export function AsanaPlugin() { return { status: 'unknown', description: 'Integrate Asana issues by linking a repository to a project.', isTestable: false, hasConfiguration: true, shortName: 'Asana', slug: 'asana', name: 'Asana', assets: [], title: 'Asana', contexts: [], doc: '', resourceLinks: [ {url: 'https://github.com/getsentry/sentry/issues', title: 'Bug Tracker'}, {url: 'https://github.com/getsentry/sentry', title: 'Source'}, ], allowed_actions: ['create', 'link', 'unlink'], enabled: true, id: 'asana', version: '9.1.0.dev0', canDisable: true, author: {url: 'https://github.com/getsentry/sentry', name: 'Sentry Team'}, type: 'issue-tracking', metadata: {}, }; } export function AsanaCreate() { return [ { name: 'workspace', default: 608780875677549, choices: [[608780875677549, 'sentry.io']], readonly: true, label: 'Asana Workspace', type: 'select', }, { default: 'Error: Loading chunk 3 failed.', type: 'text', name: 'title', label: 'Name', }, { default: 'http://localhost:8000/default/internal/issues/3750/\n\n```\nError: Loading chunk 3 failed.\n at HTMLScriptElement.onScriptComplete (/_static/1529684704/sentry/dist/vendor.js:762:24)\n```', required: false, type: 'textarea', name: 'description', label: 'Notes', }, { name: 'project', placeholder: 'Start typing to search for a project', required: false, has_autocomplete: true, label: 'Project', type: 'select', }, { name: 'assignee', placeholder: 'Start typing to search for a user', required: false, has_autocomplete: true, label: 'Assignee', type: 'select', }, ]; } const DEFAULT_AUTOCOMPLETE = {text: '(#724210387969378) billy', id: 724210387969378}; export function AsanaAutocomplete(type = 'project', values = [DEFAULT_AUTOCOMPLETE]) { return {[type]: values}; }