import {SpanTree, SpanTreeNode} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/spanTree'; import {Rect} from 'sentry/utils/profiling/speedscope'; import { makeFormatter, makeFormatTo, makeTimelineFormatter, } from 'sentry/utils/profiling/units/units'; import {Profile} from './profile/profile'; export interface SpanChartNode { children: SpanChartNode[]; depth: number; duration: number; end: number; node: SpanTree['root']; parent: SpanChartNode | null; start: number; text: string; } class SpanChart { spans: SpanChartNode[]; root: SpanChartNode = { parent: null, node: SpanTreeNode.Root(), text: 'root', duration: 0, depth: -1, start: 0, end: 0, children: [], }; spanTrees: SpanTree[]; depth: number = 0; minSpanDuration: number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; configSpace: Rect; toFinalUnit = makeFormatTo('milliseconds', 'milliseconds'); formatter = makeFormatter('milliseconds'); timelineFormatter: (value: number) => string; constructor( spanTree: SpanTree, options: {unit: Profile['unit']; configSpace?: Rect} = {unit: 'milliseconds'} ) { // Units need to be init before any profile iteration is done this.toFinalUnit = makeFormatTo('seconds', options.unit); this.timelineFormatter = makeTimelineFormatter(options.unit); this.formatter = makeFormatter(options.unit); this.spanTrees = [spanTree]; let tree = spanTree; while (tree.orphanedSpans.length > 0) { const newTree = new SpanTree(tree.transaction, tree.orphanedSpans); // If a tree has same number of orhpaned spans as the previous tree, we are // stuck in an infinite loop, so break out and do nothing. if (newTree.orphanedSpans.length === tree.orphanedSpans.length) { break; } this.spanTrees.push(newTree); tree = newTree; } this.spans = this.collectSpanNodes(); const duration = this.toFinalUnit( Math.max( => t.root.span.timestamp)) - Math.min( => t.root.span.start_timestamp)) ); this.configSpace = new Rect(0, 0, duration, this.depth); this.root.end = duration; this.root.duration = duration; } // Bfs over the span tree while keeping track of level depth and calling the cb fn forEachSpanOfTree( tree: SpanTree, depthOffset: number, cb: (node: SpanChartNode) => void ): number { const transactionStart = tree.root.span.start_timestamp; // We only want to collect the root most node once const queue: [SpanChartNode | null, SpanTreeNode][] = depthOffset === 0 ? [[null, tree.root]] : => [null, child] as [null, SpanTreeNode]); let depth = 0; while (queue.length) { let children_at_depth = queue.length; while (children_at_depth-- !== 0) { const [parent, node] = queue.shift()!; const duration = node.span.timestamp - node.span.start_timestamp; const start = node.span.start_timestamp - transactionStart; const end = start + duration; const spanChartNode: SpanChartNode = { duration: this.toFinalUnit(duration), start: this.toFinalUnit(start), end: this.toFinalUnit(end), text: node.span.op && node.span.description ? node.span.op + ': ' + node.span.description : node.span.op || node.span.description || '', node, depth: depth + depthOffset, parent, children: [], }; cb(spanChartNode); if (parent) { parent.children.push(spanChartNode); } else { this.root.children.push(spanChartNode); } for (const child of node.children) { queue.push([spanChartNode, child] as [SpanChartNode, SpanTreeNode]); } } depth++; } return depth; } collectSpanNodes(): SpanChartNode[] { const nodes: SpanChartNode[] = []; let depth = 0; const visit = (node: SpanChartNode): void => { this.depth = Math.max(this.depth, node.depth); this.minSpanDuration = Math.min(this.minSpanDuration, node.duration); nodes.push(node); }; for (let i = 0; i < this.spanTrees.length; i++) { depth += this.forEachSpanOfTree(this.spanTrees[i], depth, visit); } return nodes; } } export {SpanChart};