import {css} from '@emotion/react';
import color from 'color';
import {DATA_CATEGORY_INFO} from 'sentry/constants';
import {CHART_PALETTE} from 'sentry/constants/chartPalette';
import {Outcome} from 'sentry/types';
* Exporting for use in Storybook only. Do not import this
* anywhere else! Instead, use the theme prop or import useTheme.
export const lightColors = {
black: '#1D1127',
white: '#FFFFFF',
surface100: '#F5F3F7',
surface200: '#FAF9FB',
surface300: '#FFFFFF',
surface400: '#FFFFFF',
* Hover color. Deprecated – use instead for interaction
* (hover/press) states.
* @deprecated
surface500: '#F5F3F7',
gray500: '#2B2233',
gray400: '#3E3446',
gray300: '#80708F',
gray200: '#E0DCE5',
gray100: '#F0ECF3',
* Alternative version of gray200 that's translucent.
* Useful for borders on tooltips, popovers, and dialogs.
translucentGray200: 'rgba(58, 17, 95, 0.14)',
translucentGray100: 'rgba(45, 0, 85, 0.06)',
purple400: '#584AC0',
purple300: '#6C5FC7',
purple200: 'rgba(108, 95, 199, 0.5)',
purple100: 'rgba(108, 95, 199, 0.08)',
blue400: '#2562D4',
blue300: '#3C74DD',
blue200: 'rgba(60, 116, 221, 0.5)',
blue100: 'rgba(60, 116, 221, 0.09)',
green400: '#268D75',
green300: '#2BA185',
green200: 'rgba(43, 161, 133, 0.55)',
green100: 'rgba(43, 161, 133, 0.13)',
yellow400: '#E5A500',
yellow300: '#F5B000',
yellow200: 'rgba(245, 176, 0, 0.55)',
yellow100: 'rgba(245, 176, 0, 0.08)',
red400: '#DF3338',
red300: '#F55459',
red200: 'rgba(245, 84, 89, 0.5)',
red100: 'rgba(245, 84, 89, 0.09)',
pink400: '#E50675',
pink300: '#F14499',
pink200: 'rgba(249, 26, 138, 0.5)',
pink100: 'rgba(249, 26, 138, 0.1)',
* Exporting for use in Storybook only. Do not import this
* anywhere else! Instead, use the theme prop or import useTheme.
export const darkColors = {
black: '#1D1127',
white: '#FFFFFF',
surface100: '#18121C',
surface200: '#1A141F',
surface300: '#241D2A',
surface400: '#2C2433',
* Hover color. Deprecated – use instead for interaction
* (hover/press) states.
* @deprecated
surface500: '#362E3E',
gray500: '#EBE6EF',
gray400: '#D6D0DC',
gray300: '#998DA5',
gray200: '#393041',
gray100: '#302735',
* Alternative version of gray200 that's translucent.
* Useful for borders on tooltips, popovers, and dialogs.
