import {useEffect, useRef, useState} from 'react';
import uniqBy from 'lodash/uniqBy';

import {Client} from 'sentry/api';
import OrganizationStore from 'sentry/stores/organizationStore';
import ProjectsStore from 'sentry/stores/projectsStore';
import {useLegacyStore} from 'sentry/stores/useLegacyStore';
import {AvatarProject, Project} from 'sentry/types';
import parseLinkHeader from 'sentry/utils/parseLinkHeader';
import RequestError from 'sentry/utils/requestError/requestError';
import useApi from 'sentry/utils/useApi';

type ProjectPlaceholder = AvatarProject;

type State = {
   * The error that occurred if fetching failed
  fetchError: null | RequestError;
   * This is state for when fetching data from API
  fetching: boolean;
   * Indicates that Project results (from API) are paginated and there are more
   * projects that are not in the initial response
  hasMore: null | boolean;
   * Reflects whether or not the initial fetch for the requested projects
   * was fulfilled. This accounts for both the store and specifically loaded
   * slugs.
  initiallyLoaded: boolean;
   * The last query we searched. Used to validate the cursor
  lastSearch: null | string;
   * Pagination
  nextCursor?: null | string;

type Result = {
   * This is an action provided to consumers for them to update the current
   * projects result set using a simple search query.
   * Will always add new options into the store.
  onSearch: (searchTerm: string) => Promise<void>;
   * When loading specific slugs, placeholder objects will be returned
  placeholders: ProjectPlaceholder[];
   * The loaded projects list
  projects: Project[];
} & Pick<State, 'fetching' | 'hasMore' | 'fetchError' | 'initiallyLoaded'>;

type Options = {
   * Number of projects to return when not using `props.slugs`
  limit?: number;
   * Specify an orgId, overriding the organization in the current context
  orgId?: string;
   * List of slugs to look for summaries for, this can be from `props.projects`,
   * otherwise fetch from API
  slugs?: string[];

type FetchProjectsOptions = {
  cursor?: State['nextCursor'];
  lastSearch?: State['lastSearch'];
  limit?: Options['limit'];
  search?: State['lastSearch'];
  slugs?: string[];

 * Helper function to actually load projects
async function fetchProjects(
  api: Client,
  orgId: string,
  {slugs, search, limit, lastSearch, cursor}: FetchProjectsOptions = {}
) {
  const query: {
    collapse: string[];
    all_projects?: number;
    cursor?: typeof cursor;
    per_page?: number;
    query?: string;
  } = {
    // Never return latestDeploys project property from api
    collapse: ['latestDeploys'],

  if (slugs !== undefined && slugs.length > 0) {
    query.query = => `slug:${slug}`).join(' ');

  if (search) {
    query.query = `${query.query ?? ''}${search}`.trim();

  const prevSearchMatches = (!lastSearch && !search) || lastSearch === search;

  if (prevSearchMatches && cursor) {
    query.cursor = cursor;

  if (limit !== undefined) {
    query.per_page = limit;

  let hasMore: null | boolean = false;
  let nextCursor: null | string = null;
  const [data, , resp] = await api.requestPromise(`/organizations/${orgId}/projects/`, {
    includeAllArgs: true,

  const pageLinks = resp?.getResponseHeader('Link');
  if (pageLinks) {
    const paginationObject = parseLinkHeader(pageLinks);
    hasMore = paginationObject?.next?.results || paginationObject?.previous?.results;
    nextCursor = paginationObject?.next?.cursor;

  return {results: data, hasMore, nextCursor};

 * Provides projects from the ProjectsStore
 * This hook also provides a way to select specific project slugs, and search
 * (type-ahead) for more projects that may not be in the project store.
 * NOTE: Currently ALL projects are always loaded, but this hook is designed
 * for future-compat in a world where we do _not_ load all projects.
function useProjects({limit, slugs, orgId: propOrgId}: Options = {}) {
  const api = useApi();

  const {organization} = useLegacyStore(OrganizationStore);
  const store = useLegacyStore(ProjectsStore);

  const orgId = propOrgId ?? organization?.slug;

  const storeSlugs = new Set( => t.slug));
  const slugsToLoad = slugs?.filter(slug => !storeSlugs.has(slug)) ?? [];
  const shouldLoadSlugs = slugsToLoad.length > 0;

  const [state, setState] = useState<State>({
    initiallyLoaded: !store.loading && !shouldLoadSlugs,
    fetching: shouldLoadSlugs,
    hasMore: null,
    lastSearch: null,
    nextCursor: null,
    fetchError: null,

  const slugsRef = useRef<Set<string> | null>(null);

  // Only initialize slugsRef.current once and modify it when we receive new
  // slugs determined through set equality
  if (slugs !== undefined) {
    if (slugsRef.current === null) {
      slugsRef.current = new Set(slugs);

    if (
      slugs.length !== slugsRef.current.size ||
      slugs.some(slug => !slugsRef.current?.has(slug))
    ) {
      slugsRef.current = new Set(slugs);

  async function loadProjectsBySlug() {
    if (orgId === undefined) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      console.error('Cannot use useProjects({slugs}) without an organization in context');

    setState({...state, fetching: true});
    try {
      const {results, hasMore, nextCursor} = await fetchProjects(api, orgId, {
        slugs: slugsToLoad,

      const fetchedProjects = uniqBy([, ...results], ({slug}) => slug);

        fetching: false,
        initiallyLoaded: true,
    } catch (err) {
      console.error(err); // eslint-disable-line no-console

        fetching: false,
        initiallyLoaded: !store.loading,
        fetchError: err,

  async function handleSearch(search: string) {
    const {lastSearch} = state;
    const cursor = state.nextCursor;

    if (search === '') {

    if (orgId === undefined) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      console.error('Cannot use useProjects.onSearch without an organization in context');

    setState({...state, fetching: true});

    try {
      const {results, hasMore, nextCursor} = await fetchProjects(api, orgId, {

      const fetchedProjects = uniqBy([, ...results], ({slug}) => slug);

      // Only update the store if we have more items
      if (fetchedProjects.length > store.projects.length) {

        fetching: false,
        lastSearch: search,
    } catch (err) {
      console.error(err); // eslint-disable-line no-console

      setState({...state, fetching: false, fetchError: err});

  useEffect(() => {
    // Load specified team slugs
    if (shouldLoadSlugs) {
  }, [slugsRef.current]);

  // Update initiallyLoaded when we finish loading within the projectStore
  useEffect(() => {
    const storeLoaded = !store.loading;

    if (state.initiallyLoaded === storeLoaded) {

    if (shouldLoadSlugs) {

    setState({...state, initiallyLoaded: storeLoaded});
  }, [store.loading]);

  const {initiallyLoaded, fetching, fetchError, hasMore} = state;

  const filteredProjects = slugs
    ? store.projects.filter(t => slugs.includes(t.slug))
    : store.projects;

  const placeholders = => ({slug}));

  const result: Result = {
    projects: filteredProjects,
    fetching: fetching || store.loading,
    onSearch: handleSearch,

  return result;

export default useProjects;