import {MemberFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/member'; import {OrganizationFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/organization'; import {UserFixture} from 'sentry-fixture/user'; import {render, screen} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import OrganizationMemberRow from 'sentry/views/settings/organizationMembers/organizationMemberRow'; describe('OrganizationMemberRow', function () { const member = MemberFixture({ id: '1', email: '', name: '', orgRole: 'member', roleName: 'Member', inviterName: 'Current User', pending: false, flags: { 'sso:linked': false, 'idp:provisioned': false, 'idp:role-restricted': false, 'member-limit:restricted': false, 'partnership:restricted': false, 'sso:invalid': false, }, user: UserFixture({ id: '', has2fa: false, name: '', }), }); const currentUser = UserFixture({ id: '2', email: '', name: 'Current User', }); const defaultProps: React.ComponentProps<typeof OrganizationMemberRow> = { organization: OrganizationFixture(), status: '', requireLink: false, memberCanLeave: false, canAddMembers: false, canRemoveMembers: false, member, currentUser, onSendInvite: () => {}, onRemove: () => {}, onLeave: () => {}, }; function resendButton() { return screen.queryByRole('button', {name: 'Resend invite'}); } function resendSsoButton() { return screen.queryByRole('button', {name: 'Resend SSO link'}); } function leaveButton() { return screen.queryByRole('button', {name: 'Leave'}); } function removeButton() { return screen.queryByRole('button', {name: 'Remove'}); } describe('two factor', function () { it('does not have 2fa warning if user has 2fa', function () { render( <OrganizationMemberRow {...defaultProps} member={MemberFixture({ ...member, user: UserFixture({...member.user, has2fa: true}), })} /> ); expect(screen.getByText('2FA Enabled')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.queryByText('2FA Not Enabled')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('has 2fa warning if user does not have 2fa enabled', function () { render( <OrganizationMemberRow {...defaultProps} member={{ ...member, user: UserFixture({...member.user, has2fa: false}), }} /> ); expect(screen.getByText('2FA Not Enabled')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.queryByText('2FA Enabled')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('Pending user', function () { const props = { ...defaultProps, member: {...member, pending: true}, }; it('has "Invited" status, no "Resend Invite"', function () { render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} />); expect(screen.getByTestId('member-role')).toHaveTextContent('Invited Member'); expect(resendButton()).toBeDisabled(); }); it('has "Resend Invite" button if `canAddMembers` is true', function () { render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} canAddMembers />); expect(screen.getByTestId('member-role')).toHaveTextContent('Invited Member'); expect(resendButton()).toBeEnabled(); }); it('has "Resend Invite" button if invite was sent from curr user and feature is on', function () { const org = OrganizationFixture({ features: ['members-invite-teammates'], access: ['member:invite'], }); render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} organization={org} />); expect(screen.getByTestId('member-role')).toHaveTextContent('Invited Member'); expect(resendButton()).toBeEnabled(); }); it('does not have "Resend Invite" button if invite was sent from other user and feature is on', function () { const org = OrganizationFixture({ features: ['members-invite-teammates'], access: ['member:invite'], }); render( <OrganizationMemberRow {...props} organization={org} member={{...member, pending: true, inviterName: 'Other User'}} /> ); expect(screen.getByTestId('member-role')).toHaveTextContent('Invited Member'); expect(resendButton()).toBeDisabled(); }); it('has the right inviting states', function () { render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} canAddMembers />); expect(resendButton()).toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('has loading state', function () { render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} canAddMembers status="loading" />); // Should have loader expect(screen.getByTestId('loading-indicator')).toBeInTheDocument(); // No Resend Invite button expect(resendButton()).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('has success status', function () { render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} canAddMembers status="success" />); // Should not have loader expect(screen.queryByTestId('loading-indicator')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); // No Resend Invite button expect(resendButton()).not.toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.getByTestId('member-status')).toHaveTextContent('Sent!'); }); it('has Remove button if invite was sent from curr user and feature is on', function () { const org = OrganizationFixture({ features: ['members-invite-teammates'], access: ['member:invite'], }); render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} organization={org} />); expect(removeButton()).toBeEnabled(); }); it('has disabled Remove button if invite was sent from other user and feature is on', function () { const org = OrganizationFixture({ features: ['members-invite-teammates'], access: ['member:invite'], }); render( <OrganizationMemberRow {...props} organization={org} member={{...member, pending: true, inviterName: 'Other User'}} /> ); expect(removeButton()).toBeDisabled(); }); }); describe('Expired user', function () { it('has "Expired" status', function () { render( <OrganizationMemberRow {...defaultProps} canAddMembers member={{...member, pending: true, expired: true}} /> ); expect(screen.getByTestId('member-role')).toHaveTextContent('Expired Invite'); expect(resendButton()).toBeEnabled(); }); }); describe('Requires SSO Link', function () { const props = { ...defaultProps, flags: {'sso:link': false}, requireLink: true, }; it('shows "Invited" status if user has not registered and not linked', function () { render( <OrganizationMemberRow {...props} canAddMembers member={{...member, pending: true}} /> ); expect(screen.getByTestId('member-role')).toHaveTextContent('Invited Member'); expect(resendButton()).toBeEnabled(); }); it('shows "missing SSO link" message if user is registered and needs link', function () { render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} />); expect(screen.getByTestId('member-role')).toHaveTextContent('Member'); expect(resendSsoButton()).toBeDisabled(); }); it('has "Resend SSO link" button only if `canAddMembers` is true and no link', function () { render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} canAddMembers />); expect(resendSsoButton()).toBeEnabled(); }); it('has 2fa warning if user is linked does not have 2fa enabled', function () { render( <OrganizationMemberRow {...defaultProps} member={{ ...member, flags: { 'sso:linked': true, 'idp:provisioned': false, 'idp:role-restricted': false, 'member-limit:restricted': false, 'partnership:restricted': false, 'sso:invalid': false, }, user: UserFixture({...member.user, has2fa: false}), }} /> ); expect(screen.getByText('2FA Not Enabled')).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(screen.queryByText('2FA Enabled')).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('Is Current User', function () { const props = { ...defaultProps, member: {...member, email: ''}, }; it('has button to leave organization and no button to remove', function () { render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} memberCanLeave />); expect(leaveButton()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect(removeButton()).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('has disabled button to leave organization and no button to remove when member can not leave', function () { render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} memberCanLeave={false} />); expect(leaveButton()).toBeDisabled(); expect(removeButton()).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); }); describe('IDP flags permissions', function () { member.flags['idp:provisioned'] = true; it('current user cannot leave if idp:provisioned', function () { const props = { ...defaultProps, member: {...member, email: ''}, }; render( <OrganizationMemberRow {...props} memberCanLeave={!member.flags['idp:provisioned']} /> ); expect(leaveButton()).toBeDisabled(); }); it('cannot remove member if member is idp:provisioned', function () { render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...defaultProps} />); expect(removeButton()).toBeDisabled(); }); }); describe('Not Current User', function () { const props = { ...defaultProps, }; it('does not have Leave button', function () { render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} memberCanLeave />); expect(leaveButton()).not.toBeInTheDocument(); }); it('has Remove disabled button when `canRemoveMembers` is false', function () { member.flags['idp:provisioned'] = false; render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} />); expect(removeButton()).toBeDisabled(); }); it('has Remove button when `canRemoveMembers` is true', function () { member.flags['idp:provisioned'] = false; render(<OrganizationMemberRow {...props} canRemoveMembers />); expect(removeButton()).toBeEnabled(); }); }); });