import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import {Transaction} from '@sentry/types'; import { isChromeTraceFormat, isChromeTraceObjectFormat, isEventedProfile, isJSProfile, isNodeProfile, isSampledProfile, isSchema, isSentrySampledProfile, isTypescriptChromeTraceArrayFormat, } from '../guards/profile'; import {parseTypescriptChromeTraceArrayFormat} from './chromeTraceProfile'; import {EventedProfile} from './eventedProfile'; import {JSSelfProfile} from './jsSelfProfile'; import {Profile} from './profile'; import {SampledProfile} from './sampledProfile'; import {SentrySampledProfile} from './sentrySampledProfile'; import { createFrameIndex, createSentrySampleProfileFrameIndex, wrapWithSpan, } from './utils'; export interface ImportOptions { transaction: Transaction | undefined; } export interface ProfileGroup { activeProfileIndex: number; metadata: Partial; name: string; profiles: Profile[]; traceID: string; transactionID: string | null; } export function importProfile( input: | Profiling.Schema | JSSelfProfiling.Trace | ChromeTrace.ProfileType | Profiling.SentrySampledProfile | [Profiling.NodeProfile, {}], // this is hack so that we distinguish between typescript and node profiles traceID: string ): ProfileGroup { const transaction = Sentry.startTransaction({ op: 'import', name: 'profiles.import', }); try { if (isNodeProfile(input)) { // In some cases, the SDK may return transaction as undefined and we dont want to throw there. if (transaction) { transaction.setTag('profile.type', 'nodejs'); } return importNodeProfile(input[0], traceID, {transaction}); } if (isJSProfile(input)) { // In some cases, the SDK may return transaction as undefined and we dont want to throw there. if (transaction) { transaction.setTag('profile.type', 'js-self-profile'); } return importJSSelfProfile(input, traceID, {transaction}); } if (isChromeTraceFormat(input)) { // In some cases, the SDK may return transaction as undefined and we dont want to throw there. if (transaction) { transaction.setTag('profile.type', 'chrometrace'); } return importChromeTrace(input, traceID, {transaction}); } if (isSentrySampledProfile(input)) { // In some cases, the SDK may return transaction as undefined and we dont want to throw there. if (transaction) { transaction.setTag('profile.type', 'sentry-sampled'); } return importSentrySampledProfile(input, {transaction}); } if (isSchema(input)) { // In some cases, the SDK may return transaction as undefined and we dont want to throw there. if (transaction) { transaction.setTag('profile.type', 'schema'); } return importSchema(input, traceID, {transaction}); } throw new Error('Unsupported trace format'); } catch (error) { if (transaction) { transaction.setStatus('internal_error'); } throw error; } finally { if (transaction) { transaction.finish(); } } } function importJSSelfProfile( input: JSSelfProfiling.Trace, traceID: string, options: ImportOptions ): ProfileGroup { const frameIndex = createFrameIndex('web', input.frames); const profile = importSingleProfile(input, frameIndex, options); return { traceID, name: traceID, transactionID: null, activeProfileIndex: 0, profiles: [profile], metadata: { platform: 'javascript', durationNS: profile.duration, }, }; } function importChromeTrace( input: ChromeTrace.ProfileType, traceID: string, options: ImportOptions ): ProfileGroup { if (isChromeTraceObjectFormat(input)) { throw new Error('Chrometrace object format is not yet supported'); } if (isTypescriptChromeTraceArrayFormat(input)) { return parseTypescriptChromeTraceArrayFormat(input, traceID, options); } throw new Error('Failed to parse trace input format'); } function importSentrySampledProfile( input: Profiling.SentrySampledProfile, options: ImportOptions ): ProfileGroup { const frameIndex = createSentrySampleProfileFrameIndex(input.profile.frames); const samplesByThread: Record< string, Profiling.SentrySampledProfile['profile']['samples'] > = {}; for (let i = 0; i < input.profile.samples.length; i++) { const sample = input.profile.samples[i]; if (!samplesByThread[sample.thread_id]) { samplesByThread[sample.thread_id] = []; } samplesByThread[sample.thread_id].push(sample); } for (const key in samplesByThread) { samplesByThread[key].sort( (a, b) => parseInt(a.elapsed_since_start_ns, 10) - parseInt(b.elapsed_since_start_ns, 10) ); } const profiles: Profile[] = []; for (const key in samplesByThread) { const profile: Profiling.SentrySampledProfile = { ...input, profile: { ...input.profile, samples: samplesByThread[key], }, }; profiles.push( wrapWithSpan( options.transaction, () => SentrySampledProfile.FromProfile(profile, frameIndex), { op: 'profile.import', description: 'evented', } ) ); } const firstTransaction = input.transactions?.