import {Event} from 'fixtures/js-stubs/event'; import type {Crumb} from 'sentry/types/breadcrumbs'; import {BreadcrumbLevelType, BreadcrumbType} from 'sentry/types/breadcrumbs'; import getCurrentUrl from 'sentry/utils/replays/getCurrentUrl'; import type {ReplayRecord} from 'sentry/views/replays/types'; const START_DATE = new Date('2022-06-15T00:40:00.111Z'); const PAGELOAD_DATE = new Date('2022-06-15T00:45:00.222Z'); const NAVIGATION_DATE = new Date('2022-06-15T00:46:00.333Z'); const NEW_DOMAIN_DATE = new Date('2022-06-15T00:47:00.444Z'); const END_DATE = new Date('2022-06-15T00:50:00.555Z'); const PAGELOAD_CRUMB: Crumb = { category: 'default', type: BreadcrumbType.NAVIGATION, timestamp: PAGELOAD_DATE.toISOString(), level: BreadcrumbLevelType.INFO, message: '', data: { to: '', }, id: 6, color: 'green300', description: 'Navigation', }; const NAV_CRUMB: Crumb = { type: BreadcrumbType.NAVIGATION, category: 'navigation', data: { from: '/', to: '/report/', }, timestamp: NAVIGATION_DATE.toISOString(), id: 5, color: 'green300', description: 'Navigation', level: BreadcrumbLevelType.UNDEFINED, }; const NEW_DOMAIN_CRUMB: Crumb = { category: 'default', type: BreadcrumbType.NAVIGATION, timestamp: NEW_DOMAIN_DATE.toISOString(), level: BreadcrumbLevelType.INFO, message: '', data: { to: '', }, id: 29, color: 'green300', description: 'Navigation', }; describe('getCurrentUrl', () => { let replayRecord; beforeEach(() => { replayRecord = Event({ tags: {}, urls: [ '', '', '', ], startedAt: START_DATE, finishedAt: END_DATE, }) as ReplayRecord; }); it('should return the origin of the first url from the url array if the offset is early', () => { const crumbs = [PAGELOAD_CRUMB, NAV_CRUMB]; const offsetMS = 0; const url = getCurrentUrl(replayRecord, crumbs, offsetMS); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('should return the first navigation url when the offset is after that', () => { const crumbs = [PAGELOAD_CRUMB, NAV_CRUMB]; const offsetMS = Number(NAVIGATION_DATE) - Number(START_DATE) + 10; const url = getCurrentUrl(replayRecord, crumbs, offsetMS); expect(url).toBe( '' ); }); it('should use the domain that is included in the crumb, if the crumb is a valid url', () => { const crumbs = [NEW_DOMAIN_CRUMB]; const offsetMS = Number(NEW_DOMAIN_DATE) - Number(START_DATE) + 10; const url = getCurrentUrl(replayRecord, crumbs, offsetMS); expect(url).toBe(''); }); it('should not explode when an invalid urls is found', () => { const base64EncodedScriptTag = 'nulltext/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD4KICAgICAgb25tZXNzYWdlID0gKGV2ZW50KSA9PiB7CiAgICAgICAgY29uc29sZS5sb2coJ2hlbGxvIHdvcmxkJyk7CiAgICAgIH0KICA8L3NjcmlwdD4='; replayRecord.urls = [base64EncodedScriptTag]; const crumbs = []; const offsetMS = 0; const url = getCurrentUrl(replayRecord, crumbs, offsetMS); expect(url).toBe(base64EncodedScriptTag); }); });