translucentGray200: 'rgba(218, 184, 245, 0.16)',
translucentGray100: 'rgba(208, 168, 240, 0.07)',
purple400: '#A397F7',
purple300: '#7669D3',
purple200: 'rgba(118, 105, 211, 0.27)',
purple100: 'rgba(118, 105, 211, 0.12)',
blue400: '#70A2FF',
blue300: '#3070E8',
blue200: 'rgba(48, 112, 232, 0.25)',
blue100: 'rgba(48, 112, 232, 0.12)',
green400: '#1AB792',
green300: '#1D876E',
green200: 'rgba(29, 135, 110, 0.3)',
green100: 'rgba(29, 135, 110, 0.14)',
yellow400: '#E5A500',
yellow300: '#B28000',
yellow200: 'rgba(178, 128, 0, 0.25)',
yellow100: 'rgba(178, 128, 0, 0.1)',
red400: '#F87277',
red300: '#E12D33',
red200: 'rgba(225, 45, 51, 0.25)',
red100: 'rgba(225, 45, 51, 0.12)',
pink400: '#E674AD',
pink300: '#CE3B85',
pink200: 'rgba(206, 59, 133, 0.25)',
pink100: 'rgba(206, 59, 133, 0.1)',
const prismLight = {
'--prism-base': '#332B3B',
'--prism-selected': '#E9E0EB',
'--prism-inline-code': '#D25F7C',
'--prism-inline-code-background': '#F8F9FB',
'--prism-highlight-background': '#5C78A31C',
'--prism-highlight-accent': '#5C78A344',
'--prism-comment': '#72697C',
'--prism-punctuation': '#70697C',
'--prism-property': '#7A6229',
'--prism-selector': '#3C774A',
'--prism-operator': '#635D6F',
'--prism-variable': '#A8491A',
'--prism-function': '#106A9E',
'--prism-keyword': '#A7114A',
const prismDark = {
'--prism-base': '#F2EDF6',
'--prism-selected': '#865891',
'--prism-inline-code': '#D25F7C',
'--prism-inline-code-background': '#F8F9FB',
'--prism-highlight-background': '#A8A2C31C',
'--prism-highlight-accent': '#A8A2C344',
'--prism-comment': '#8B7A9E',
'--prism-punctuation': '#B3ACC1',
'--prism-property': '#EAB944',
'--prism-selector': '#7EBE8E',
'--prism-operator': '#A470A7',
'--prism-variable': '#E58759',
'--prism-function': '#6CC5F9',
'--prism-keyword': '#E386AA',
const lightShadows = {
dropShadowLight: '0 0 1px rgba(43, 34, 51, 0.04)',
dropShadowMedium: '0 1px 2px rgba(43, 34, 51, 0.04)',
dropShadowHeavy: '0 4px 24px rgba(43, 34, 51, 0.12)',
const darkShadows = {
dropShadowLight: '0 0 1px rgba(10, 8, 12, 0.2)',
dropShadowMedium: '0 1px 2px rgba(10, 8, 12, 0.2)',
dropShadowHeavy: '0 4px 24px rgba(10, 8, 12, 0.36)',
* Background used in the theme-color meta tag
* The colors below are an approximation of the colors used in the sidebar (sidebarGradient).
* Unfortunately the exact colors cannot be used, as the theme-color tag does not support linear-gradient()
const sidebarBackground = {
light: '#2f1937',
dark: '#181622',
type BaseColors = typeof lightColors;
const generateAliases = (colors: BaseColors) => ({
* Heading text color
headingColor: colors.gray500,
* Primary text color
textColor: colors.gray400,
* Text that should not have as much emphasis
subText: colors.gray300,
* Background for the main content area of a page?
bodyBackground: colors.surface200,
* Primary background color
background: colors.surface300,
* Elevated background color
backgroundElevated: colors.surface400,
* Secondary background color used as a slight contrast against primary background
backgroundSecondary: colors.surface200,
* Tertiary background color used as a stronger contrast against primary background
backgroundTertiary: colors.surface100,
* Background for the header of a page
headerBackground: colors.surface300,
* Primary border color
border: colors.gray200,
translucentBorder: colors.translucentGray200,
* Inner borders, e.g. borders inside of a grid
innerBorder: colors.gray100,
translucentInnerBorder: colors.translucentGray100,
* A color that denotes a "success", or something good
success: colors.green300,
successText: colors.green400,
* A color that denotes an error, or something that is wrong
error: colors.red300,
errorText: colors.red400,
* A color that denotes danger, for dangerous actions like deletion
danger: colors.red300,
dangerText: colors.red400,
* A color that denotes a warning
warning: colors.yellow300,
warningText: colors.yellow400,
* A color that indicates something is disabled where user can not interact or use
* it in the usual manner (implies that there is an "enabled" state)
disabled: colors.gray300,
disabledBorder: colors.gray200,
* Indicates a "hover" state. Deprecated – use `InteractionStateLayer` instead for
* interaction (hover/press) states.
