import moment from 'moment'; import {parseStatsPeriod} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/parse'; import ConfigStore from 'sentry/stores/configStore'; import {DateString} from 'sentry/types'; // TODO(billy): Move to TimeRangeSelector specific utils export const DEFAULT_DAY_START_TIME = '00:00:00'; export const DEFAULT_DAY_END_TIME = '23:59:59'; const DATE_FORMAT_NO_TIMEZONE = 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss'; function getParser(local: boolean = false): typeof moment | typeof moment.utc { return local ? moment : moment.utc; } /** * Checks if string is valid time. Only accepts 24 hour format. * * Chrome's time input will (at least for US locale), allow you to input 12 * hour format with AM/PM but the raw value is in 24 hour. * * Safari does not do any validation so you could get a value of > 24 hours */ export function isValidTime(str: string): boolean { return moment(str, 'HH:mm', true).isValid(); } /** * Given a date object, format in datetime in UTC * given: Tue Oct 09 2018 00:00:00 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time) * returns: "2018-10-09T07:00:00.000" */ export function getUtcDateString(dateObj: moment.MomentInput): string { return moment.utc(dateObj).format(moment.HTML5_FMT.DATETIME_LOCAL_SECONDS); } export function getFormattedDate( dateObj: moment.MomentInput, format: string, {local}: {local?: boolean} = {} ): string { return getParser(local)(dateObj).format(format); } /** * Returns user timezone from their account preferences */ export function getUserTimezone(): string { return ConfigStore.get('user')?.options?.timezone; } /** * Given a UTC date, return a Date object in local time */ export function getUtcToLocalDateObject(date: moment.MomentInput): Date { return moment.utc(date).local().toDate(); } /** * Sets time (hours + minutes) of the current date object * * @param timeStr Time in 24hr format (HH:mm) */ export function setDateToTime( dateObj: string | Date, timeStr: string, {local}: {local?: boolean} = {} ): Date { const [hours, minutes, seconds] = timeStr.split(':').map(t => parseInt(t, 10)); const date = new Date(+dateObj); if (local) { date.setHours(hours, minutes); } else { date.setUTCHours(hours, minutes); } if (typeof seconds !== 'undefined') { date.setSeconds(seconds); } return date; } /** * Given a UTC timestamp, return a system date object with the same date * e.g. given: system is -0700 (PST), * 1/1/2001 @ 22:00 UTC, return: 1/1/2001 @ 22:00 -0700 (PST) */ export function getUtcToSystem(dateObj: moment.MomentInput): Date { // This is required because if your system timezone !== user configured timezone // then there will be a mismatch of dates with `react-date-picker` // // We purposely strip the timezone when formatting from the utc timezone return new Date(moment.utc(dateObj).format(DATE_FORMAT_NO_TIMEZONE)); } /** * Given a timestamp, format to user preference timezone, and strip timezone to * return a system date object with the same date * * e.g. given: system is -0700 (PST) and user preference is -0400 (EST), * 1/1/2001 @ 22:00 UTC --> 1/1/2001 @ 18:00 -0400 (EST) --> * return: 1/1/2001 @ 18:00 -0700 (PST) */ export function getLocalToSystem(dateObj: moment.MomentInput): Date { // This is required because if your system timezone !== user configured timezone // then there will be a mismatch of dates with `react-date-picker` // // We purposely strip the timezone when formatting from the utc timezone return new Date(moment(dateObj).format(DATE_FORMAT_NO_TIMEZONE)); } /** * Get the beginning of day (e.g. midnight) */ export function getStartOfDay(date: moment.MomentInput): Date { return moment(date) .startOf('day') .startOf('hour') .startOf('minute') .startOf('second') .local() .toDate(); } /** * Get tomorrow at midnight so that default endtime is inclusive of today */ export function getEndOfDay(date: moment.MomentInput): Date { return moment(date) .add(1, 'day') .startOf('hour') .startOf('minute') .startOf('second') .subtract(1, 'second') .local() .toDate(); } export function getPeriodAgo( period: moment.unitOfTime.DurationConstructor, unit: number ): moment.Moment { return moment().local().subtract(unit, period); } /** * Get the start of the day (midnight) for a period