import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import {Transaction} from '@sentry/types'; import HookStore from 'sentry/stores/hookStore'; import {Hooks} from 'sentry/types/hooks'; import { aiSuggestedSolutionEventMap, AiSuggestedSolutionEventParameters, } from './analytics/aiSuggestedSolutionAnalyticsEvents'; import {coreUIEventMap, CoreUIEventParameters} from './analytics/coreuiAnalyticsEvents'; import { dashboardsEventMap, DashboardsEventParameters, } from './analytics/dashboardsAnalyticsEvents'; import { discoverEventMap, DiscoverEventParameters, } from './analytics/discoverAnalyticsEvents'; import { dynamicSamplingEventMap, DynamicSamplingEventParameters, } from './analytics/dynamicSamplingAnalyticsEvents'; import { ecosystemEventMap, EcosystemEventParameters, } from './analytics/ecosystemAnalyticsEvents'; import {growthEventMap, GrowthEventParameters} from './analytics/growthAnalyticsEvents'; import {integrationEventMap, IntegrationEventParameters} from './analytics/integrations'; import {issueEventMap, IssueEventParameters} from './analytics/issueAnalyticsEvents'; import makeAnalyticsFunction from './analytics/makeAnalyticsFunction'; import { monitorsEventMap, MonitorsEventParameters, } from './analytics/monitorsAnalyticsEvents'; import { onboardingEventMap, OnboardingEventParameters, } from './analytics/onboardingAnalyticsEvents'; import { performanceEventMap, PerformanceEventParameters, } from './analytics/performanceAnalyticsEvents'; import { profilingEventMap, ProfilingEventParameters, } from './analytics/profilingAnalyticsEvents'; import { projectCreationEventMap, ProjectCreationEventParameters, } from './analytics/projectCreationAnalyticsEvents'; import { releasesEventMap, ReleasesEventParameters, } from './analytics/releasesAnalyticsEvents'; import {replayEventMap, ReplayEventParameters} from './analytics/replayAnalyticsEvents'; import {searchEventMap, SearchEventParameters} from './analytics/searchAnalyticsEvents'; import { settingsEventMap, SettingsEventParameters, } from './analytics/settingsAnalyticsEvents'; import { stackTraceEventMap, StackTraceEventParameters, } from './analytics/stackTraceAnalyticsEvents'; import { TeamInsightsEventParameters, workflowEventMap, } from './analytics/workflowAnalyticsEvents'; interface EventParameters extends GrowthEventParameters, CoreUIEventParameters, DashboardsEventParameters, DiscoverEventParameters, IssueEventParameters, MonitorsEventParameters, PerformanceEventParameters, ProfilingEventParameters, ReleasesEventParameters, ReplayEventParameters, SearchEventParameters, SettingsEventParameters, TeamInsightsEventParameters, DynamicSamplingEventParameters, OnboardingEventParameters, StackTraceEventParameters, AiSuggestedSolutionEventParameters, EcosystemEventParameters, IntegrationEventParameters, ProjectCreationEventParameters, Record> {} const allEventMap: Record = { ...coreUIEventMap, ...dashboardsEventMap, ...discoverEventMap, ...growthEventMap, ...issueEventMap, ...monitorsEventMap, ...performanceEventMap, ...profilingEventMap, ...releasesEventMap, ...replayEventMap, ...searchEventMap, ...settingsEventMap, ...workflowEventMap, ...dynamicSamplingEventMap, ...onboardingEventMap, ...stackTraceEventMap, ...aiSuggestedSolutionEventMap, ...ecosystemEventMap, ...integrationEventMap, ...projectCreationEventMap, }; /** * This should be with all analytics events regardless of the analytics destination * which includes Reload, Amplitude, and Google Analytics. * All events go to Reload. If eventName is defined, events also go to Amplitude. * For more details, refer to makeAnalyticsFunction. * * Should be used for all analytics that are defined in Sentry. */ export const trackAnalytics = makeAnalyticsFunction(allEventMap); /** * Analytics and metric tracking functionality. * * These are primarily driven through hooks provided through the hookstore. For * these are currently mapped to our in-house analytics backend * 'Reload' and the Amplitude service. * * NOTE: contributors, you will need to ensure that the eventKey * passed exists as an event key in the Reload configuration: * * * * NOTE: contributors, if you are using `gauge` or `increment` the * name must be added to the Reload metrics module: * * */ /** * This should be with all analytics events regardless of the analytics destination * which includes Reload, Amplitude, and Google Analytics. * All events go to