* @deprecated
hover: colors.surface500,
* Indicates that something is "active" or "selected"
active: colors.purple300,
activeHover: colors.purple400,
activeText: colors.purple400,
* Indicates that something has "focus", which is different than "active" state as it is more temporal
* and should be a bit subtler than active
focus: colors.purple200,
focusBorder: colors.purple300,
* Inactive
inactive: colors.gray300,
* Link color indicates that something is clickable
linkColor: colors.blue400,
linkHoverColor: colors.blue400,
linkUnderline: colors.blue200,
linkFocus: colors.blue300,
* Form placeholder text color
formPlaceholder: colors.gray300,
* Default form text color
formText: colors.gray400,
rowBackground: colors.surface400,
* Color of lines that flow across the background of the chart to indicate axes levels
* (This should only be used for yAxis)
chartLineColor: colors.gray100,
* Color for chart label text
chartLabel: colors.gray300,
* Color for the 'others' series in topEvent charts
chartOther: colors.gray200,
* Default Progressbar color
progressBar: colors.purple300,
* Default Progressbar color
progressBackground: colors.gray100,
* Overlay for partial opacity
overlayBackgroundAlpha: color(colors.surface200).alpha(0.7).string(),
* Tag progress bars
tagBarHover: colors.purple200,
tagBar: colors.gray200,
* Search filter "token" background
searchTokenBackground: {
valid: colors.blue100,
validActive: color(colors.blue100).opaquer(1.0).string(),
invalid: colors.red100,
invalidActive: color(colors.red100).opaquer(0.8).string(),
* Search filter "token" border
searchTokenBorder: {
valid: colors.blue200,
validActive: color(colors.blue200).opaquer(1).string(),
invalid: colors.red200,
invalidActive: color(colors.red200).opaquer(1).string(),
* Count on button when active
buttonCountActive: colors.white,
* Count on button
buttonCount: colors.gray500,
* Background of alert banners at the top
bannerBackground: colors.gray500,
const dataCategory = {
[DATA_CATEGORY_INFO.transaction.plural]: CHART_PALETTE[4][2],
[DATA_CATEGORY_INFO.attachment.plural]: CHART_PALETTE[4][1],
[DATA_CATEGORY_INFO.replay.plural]: CHART_PALETTE[4][4],
* Default colors for data usage outcomes
const outcome = {
const generateAlertTheme = (colors: BaseColors, alias: Aliases) => ({
muted: {
background: colors.gray200,
backgroundLight: alias.backgroundSecondary,
border: alias.border,
borderHover: alias.border,
iconColor: 'inherit',
iconHoverColor: 'inherit',
info: {
background: colors.blue300,
backgroundLight: colors.blue100,
border: colors.blue200,
borderHover: colors.blue300,
iconColor: colors.blue400,
iconHoverColor: colors.blue400,
warning: {
background: colors.yellow300,
backgroundLight: colors.yellow100,
border: colors.yellow200,
borderHover: colors.yellow300,
iconColor: colors.yellow400,
iconHoverColor: colors.yellow400,
success: {
background: colors.green300,
backgroundLight: colors.green100,
border: colors.green200,
borderHover: colors.green300,
iconColor: colors.green400,
iconHoverColor: colors.green400,
error: {
background: colors.red300,
backgroundLight: colors.red100,
border: colors.red200,
borderHover: colors.red300,
iconColor: colors.red400,
iconHoverColor: colors.red400,
textLight: colors.red200,
const generateBadgeTheme = (colors: BaseColors) => ({
default: {
background: colors.gray100,
indicatorColor: colors.gray100,
color: colors.gray500,
alpha: {
background: `linear-gradient(90deg, ${colors.pink300}, ${colors.yellow300})`,
indicatorColor: colors.pink300,
color: colors.white,
beta: {
background: `linear-gradient(90deg, ${colors.purple300}, ${colors.pink300})`,
indicatorColor: colors.purple300,
color: colors.white,
new: {
background: `linear-gradient(90deg, ${colors.blue300}, ${colors.green300})`,
indicatorColor: colors.green300,
color: colors.white,
experimental: {
background: colors.gray100,
indicatorColor: colors.gray100,
color: colors.gray500,
warning: {
background: colors.yellow300,
indicatorColor: colors.yellow300,
color: colors.gray500,
const generateTagTheme = (colors: BaseColors) => ({
default: {
background: colors.surface400,
border: colors.gray200,
iconColor: colors.gray300,
promotion: {
background: colors.pink100,
border: colors.pink200,
iconColor: colors.pink400,
highlight: {
background: colors.purple100,
