import {Component} from 'react'; import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import omit from 'lodash/omit'; import type {Client, ResponseMeta} from 'sentry/api'; import {isSelectionEqual} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/utils'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {PageFilters} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {Series} from 'sentry/types/echarts'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import type {TableDataWithTitle} from 'sentry/utils/discover/discoverQuery'; import type {AggregationOutputType} from 'sentry/utils/discover/fields'; import type {MEPState} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/metricsEnhancedSetting'; import type {OnDemandControlContext} from 'sentry/utils/performance/contexts/onDemandControl'; import {dashboardFiltersToString} from 'sentry/views/dashboards/utils'; import type {DatasetConfig} from '../datasetConfig/base'; import type {DashboardFilters, Widget, WidgetQuery} from '../types'; import {DEFAULT_TABLE_LIMIT, DisplayType} from '../types'; function getReferrer(displayType: DisplayType) { let referrer: string = ''; if (displayType === DisplayType.TABLE) { referrer = 'api.dashboards.tablewidget'; } else if (displayType === DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER) { referrer = 'api.dashboards.bignumberwidget'; } else { referrer = `api.dashboards.widget.${displayType}-chart`; } return referrer; } export type OnDataFetchedProps = { pageLinks?: string; tableResults?: TableDataWithTitle[]; timeseriesResults?: Series[]; timeseriesResultsTypes?: Record<string, AggregationOutputType>; totalIssuesCount?: string; }; export type GenericWidgetQueriesChildrenProps = { loading: boolean; errorMessage?: string; pageLinks?: string; tableResults?: TableDataWithTitle[]; timeseriesResults?: Series[]; timeseriesResultsTypes?: Record<string, AggregationOutputType>; totalCount?: string; }; export type GenericWidgetQueriesProps<SeriesResponse, TableResponse> = { api: Client; children: (props: GenericWidgetQueriesChildrenProps) => React.ReactNode; config: DatasetConfig<SeriesResponse, TableResponse>; organization: Organization; selection: PageFilters; widget: Widget; afterFetchSeriesData?: (result: SeriesResponse) => void; afterFetchTableData?: ( result: TableResponse, response?: ResponseMeta ) => void | {totalIssuesCount?: string}; cursor?: string; customDidUpdateComparator?: ( prevProps: GenericWidgetQueriesProps<SeriesResponse, TableResponse>, nextProps: GenericWidgetQueriesProps<SeriesResponse, TableResponse> ) => boolean; dashboardFilters?: DashboardFilters; forceOnDemand?: boolean; limit?: number; loading?: boolean; mepSetting?: MEPState | null; onDataFetched?: ({ tableResults, timeseriesResults, totalIssuesCount, pageLinks, timeseriesResultsTypes, }: OnDataFetchedProps) => void; onDemandControlContext?: OnDemandControlContext; // Skips adding parens before applying dashboard filters // Used for datasets that do not support parens/boolean logic skipDashboardFilterParens?: boolean; }; type State<SeriesResponse> = { loading: boolean; errorMessage?: GenericWidgetQueriesChildrenProps['errorMessage']; pageLinks?: GenericWidgetQueriesChildrenProps['pageLinks']; queryFetchID?: symbol; rawResults?: SeriesResponse[]; tableResults?: GenericWidgetQueriesChildrenProps['tableResults']; timeseriesResults?: GenericWidgetQueriesChildrenProps['timeseriesResults']; timeseriesResultsTypes?: Record<string, AggregationOutputType>; }; class GenericWidgetQueries<SeriesResponse, TableResponse> extends Component< GenericWidgetQueriesProps<SeriesResponse, TableResponse>, State<SeriesResponse> > { state: State<SeriesResponse> = { loading: true, queryFetchID: undefined, errorMessage: undefined, timeseriesResults: undefined, rawResults: undefined, tableResults: undefined, pageLinks: undefined, timeseriesResultsTypes: undefined, }; componentDidMount() { this._isMounted = true; if (!this.props.loading) { this.fetchData(); } } componentDidUpdate( prevProps: GenericWidgetQueriesProps<SeriesResponse, TableResponse> ) { const {selection, widget, cursor, organization, config, customDidUpdateComparator} = this.props; // We do not fetch data whenever the query name changes. // Also don't count empty fields when checking for field changes const previousQueries = prevProps.widget.queries; const [prevWidgetQueryNames, prevWidgetQueries] = previousQueries.reduce( ([names, queries]: [string[], Omit<WidgetQuery, 'name'>[]], {name,}) => { names.push(name); rest.fields = rest.fields?.filter(field => !!field) ?? []; // Ignore aliases because changing alias does not need a query rest = omit(rest, 'fieldAliases'); queries.push(rest); return [names, queries]; }, [[], []] ); const nextQueries = widget.queries; const [widgetQueryNames, widgetQueries] = nextQueries.reduce( ([names, queries]: [string[], Omit<WidgetQuery, 'name'>[]], {name,}) => { names.push(name); rest.fields = rest.fields?.filter(field => !!field) ?? []; // Ignore aliases because changing alias does not need a query rest = omit(rest, 'fieldAliases'); queries.push(rest); return [names, queries]; }, [[], []] ); if ( customDidUpdateComparator ? customDidUpdateComparator(prevProps, this.props) : widget.limit !== prevProps.widget.limit || !isEqual(widget.widgetType, prevProps.widget.widgetType) || !isEqual(widget.displayType, prevProps.widget.displayType) || !isEqual(widget.interval, prevProps.widget.interval) || !isEqual(new Set(widgetQueries), new Set(prevWidgetQueries)) || !isEqual(this.props.dashboardFilters, prevProps.dashboardFilters) || !isEqual(this.props.forceOnDemand, prevProps.forceOnDemand) || !isSelectionEqual(selection, prevProps.selection) || cursor !== prevProps.cursor ) { this.fetchData(); return; } if ( !this.state.loading && !isEqual(prevWidgetQueryNames, widgetQueryNames) && this.state.rawResults?.length === widget.queries.length ) { // If the query names has changed, then update timeseries labels // eslint-disable-next-line react/no-did-update-set-state this.setState(prevState => { const timeseriesResults = widget.queries.reduce((acc: Series[], query, index) => { return acc.concat( config.transformSeries!(prevState.rawResults![index], query, organization) ); }, []); return {...prevState, timeseriesResults}; }); } } componentWillUnmount() { this._isMounted = false; } private _isMounted: boolean = false; applyDashboardFilters(widget: Widget): Widget { const {dashboardFilters, skipDashboardFilterParens} = this.props; const dashboardFilterConditions = dashboardFiltersToString(dashboardFilters); widget.queries.forEach(query => { if (dashboardFilterConditions) { // If there is no base query, there's no need to add parens if (query.conditions && !skipDashboardFilterParens) { query.conditions = `(${query.conditions})`; } query.conditions = query.conditions + ` ${dashboardFilterConditions}`; } }); return widget; } widgetForRequest(widget: Widget): Widget { widget = this.applyDashboardFilters(widget); return cleanWidgetForRequest(widget); } async fetchTableData(queryFetchID: symbol) { const { widget: originalWidget, limit, config, api, organization, selection, cursor, afterFetchTableData, onDataFetched, onDemandControlContext, mepSetting, } = this.props; const widget = this.widgetForRequest(cloneDeep(originalWidget)); const responses = await Promise.all( => { const requestLimit: number | undefined = limit ?? DEFAULT_TABLE_LIMIT; const requestCreator = config.getTableRequest; if (!requestCreator) { throw new Error( t('This display type is not supported by the selected dataset.') ); } return requestCreator( api, widget, query, organization, selection, onDemandControlContext, requestLimit, cursor, getReferrer(widget.displayType), mepSetting ); }) ); let transformedTableResults: TableDataWithTitle[] = []; let responsePageLinks: string | undefined; let afterTableFetchData: OnDataFetchedProps | undefined; responses.forEach(([data, _textstatus, resp], i) => { afterTableFetchData = afterFetchTableData?.