 'groupingEnhancements', type: 'string', label: t('Stack Trace Rules'), hideLabel: true, placeholder: t( 'stack.function:raise_an_exception ^-group\nstack.function:namespace::* +app' ), multiline: true, monospace: true, autosize: true, inline: false, maxRows: 20, saveOnBlur: false, saveMessageAlertType: 'info', saveMessage: t( 'Changing stack trace rules will apply to future events only (can take up to a minute).' ), formatMessageValue: false, help: () => ( <Fragment> <RuleDescription> {tct( `This can be used to enhance the grouping algorithm with custom rules. Rules follow the pattern [pattern]. To learn more about stack trace rules, [docs:read the docs].`, { pattern: <code>matcher:glob [v^]?[+-]flag</code>, docs: ( <ExternalLink href="" /> ), } )} </RuleDescription> <RuleExample> {`# remove all frames above a certain function from grouping stack.function:panic_handler ^-group # mark all functions following a prefix in-app stack.function:mylibrary_* +app`} </RuleExample> </Fragment> ), validate: () => [], visible: true, }, }; const RuleDescription = styled('div')` margin-bottom: ${space(1)}; margin-top: -${space(1)}; `; const RuleExample = styled('pre')` margin-bottom: ${space(1)}; `;