import {Organization} from 'sentry/types'; import {Hooks} from 'sentry/types/hooks'; import {trackAnalyticsEventV2} from 'sentry/utils/analytics'; const hasAnalyticsDebug = () => window.localStorage?.getItem('DEBUG_ANALYTICS') === '1'; type OptionalOrg = { organization: Organization | string | null; }; type Options = Parameters<Hooks['analytics:track-event-v2']>[1]; /** * Generates functions used to track an event for analytics. * Each function can only handle the event types specified by the * generic for EventParameters and the events in eventKeyToNameMap. * Can specifcy default options with the defaultOptions argument as well. * Can make orgnization required with the second generic. */ export default function makeAnalyticsFunction< EventParameters extends Record<string, Record<string, any>>, OrgRequirement extends OptionalOrg = OptionalOrg >( eventKeyToNameMap: Record<keyof EventParameters, string | null>, defaultOptions?: Options ) { /** * Function used for analytics of specifc types determined from factory function * Uses the current session ID or generates a new one if startSession == true. * An analytics session corresponds to a single action funnel such as installation. * Tracking by session allows us to track individual funnel attempts for a single user. */ return <EventKey extends keyof EventParameters & string>( eventKey: EventKey, analyticsParams: EventParameters[EventKey] & OrgRequirement, options?: Options ) => { const eventName = eventKeyToNameMap[eventKey]; const params = { eventKey, eventName, ...analyticsParams, }; if (hasAnalyticsDebug()) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('analyticsEvent', params); } // only apply options if required to make mock assertions easier if (options || defaultOptions) { options = {...defaultOptions, ...options}; trackAnalyticsEventV2(params, options); } else { trackAnalyticsEventV2(params); } }; }