border: colors.purple200,
iconColor: colors.purple400,
warning: {
background: colors.yellow100,
border: colors.yellow200,
iconColor: colors.yellow400,
success: {
background: colors.green100,
border: colors.green200,
iconColor: colors.green400,
error: {
background: colors.red100,
border: colors.red200,
iconColor: colors.red400,
info: {
background: colors.purple100,
border: colors.purple200,
iconColor: colors.purple400,
white: {
background: colors.white,
border: colors.white,
black: {
iconColor: colors.white,
const generateLevelTheme = (colors: BaseColors) => ({
sample: colors.purple300,
info: colors.blue300,
warning: colors.yellow300,
// Hardcoded legacy color (orange400). We no longer use orange anywhere
// else in the app (except for the chart palette). This needs to be harcoded
// here because existing users may still associate orange with the "error" level.
error: '#FF7738',
fatal: colors.red300,
default: colors.gray300,
unknown: colors.gray200,
const generateButtonTheme = (colors: BaseColors, alias: Aliases) => ({
default: {
color: alias.textColor,
colorActive: alias.textColor,
background: alias.background,
backgroundActive: alias.hover,
border: alias.border,
borderActive: alias.border,
borderTranslucent: alias.translucentBorder,
focusBorder: alias.focusBorder,
focusShadow: alias.focus,
primary: {
color: colors.white,
colorActive: colors.white,
background: colors.purple300,
backgroundActive: colors.purple400,
border: colors.purple300,
borderActive: colors.purple300,
borderTranslucent: colors.purple300,
focusBorder: alias.focusBorder,
focusShadow: alias.focus,
danger: {
color: colors.white,
colorActive: colors.white,
background: colors.red300,
backgroundActive: colors.red400,
border: colors.red300,
borderActive: colors.red300,
borderTranslucent: colors.red300,
focusBorder: colors.red300,
focusShadow: colors.red200,
link: {
color: alias.linkColor,
colorActive: alias.linkHoverColor,
background: 'transparent',
backgroundActive: 'transparent',
border: 'transparent',
borderActive: 'transparent',
borderTranslucent: 'transparent',
focusBorder: alias.focusBorder,
focusShadow: alias.focus,
disabled: {
color: alias.disabled,
colorActive: alias.disabled,
background: alias.background,
backgroundActive: alias.background,
border: alias.disabledBorder,
borderActive: alias.disabledBorder,
borderTranslucent: alias.translucentInnerBorder,
focusBorder: 'transparent',
focusShadow: 'transparent',
const generateUtils = (colors: BaseColors, aliases: Aliases) => ({
tooltipUnderline: (underlineColor: ColorOrAlias = 'gray300') => ({
textDecoration: `underline dotted ${
colors[underlineColor] ?? aliases[underlineColor]
textDecorationThickness: '0.75px',
textUnderlineOffset: '1.25px',
overflowEllipsis: css({
display: 'block',
width: '100%',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
overflow: 'hidden',
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
const generatePrismVariables = (
prismColors: typeof prismLight,
blockBackground: string
) =>
// block background differs based on light/dark mode
'--prism-block-background': blockBackground,
const iconSizes = {
xs: '12px',
sm: '16px',
md: '20px',
lg: '24px',
xl: '32px',
xxl: '72px',
const commonTheme = {
breakpoints: {
small: '800px',
medium: '992px',
large: '1200px',
xlarge: '1440px',
xxlarge: '2560px',
iconDirections: {
up: '0',
right: '90',
down: '180',
left: '270',
// Try to keep these ordered plz
zIndex: {
// Generic z-index when you hope your component is isolated and
// does not need to battle others for z-index priority
initial: 1,
truncationFullValue: 10,
traceView: {
spanTreeToggler: 900,
dividerLine: 909,
rowInfoMessage: 910,
minimapContainer: 999,
header: 1000,
errorMessage: 1000,
dropdown: 1001,
dropdownAutocomplete: {
// needs to be below actor but above other page elements (e.g. pagination)
// (e.g. Issue Details "seen" dots on chart is 2)
// stream header is 1000
menu: 1007,
// needs to be above menu
actor: 1008,
globalSelectionHeader: 1009,
settingsSidebarNavMask: 1017,
settingsSidebarNav: 1018,
sidebarPanel: 1019,
sidebar: 1020,
orgAndUserMenu: 1030,
// Sentry user feedback modal
sentryErrorEmbed: 1090,
// If you change modal also update shared-components.less
// as the z-index for bootstrap modals lives there.