Reload. If eventName is defined, events also go to Amplitude. * For more details, refer to the API defined in hooks. * * Should NOT be used directly. * Instead, use makeAnalyticsFunction to generate an analytics function. */ export const rawTrackAnalyticsEvent: Hooks['analytics:raw-track-event'] = ( data, options ) => HookStore.get('analytics:raw-track-event').forEach(cb => cb(data, options)); /** * This should be used to log when a `organization.experiments` experiment * variant is checked in the application. * * Refer for the backend implementation provided through HookStore for more * details. */ export const logExperiment: Hooks['analytics:log-experiment'] = options => HookStore.get('analytics:log-experiment').forEach(cb => cb(options)); type RecordMetric = Hooks['metrics:event'] & { endTransaction: (opts: { /** * Name of the transaction to end */ name: string; }) => void; mark: (opts: { /** * Name of the metric event */ name: string; /** * Additional data that will be sent with measure() * This is useful if you want to track initial state */ data?: object; }) => void; measure: (opts: { /** * Additional data to send with metric event. * If a key collide with the data in mark(), this will overwrite them */ data?: object; /** * Name of ending mark */ end?: string; /** * Name of the metric event */ name?: string; /** * Do not clean up marks and measurements when completed */ noCleanup?: boolean; /** * Name of starting mark */ start?: string; }) => void; startTransaction: (opts: { /** * Name of transaction */ name: string; /** * Optional op code */ op?: string; /** * Optional trace id, defaults to current tx trace */ traceId?: string; }) => Transaction; }; /** * Used to pass data between metric.mark() and metric.measure() */ const metricDataStore = new Map(); /** * Record metrics. */ export const metric: RecordMetric = (name, value, tags) => HookStore.get('metrics:event').forEach(cb => cb(name, value, tags)); // JSDOM implements window.performance but not window.performance.mark const CAN_MARK = window.performance && typeof window.performance.mark === 'function' && typeof window.performance.measure === 'function' && typeof window.performance.getEntriesByName === 'function' && typeof window.performance.clearMeasures === 'function'; metric.mark = function metricMark({name, data = {}}) { // Just ignore if browser is old enough that it doesn't support this if (!CAN_MARK) { return; } if (!name) { throw new Error('Invalid argument provided to `metric.mark`'); } window.performance.mark(name); metricDataStore.set(name, data); }; /** * Performs a measurement between `start` and `end` (or now if `end` is not * specified) Calls `metric` with `name` and the measured time difference. */ metric.measure = function metricMeasure({name, start, end, data = {}, noCleanup} = {}) { // Just ignore if browser is old enough that it doesn't support this if (!CAN_MARK) { return; } if (!name || !start) { throw new Error('Invalid arguments provided to `metric.measure`'); } let endMarkName = end; // Can't destructure from performance const {performance} = window; // NOTE: Edge REQUIRES an end mark if it is given a start mark // If we don't have an end mark, create one now. if (!end) { endMarkName = `${start}-end`; performance.mark(endMarkName); } // Check if starting mark exists if (!performance.getEntriesByName(start, 'mark').length) { return; } performance.measure(name, start, endMarkName); const startData = metricDataStore.get(start) || {}; // Retrieve measurement entries performance .getEntriesByName(name, 'measure') .forEach(measurement => metric(, measurement.duration, {...startData,}) ); // By default, clean up measurements if (!noCleanup) { performance.clearMeasures(name); performance.clearMarks(start); performance.clearMarks(endMarkName); metricDataStore.delete(start); } }; /** * Used to pass data between startTransaction and endTransaction */ const transactionDataStore = new Map(); const getCurrentTransaction = () => { return Sentry.getCurrentHub().getScope()?.getTransaction(); }; metric.startTransaction = ({name, traceId, op}) => { if (!traceId) { traceId = getCurrentTransaction()?.traceId; } const transaction = Sentry.startTransaction({name, op, traceId}); transactionDataStore[name] = transaction; return transaction; }; metric.endTransaction = ({name}) => { const transaction = transactionDataStore[name]; if (transaction) { transaction.finish(); } };