import {render, screen, userEvent} from 'sentry-test/reactTestingLibrary'; import GlobalSelectionLink from 'sentry/components/globalSelectionLink'; const path = 'http://some.url/'; describe('GlobalSelectionLink', function () { const getContext = (query: {environment: string; project: string[]}) => TestStubs.routerContext([ { router: TestStubs.router({ location: {query}, }), }, ]); it('has global selection values in query', function () { const query = { project: ['foo', 'bar'], environment: 'staging', }; const context = getContext(query); const {container} = render( <GlobalSelectionLink to={path}>Go somewhere!</GlobalSelectionLink>, {context} ); expect(container).toSnapshot(); expect(screen.getByText('Go somewhere!')).toHaveAttribute( 'href', 'http://some.url/?environment=staging&project=foo&project=bar' );'Go somewhere!')); expect(context.context.router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith({pathname: path, query}); }); it('does not have global selection values in query', function () { const {container} = render( <GlobalSelectionLink to={path}>Go somewhere!</GlobalSelectionLink> ); expect(screen.getByText('Go somewhere!')).toHaveAttribute('href', path); expect(container).toSnapshot(); }); it('combines query parameters with custom query', function () { const query = { project: ['foo', 'bar'], environment: 'staging', }; const context = getContext(query); const customQuery = {query: 'something'}; render( <GlobalSelectionLink to={{pathname: path, query: customQuery}}> Go somewhere! </GlobalSelectionLink>, {context} );'Go somewhere!')); expect(context.context.router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ pathname: path, query: {project: ['foo', 'bar'], environment: 'staging', query: 'something'}, }); }); it('combines query parameters with no query', function () { const query = { project: ['foo', 'bar'], environment: 'staging', }; const context = getContext(query); render( <GlobalSelectionLink to={{pathname: path}}>Go somewhere!</GlobalSelectionLink>, {context} );'Go somewhere!')); expect(context.context.router.push).toHaveBeenCalledWith({pathname: path, query}); }); });