modal: 10000,
toast: 10001,
// tooltips and hovercards can be inside modals sometimes.
hovercard: 10002,
tooltip: 10003,
// On mobile views issue list dropdowns overlap
issuesList: {
stickyHeader: 1,
sortOptions: 2,
displayOptions: 3,
grid: 8,
borderRadius: '6px',
borderRadiusBottom: '0 0 6px 6px',
borderRadiusTop: '6px 6px 0 0',
borderRadiusLeft: '6px 0 0 6px',
borderRadiusRight: '0 6px 6px 0',
panelBorderRadius: '6px',
modalBorderRadius: '8px',
linkBorderRadius: '2px',
headerSelectorRowHeight: 44,
headerSelectorLabelHeight: 28,
// Relative font sizes
fontSizeRelativeSmall: '0.9em',
fontSizeExtraSmall: '11px',
fontSizeSmall: '12px',
fontSizeMedium: '14px',
fontSizeLarge: '16px',
fontSizeExtraLarge: '18px',
codeFontSize: '13px',
headerFontSize: '22px',
settings: {
// Max-width for settings breadcrumbs
// i.e. organization, project, or team
maxCrumbWidth: '240px',
containerWidth: '1440px',
headerHeight: '61px',
sidebarWidth: '220px',
sidebar: {
boxShadow: '0 3px 3px #2f2936',
color: '#9586a5',
divider: '#493e54',
badgeSize: '22px',
smallBadgeSize: '11px',
collapsedWidth: '70px',
expandedWidth: '220px',
mobileHeight: '54px',
menuSpacing: '15px',
text: {
family: "'Rubik', 'Avenir Next', sans-serif",
familyMono: "'Roboto Mono', Monaco, Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace",
lineHeightHeading: 1.2,
lineHeightBody: 1.4,
pageTitle: {
fontSize: '1.625rem',
fontWeight: 600,
letterSpacing: '-0.01em',
lineHeight: 1.2,
cardTitle: {
fontSize: '1rem',
fontWeight: 600,
lineHeight: 1.2,
* Common styles for form inputs & buttons, separated by size.
* Should be used to ensure consistent sizing among form elements.
