import moment from 'moment'; import type BaseChart from 'sentry/components/charts/baseChart'; import type {DateTimeObject} from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import {normalizeDateTimeParams} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/parse'; import type {SeriesDataUnit} from 'sentry/types/echarts'; /** * Buckets a week of sequential days into one data unit */ export function sortSeriesByDay(data: SeriesDataUnit[]): SeriesDataUnit[] { return data.sort((a, b) => new Date( - new Date(; } /** * Convert an object with date as the key to a series */ export function convertDayValueObjectToSeries( data: Record<string, number> ): SeriesDataUnit[] { return Object.entries(data).map(([bucket, count]) => ({ value: count, name: new Date(bucket).getTime(), })); } /** * Takes a sorted array of trend items and groups them by worst/better/no chagne */ export function groupByTrend<T extends {trend: number}>(data: T[]): T[] { const worseItems = data.filter(x => Math.round(x.trend) < 0); const betterItems = data.filter(x => Math.round(x.trend) > 0); const zeroItems = data.filter(x => Math.round(x.trend) === 0); return [...worseItems, ...betterItems, ...zeroItems]; } export const barAxisLabel = (): React.ComponentProps<typeof BaseChart>['xAxis'] => { return { type: 'category', axisTick: { alignWithLabel: true, }, axisLabel: { formatter: (date: string) => { return moment(new Date(Number(date))).format('MMM D'); }, }, }; }; const INSIGHTS_DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD = '8w'; export function dataDatetime( query: Parameters<typeof normalizeDateTimeParams>[0] ): DateTimeObject { const { start, end, statsPeriod, utc: utcString, } = normalizeDateTimeParams(query, { allowEmptyPeriod: true, allowAbsoluteDatetime: true, allowAbsolutePageDatetime: true, }); if (!statsPeriod && !start && !end) { return {period: INSIGHTS_DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD}; } // Following getParams, statsPeriod will take priority over start/end if (statsPeriod) { return {period: statsPeriod}; } const utc = utcString === 'true'; if (start && end) { return utc ? { start: moment.utc(start).format(), end: moment.utc(end).format(), utc, } : { start: moment(start).utc().format(), end: moment(end).utc().format(), utc, }; } return {period: INSIGHTS_DEFAULT_STATS_PERIOD}; }