import {useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState} from 'react'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import parseLinkHeader, {ParsedHeader} from 'sentry/utils/parseLinkHeader'; import {mapResponseToReplayRecord} from 'sentry/utils/replays/replayDataUtils'; import RequestError from 'sentry/utils/requestError/requestError'; import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi'; import useProjects from 'sentry/utils/useProjects'; import type {ReplayError, ReplayRecord} from 'sentry/views/replays/types'; type State = { /** * If any request returned an error then nothing is being returned */ fetchError: undefined | RequestError; /** * If a fetch is underway for the requested root reply. * This includes fetched all the sub-resources like attachments and `sentry-replay-event` */ fetchingAttachments: boolean; fetchingErrors: boolean; fetchingReplay: boolean; }; type Options = { /** * The organization slug */ orgSlug: string; /** * The replayId */ replayId: string; /** * Default: 50 * You can override this for testing */ errorsPerPage?: number; /** * Default: 100 * You can override this for testing */ segmentsPerPage?: number; }; interface Result { attachments: unknown[]; errors: ReplayError[]; fetchError: undefined | RequestError; fetching: boolean; onRetry: () => void; projectSlug: string | null; replayRecord: ReplayRecord | undefined; } const INITIAL_STATE: State = Object.freeze({ fetchError: undefined, fetchingAttachments: true, fetchingErrors: true, fetchingReplay: true, }); /** * A react hook to load core replay data over the network. * * Core replay data includes: * 1. The root replay EventTransaction object * - This includes `startTimestamp`, and `tags` * 2. RRWeb, Breadcrumb, and Span attachment data * - We make an API call to get a list of segments, each segment contains a * list of attachments * - There may be a few large segments, or many small segments. It depends! * ie: If the replay has many events/errors then there will be many small segments, * or if the page changes rapidly across each pageload, then there will be * larger segments, but potentially fewer of them. * 3. Related Event data * - Event details are not part of the attachments payload, so we have to * request them separately * * This function should stay focused on loading data over the network. * Front-end processing, filtering and re-mixing of the different data streams * must be delegated to the `ReplayReader` class. * * @param {orgSlug, replayId} Where to find the root replay event * @returns An object representing a unified result of the network requests. Either a single `ReplayReader` data object or fetch errors. */ function useReplayData({ replayId, orgSlug, errorsPerPage = 50, segmentsPerPage = 100, }: Options): Result { const projects = useProjects(); const api = useApi(); const [state, setState] = useState(INITIAL_STATE); const [attachments, setAttachments] = useState([]); const attachmentMap = useRef>(new Map()); // Map keys are always iterated by insertion order const [errors, setErrors] = useState([]); const [replayRecord, setReplayRecord] = useState(); const projectSlug = useMemo(() => { if (!replayRecord) { return null; } return projects.projects.find(p => === replayRecord.project_id)?.slug ?? null; }, [replayRecord, projects.projects]); // Fetch every field of the replay. We're overfetching, not every field is used const fetchReplay = useCallback(async () => { const response = await api.requestPromise(makeFetchReplayApiUrl(orgSlug, replayId)); const mappedRecord = mapResponseToReplayRecord(; setReplayRecord(mappedRecord); setState(prev => ({...prev, fetchingReplay: false})); }, [api, orgSlug, replayId]); const fetchAttachments = useCallback(async () => { if (!replayRecord || !projectSlug) { return; } if (!replayRecord.count_segments) { setState(prev => ({...prev, fetchingAttachments: false})); return; } const pages = Math.ceil(replayRecord.count_segments / segmentsPerPage); const cursors = new Array(pages).fill(0).map((_, i) => `0:${segmentsPerPage * i}:0`); cursors.forEach(cursor => attachmentMap.current.set(cursor, [])); await Promise.allSettled( => { const promise = api.requestPromise( `/projects/${orgSlug}/${projectSlug}/replays/${}/recording-segments/`, { query: { download: true, per_page: segmentsPerPage, cursor, }, } ); promise.then(response => { attachmentMap.current.set(cursor, response); const flattened = Array.from(attachmentMap.current.values()).flat(2); setAttachments(flattened); }); return promise; }) ); setState(prev => ({...prev, fetchingAttachments: false})); }, [segmentsPerPage, api, orgSlug, replayRecord, projectSlug]); const fetchErrors = useCallback(async () => { if (!replayRecord) { return; } // Clone the `finished_at` time and bump it up one second because finishedAt // has the `ms` portion truncated, while replays-events-meta operates on // timestamps with `ms` attached. So finishedAt could be at time `12:00:00.000Z` // while the event is saved with `12:00:00.450Z`. const finishedAtClone = new Date(replayRecord.finished_at); finishedAtClone.setSeconds(finishedAtClone.getSeconds() + 1); const paginatedErrors = fetchPaginatedReplayErrors(api, { orgSlug, replayId:, start: replayRecord.started_at, end: finishedAtClone, limit: errorsPerPage, }); for await (const pagedResults of paginatedErrors) { setErrors(prev => [...prev, ...(pagedResults || [])]); } setState(prev => ({...prev, fetchingErrors: false})); }, [api, orgSlug, replayRecord, errorsPerPage]); const onError = useCallback(error => { Sentry.captureException(error); setState(prev => ({...prev, fetchError: error})); }, []); const loadData = useCallback( () => fetchReplay().catch(onError), [fetchReplay, onError] ); useEffect(() => { loadData(); }, [loadData]); useEffect(() => { if (state.fetchError) { return; } fetchErrors().catch(onError); }, [state.fetchError, fetchErrors, onError]); useEffect(() => { if (state.fetchError) { return; } fetchAttachments().catch(onError); }, [state.fetchError, fetchAttachments, onError]); return { attachments, errors, fetchError: state.fetchError, fetching: state.fetchingAttachments || state.fetchingErrors || state.fetchingReplay, onRetry: loadData, projectSlug, replayRecord, }; } function makeFetchReplayApiUrl(orgSlug: string, replayId: string) { return `/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays/${replayId}/`; } async function fetchReplayErrors( api: Client, { orgSlug, start, end, replayId, limit = 50, cursor = '0:0:0', }: { end: Date; orgSlug: string; replayId: string; start: Date; cursor?: string; limit?: number; } ) { return await api.requestPromise(`/organizations/${orgSlug}/replays-events-meta/`, { includeAllArgs: true, query: { start: start.toISOString(), end: end.toISOString(), query: `replayId:[${replayId}]`, per_page: limit, cursor, }, }); } async function* fetchPaginatedReplayErrors( api: Client, { orgSlug, start, end, replayId, limit = 50, }: { end: Date; orgSlug: string; replayId: string; start: Date; limit?: number; } ): AsyncGenerator { function next(nextCursor: string) { return fetchReplayErrors(api, { orgSlug, replayId, start, end, limit, cursor: nextCursor, }); } let cursor: undefined | ParsedHeader = { cursor: '0:0:0', results: true, href: '', }; while (cursor && cursor.results) { const [{data}, , resp] = await next(cursor.cursor); const pageLinks = resp?.getResponseHeader('Link') ?? null; cursor = parseLinkHeader(pageLinks)?.next; yield data; } } export default useReplayData;