[0]; return { transactionID: firstTransaction?.id ?? null, traceID: firstTransaction?.trace_id ?? '', name: firstTransaction?.name ?? '', activeProfileIndex: 0, metadata: { // androidAPILevel: number; // deviceClassification: string; // organizationID: number; // projectID: number; // received: string; deviceLocale: input.device.locale, deviceManufacturer: input.device.manufacturer, deviceModel: input.device.model, deviceOSName:, deviceOSVersion: input.os.version, durationNS: parseInt( input.profile.samples[input.profile.samples.length - 1].elapsed_since_start_ns, 10 ), environment: input.environment, platform: input.platform, profileID: input.event_id, // these don't really work for multiple transactions transactionID: firstTransaction?.id, transactionName: firstTransaction?.name, traceID: firstTransaction?.trace_id, }, profiles, }; } function importSchema( input: Profiling.Schema, traceID: string, options: ImportOptions ): ProfileGroup { const frameIndex = createFrameIndex( input.metadata.platform === 'node' ? 'node' : 'mobile', input.shared.frames ); return { traceID, transactionID: input.metadata.transactionID ?? null, name: input.metadata?.transactionName ?? traceID, activeProfileIndex: input.activeProfileIndex ?? 0, metadata: input.metadata ?? {}, profiles: => importSingleProfile(profile, frameIndex, options) ), }; } function importNodeProfile( input: Profiling.NodeProfile, traceID: string, options: ImportOptions ): ProfileGroup { const frameIndex = createFrameIndex('web', input.frames); return { traceID, transactionID: null, name:, activeProfileIndex: 0, metadata: {}, profiles: [importSingleProfile(input, frameIndex, options)], }; } function importSingleProfile( profile: Profiling.ProfileTypes, frameIndex: ReturnType, {transaction}: ImportOptions ): Profile { if (isEventedProfile(profile)) { // In some cases, the SDK may return transaction as undefined and we dont want to throw there. if (!transaction) { return EventedProfile.FromProfile(profile, frameIndex); } return wrapWithSpan( transaction, () => EventedProfile.FromProfile(profile, frameIndex), { op: 'profile.import', description: 'evented', } ); } if (isSampledProfile(profile)) { // In some cases, the SDK may return transaction as undefined and we dont want to throw there. if (!transaction) { return SampledProfile.FromProfile(profile, frameIndex); } return wrapWithSpan( transaction, () => SampledProfile.FromProfile(profile, frameIndex), { op: 'profile.import', description: 'sampled', } ); } if (isJSProfile(profile)) { // In some cases, the SDK may return transaction as undefined and we dont want to throw there. if (!transaction) { return JSSelfProfile.FromProfile(profile, createFrameIndex('web', profile.frames)); } return wrapWithSpan( transaction, () => JSSelfProfile.FromProfile(profile, createFrameIndex('web', profile.frames)), { op: 'profile.import', description: 'js-self-profile', } ); } throw new Error('Unrecognized trace format'); } const tryParseInputString: JSONParser = input => { try { return [JSON.parse(input), null]; } catch (e) { return [null, e]; } }; type JSONParser = (input: string) => [any, null] | [null, Error]; const TRACE_JSON_PARSERS: ((string) => ReturnType)[] = [ (input: string) => tryParseInputString(input), (input: string) => tryParseInputString(input + ']'), ]; function readFileAsString(file: File): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.addEventListener('load', (e: ProgressEvent) => { if (typeof === 'string') { resolve(; return; } reject('Failed to read string contents of input file'); }); reader.addEventListener('error', () => { reject('Failed to read string contents of input file'); }); reader.readAsText(file); }); } export async function importDroppedProfile( file: File, parsers: JSONParser[] = TRACE_JSON_PARSERS ): Promise { const fileContents = await readFileAsString(file); for (const parser of parsers) { const [json] = parser(fileContents); if (json) { if (typeof json !== 'object' || json === null) { throw new TypeError('Input JSON is not an object'); } return importProfile(json,; } } throw new Error('Failed to parse input JSON'); }