(data, resp) ?? {}; // Cast so we can add the title. const transformedData = config.transformTable( data, widget.queries[0], organization, selection ) as TableDataWithTitle; transformedData.title = widget.queries[i]?.name ?? ''; // Overwrite the local var to work around state being stale in tests. transformedTableResults = [...transformedTableResults, transformedData]; // There is some inconsistency with the capitalization of "link" in response headers responsePageLinks = (resp?.getResponseHeader('Link') || resp?.getResponseHeader('link')) ?? undefined; }); if (this._isMounted && this.state.queryFetchID === queryFetchID) { onDataFetched?.({ tableResults: transformedTableResults, pageLinks: responsePageLinks, ...afterTableFetchData, }); this.setState({ tableResults: transformedTableResults, pageLinks: responsePageLinks, }); } } async fetchSeriesData(queryFetchID: symbol) { const { widget: originalWidget, config, api, organization, selection, afterFetchSeriesData, onDataFetched, mepSetting, onDemandControlContext, } = this.props; const widget = this.widgetForRequest(cloneDeep(originalWidget)); const responses = await Promise.all(, index) => { return config.getSeriesRequest!( api, widget, index, organization, selection, onDemandControlContext, getReferrer(widget.displayType), mepSetting ); }) ); const rawResultsClone = cloneDeep(this.state.rawResults) ?? []; const transformedTimeseriesResults: Series[] = []; responses.forEach(([data], requestIndex) => { afterFetchSeriesData?.(data); rawResultsClone[requestIndex] = data; const transformedResult = config.transformSeries!( data, widget.queries[requestIndex], organization ); // When charting timeseriesData on echarts, color association to a timeseries result // is order sensitive, ie series at index i on the timeseries array will use color at // index i on the color array. This means that on multi series results, we need to make // sure that the order of series in our results do not change between fetches to avoid // coloring inconsistencies between renders. transformedResult.forEach((result, resultIndex) => { transformedTimeseriesResults[ requestIndex * transformedResult.length + resultIndex ] = result; }); }); // Get series result type // Only used by custom measurements in errorsAndTransactions at the moment const timeseriesResultsTypes = config.getSeriesResultType?.( responses[0][0], widget.queries[0] ); if (this._isMounted && this.state.queryFetchID === queryFetchID) { onDataFetched?.({ timeseriesResults: transformedTimeseriesResults, timeseriesResultsTypes, }); this.setState({ timeseriesResults: transformedTimeseriesResults, rawResults: rawResultsClone, timeseriesResultsTypes, }); } } async fetchData() { const {widget} = this.props; const queryFetchID = Symbol('queryFetchID'); this.setState({ loading: true, tableResults: undefined, timeseriesResults: undefined, errorMessage: undefined, queryFetchID, }); try { if ([DisplayType.TABLE, DisplayType.BIG_NUMBER].includes(widget.displayType)) { await this.fetchTableData(queryFetchID); } else { await this.fetchSeriesData(queryFetchID); } } catch (err) { if (this._isMounted) { this.setState({ errorMessage: err?.responseJSON?.detail || err?.message || t('An unknown error occurred.'), }); } } finally { if (this._isMounted) { this.setState({loading: false}); } } } render() { const {children} = this.props; const { loading, tableResults, timeseriesResults, errorMessage, pageLinks, timeseriesResultsTypes, } = this.state; return children({ loading, tableResults, timeseriesResults, errorMessage, pageLinks, timeseriesResultsTypes, }); } } export function cleanWidgetForRequest(widget: Widget): Widget { const _widget = cloneDeep(widget); _widget.queries.forEach(query => { query.aggregates = query.aggregates.filter(field => !!field && field !== 'equation|'); query.columns = query.columns.filter(field => !!field && field !== 'equation|'); }); return _widget; } export default GenericWidgetQueries;