ago * * e.g. 2 weeks ago at midnight */ export function getStartOfPeriodAgo( period: moment.unitOfTime.DurationConstructor, unit: number ): Date { return getStartOfDay(getPeriodAgo(period, unit)); } /** * Convert an interval string into a number of seconds. * This allows us to create end timestamps from starting ones * enabling us to find events in narrow windows. * * @param {String} interval The interval to convert. * @return {Integer} */ export function intervalToMilliseconds(interval: string): number { const pattern = /^(\d+)(d|h|m)$/; const matches = pattern.exec(interval); if (!matches) { return 0; } const [, value, unit] = matches; const multipliers = { d: 60 * 60 * 24, h: 60 * 60, m: 60, }; return parseInt(value, 10) * multipliers[unit] * 1000; } /** * This parses our period shorthand strings (e.g. ) * and converts it into hours */ export function parsePeriodToHours(str: string): number { const result = parseStatsPeriod(str); if (!result) { return -1; } const {period, periodLength} = result; const periodNumber = parseInt(period, 10); switch (periodLength) { case 's': return periodNumber / (60 * 60); case 'm': return periodNumber / 60; case 'h': return periodNumber; case 'd': return periodNumber * 24; case 'w': return periodNumber * 24 * 7; default: return -1; } } export function statsPeriodToDays( statsPeriod?: string | null, start?: DateString, end?: DateString ) { if (statsPeriod && statsPeriod.endsWith('d')) { return parseInt(statsPeriod.slice(0, -1), 10); } if (statsPeriod && statsPeriod.endsWith('h')) { return parseInt(statsPeriod.slice(0, -1), 10) / 24; } if (start && end) { return (new Date(end).getTime() - new Date(start).getTime()) / (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } return 0; } /** * Does the user prefer a 24 hour clock? */ export function shouldUse24Hours() { return ConfigStore.get('user')?.options?.clock24Hours; } /** * Get a common date format */ export function getDateFormat({year}: {year?: boolean}) { // "Jan 1, 2022" or "Jan 1" return year ? 'MMM D, YYYY' : 'MMM D'; } /** * Get a common time format */ export function getTimeFormat({ clock24Hours, seconds, timeZone, }: { clock24Hours?: boolean; seconds?: boolean; timeZone?: boolean; } = {}) { let format = ''; if (clock24Hours ?? shouldUse24Hours()) { format = seconds ? 'HH:mm:ss' : 'HH:mm'; } else { format = seconds ? 'LTS' : 'LT'; } if (timeZone) { format += ' z'; } return format; } interface FormatProps { /** * Should show a 24hour clock? If not set the users preference will be used */ clock24Hours?: boolean; /** * If true, will only return the date part, e.g. "Jan 1". */ dateOnly?: boolean; /** * Whether to show the seconds. */ seconds?: boolean; /** * If true, will only return the time part, e.g. "2:50 PM" */ timeOnly?: boolean; /** * Whether to show the time zone. */ timeZone?: boolean; /** * Whether to show the year. If not specified, the returned date string will * not contain the year _if_ the date is not in the current calendar year. * For example: "Feb 1" (2022), "Jan 1" (2022), "Dec 31, 2021". */ year?: boolean; } export function getFormat({ dateOnly, timeOnly, year, seconds, timeZone, clock24Hours, }: FormatProps = {}) { if (dateOnly) { return getDateFormat({year}); } if (timeOnly) { return getTimeFormat({clock24Hours, seconds, timeZone}); } const dateFormat = getDateFormat({year}); const timeFormat = getTimeFormat({ clock24Hours, seconds, timeZone, }); // If the year is shown, then there's already a comma in dateFormat ("Jan 1, 2020"), // so we don't need to add another comma between the date and time return year ? `${dateFormat} ${timeFormat}` : `${dateFormat}, ${timeFormat}`; } export function getInternalDate(date: string | Date, utc?: boolean | null) { if (utc) { return getUtcToSystem(date); } return new Date(, getUserTimezone()).format('YYYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss') ); } /** * Strips timezone from local date, creates a new moment date object with timezone * returns the moment as a Date object */ export function getDateWithTimezoneInUtc(date?: Date, utc?: boolean | null) { return moment .tz( moment(date).local().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), utc ? 'UTC' : getUserTimezone() ) .utc() .toDate(); }