.PHONY: all
all: develop

PIP := python -m pip --disable-pip-version-check
WEBPACK := yarn build-acceptance
POSTGRES_CONTAINER := sentry_postgres

	@python3 -S -m tools.freeze_requirements

	@echo "devenv bootstrap is typically run on new machines."
	@echo "you probably want to run devenv sync to bring the"
	@echo "sentry dev environment up to date!"

build-platform-assets \
clean \
init-config \
run-dependent-services \
drop-db \
create-db \
apply-migrations \
reset-db \
node-version-check :
	@./scripts/do.sh $@

develop \
install-js-dev \
install-py-dev :
	@make devenv-sync

# This is to ensure devenv sync's only called once if the above
# macros are combined e.g. `make install-js-dev install-py-dev`
.PHONY: devenv-sync
	devenv sync

build-js-po: node-version-check
	mkdir -p build
	rm -rf node_modules/.cache/babel-loader

	@echo "--> Building drf-spectacular openapi spec (combines with deprecated docs)"
	@OPENAPIGENERATE=1 sentry django spectacular --file tests/apidocs/openapi-spectacular.json --format openapi-json --validate --fail-on-warn

	@echo "--> Building deprecated openapi spec from json files"
	yarn build-deprecated-docs

build-api-docs: build-deprecated-docs build-spectacular-docs
	@echo "--> Dereference the json schema for ease of use"
	yarn deref-api-docs

	@cd api-docs/ && yarn install
	@cd api-docs/ && ts-node ./watch.ts

	@echo "--> diffing local api docs against sentry-api-schema/openapi-derefed.json"
	yarn diff-docs

build: locale

merge-locale-catalogs: build-js-po
	$(PIP) install Babel
	cd src/sentry && sentry django makemessages -i static -l en
	./bin/merge-catalogs en

	$(PIP) install Babel
	./bin/find-good-catalogs src/sentry/locale/catalogs.json
	cd src/sentry && sentry django compilemessages

	$(PIP) install transifex-client

push-transifex: merge-locale-catalogs install-transifex
	tx push -s

pull-transifex: install-transifex
	tx pull -a

# Update transifex with new strings that need to be translated
update-transifex: push-transifex

# Pulls new translations from transifex and compiles for usage
update-local-locales: pull-transifex compile-locale

	@echo "--> Building chartcuterie config module"
	yarn build-chartcuterie-config

	@echo "--> Running acceptance tests"
	python3 -b -m pytest tests/acceptance --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/acceptance.coverage.xml" --json-report --json-report-file=".artifacts/pytest.acceptance.json" --json-report-omit=log --junit-xml=".artifacts/acceptance.junit.xml" -o junit_suite_name=acceptance
	@echo ""

test-cli: create-db
	@echo "--> Testing CLI"
	rm -rf test_cli
	mkdir test_cli
	cd test_cli && sentry init test_conf
	cd test_cli && sentry --config=test_conf help
	cd test_cli && sentry --config=test_conf upgrade --traceback --noinput
	cd test_cli && sentry --config=test_conf export
	rm -r test_cli
	@echo ""

test-js-build: node-version-check
	@echo "--> Running type check"
	@yarn run tsc -p config/tsconfig.build.json
	@echo "--> Building static assets"
	@NODE_ENV=production yarn webpack-profile > .artifacts/webpack-stats.json

test-js: node-version-check
	@echo "--> Running JavaScript tests"
	@yarn run test
	@echo ""

test-js-ci: node-version-check
	@echo "--> Running CI JavaScript tests"
	@yarn run test-ci
	@echo ""

# COV_ARGS controls extra args passed to pytest to generate covereage
# It's used in test-python-ci. Typically generated an XML coverage file
# Except in .github/workflows/codecov_per_test_coverage.yml
# When it's dynamically changed to include --cov-context=test flag
# See that workflow for more info
COV_ARGS = --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/python.coverage.xml"

	@echo "--> Running CI Python tests"
	python3 -b -m pytest \
		tests \
		--ignore tests/acceptance \
		--ignore tests/apidocs \
		--ignore tests/js \
		--ignore tests/tools \
		--cov . $(COV_ARGS) \
		--json-report \
		--json-report-file=".artifacts/pytest.json" \
		--json-report-omit=log \
		--junit-xml=.artifacts/pytest.junit.xml \
		-o junit_suite_name=pytest
	@echo ""

# it's not possible to change settings.DATABASE after django startup, so
# unfortunately these tests must be run in a separate pytest process. References:
#   * https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/topics/testing/tools/#overriding-settings
#   * https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/19031
#   * https://github.com/pombredanne/django-database-constraints/blob/master/runtests.py#L61-L77
	@echo "--> Running CI Python tests (SENTRY_USE_MONOLITH_DBS=1)"
	python3 -b -m pytest \
	  tests/sentry/backup/test_exhaustive.py \
	  tests/sentry/backup/test_exports.py \
	  tests/sentry/backup/test_imports.py \
	  tests/sentry/backup/test_releases.py \
	  tests/sentry/runner/commands/test_backup.py \
	  --cov . \
	  --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/python.monolith-dbs.coverage.xml" \
	  --json-report \
	  --json-report-file=".artifacts/pytest.monolith-dbs.json" \
	  --json-report-omit=log \
	  --junit-xml=.artifacts/monolith-dbs.junit.xml \
	  -o junit_suite_name=monolith-dbs \
	@echo ""

	@echo "--> Running tools tests"
	@# bogus configuration to force vanilla pytest
	python3 -b -m pytest -c setup.cfg --confcutdir tests/tools tests/tools -vv --cov=tools --cov=tests/tools --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/tools.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=.artifacts/tools.junit.xml -o junit_suite_name=tools
	@echo ""

# JavaScript relay tests are meant to be run within Symbolicator test suite, as they are parametrized to verify both processing pipelines during migration process.
# Running Locally: Run `sentry devservices up kafka` before starting these tests
	@echo "--> Running symbolicator tests"
	python3 -b -m pytest tests/symbolicator -vv --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/symbolicator.coverage.xml" --junit-xml=.artifacts/symbolicator.junit.xml -o junit_suite_name=symbolicator
	python3 -b -m pytest tests/relay_integration/lang/javascript/ -vv -m symbolicator
	python3 -b -m pytest tests/relay_integration/lang/java/ -vv -m symbolicator
	@echo ""

test-acceptance: node-version-check
	@echo "--> Building static assets"
	make run-acceptance

# XXX: this is called by `getsentry/relay`
	@echo "--> Running Relay integration tests"
	python3 -b -m pytest \
		tests/relay_integration \
		tests/sentry/ingest/ingest_consumer/test_ingest_consumer_kafka.py \
		-vv --cov . --cov-report="xml:.artifacts/relay.coverage.xml"
	@echo ""

test-api-docs: build-api-docs
	yarn run validate-api-examples
	python3 -b -m pytest tests/apidocs
	@echo ""

	@cargo insta --version &> /dev/null || cargo install cargo-insta
	@cargo insta review --workspace-root `pwd` -e pysnap

	@cargo insta --version &> /dev/null || cargo install cargo-insta
	@cargo insta accept --workspace-root `pwd` -e pysnap

	@cargo insta --version &> /dev/null || cargo install cargo-insta
	@cargo insta reject --workspace-root `pwd` -e pysnap

.PHONY: build