form: {
md: {
height: 38,
minHeight: 38,
fontSize: '0.875rem',
lineHeight: '1rem',
sm: {
height: 32,
minHeight: 32,
fontSize: '0.875rem',
lineHeight: '1rem',
xs: {
height: 26,
minHeight: 26,
fontSize: '0.75rem',
lineHeight: '0.875rem',
* Padding for buttons
buttonPadding: {
md: {
paddingLeft: 16,
paddingRight: 16,
paddingTop: 10,
paddingBottom: 10,
sm: {
paddingLeft: 12,
paddingRight: 12,
paddingTop: 8,
paddingBottom: 8,
xs: {
paddingLeft: 8,
paddingRight: 8,
paddingTop: 6,
paddingBottom: 6,
* Padding for form inputs
formPadding: {
md: {
paddingLeft: 16,
paddingRight: 12,
paddingTop: 10,
paddingBottom: 10,
sm: {
paddingLeft: 12,
paddingRight: 10,
paddingTop: 8,
paddingBottom: 8,
xs: {
paddingLeft: 8,
paddingRight: 6,
paddingTop: 6,
paddingBottom: 6,
tag: generateTagTheme(lightColors),
level: generateLevelTheme(lightColors),
charts: {
colors: CHART_PALETTE[CHART_PALETTE.length - 1],
// We have an array that maps `number + 1` --> list of `number` colors
getColorPalette: (length: number) =>
CHART_PALETTE[Math.min(CHART_PALETTE.length - 1, length + 1)] as string[],
previousPeriod: lightColors.gray200,
symbolSize: 6,
diff: {
removedRow: 'hsl(358deg 89% 65% / 15%)',
removed: 'hsl(358deg 89% 65% / 30%)',
addedRow: 'hsl(100deg 100% 87% / 18%)',
added: 'hsl(166deg 58% 47% / 32%)',
// Similarity spectrum used in "Similar Issues" in group details
similarity: {
empty: '#e2dee6',
colors: ['#ec5e44', '#f38259', '#f9a66d', '#98b480', '#57be8c'],
// used as a gradient,
businessIconColors: ['#EA5BC2', '#6148CE'],
demo: {
headerSize: '70px',
const lightAliases = generateAliases(lightColors);
const darkAliases = generateAliases(darkColors);
export const lightTheme = {
inverted: {
...generateUtils(lightColors, lightAliases),
alert: generateAlertTheme(lightColors, lightAliases),
badge: generateBadgeTheme(lightColors),
button: generateButtonTheme(lightColors, lightAliases),
tag: generateTagTheme(lightColors),
level: generateLevelTheme(lightColors),
stacktraceActiveBackground: lightColors.gray500,
stacktraceActiveText: lightColors.white,
prismVariables: generatePrismVariables(prismLight, lightAliases.backgroundSecondary),
prismDarkVariables: generatePrismVariables(prismDark, darkAliases.backgroundElevated),
sidebar: {
background: sidebarBackground.light,
sidebarGradient: `linear-gradient(294.17deg,${sidebarBackground.light} 35.57%,#452650 92.42%,#452650 92.42%)`,
sidebarBorder: 'transparent',
export const darkTheme: Theme = {
inverted: {
...generateUtils(darkColors, lightAliases),
alert: generateAlertTheme(darkColors, darkAliases),
badge: generateBadgeTheme(darkColors),
button: generateButtonTheme(darkColors, darkAliases),
tag: generateTagTheme(darkColors),
level: generateLevelTheme(darkColors),
prismVariables: generatePrismVariables(prismDark, darkAliases.backgroundSecondary),
prismDarkVariables: generatePrismVariables(prismDark, darkAliases.backgroundSecondary),
stacktraceActiveBackground: darkColors.gray200,
stacktraceActiveText: darkColors.white,
sidebar: {
background: sidebarBackground.dark,
sidebarGradient: `linear-gradient(180deg, ${sidebarBackground.dark} 0%, #1B1825 100%)`,
sidebarBorder: darkAliases.border,
type Theme = typeof lightTheme;
export type Color = keyof typeof lightColors;
export type Aliases = typeof lightAliases;
export type ColorOrAlias = keyof Aliases | Color;
export type IconSize = keyof typeof iconSizes;
export type FormSize = keyof Theme['form'];
export default commonTheme;
// Be clear about what the [@emotion/React].THeme is extending
type SentryTheme = Theme;
* Configure Emotion to use our theme
declare module '@emotion/react' {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-shadow
export interface Theme extends SentryTheme {}
// This should never be used directly (except in storybook)
export {lightAliases as aliases};