import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import type {Location} from 'history'; import * as qs from 'query-string'; import type {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import type {RawSpanType} from 'sentry/components/events/interfaces/spans/types'; import type {Event, EventTransaction, Measurement} from 'sentry/types/event'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import type { TraceError as TraceErrorType, TraceFullDetailed, TracePerformanceIssue as TracePerformanceIssueType, TraceSplitResults, } from 'sentry/utils/performance/quickTrace/types'; import {collectTraceMeasurements} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceModels/traceTree.measurements'; import type {TracePreferencesState} from 'sentry/views/performance/newTraceDetails/traceState/tracePreferences'; import type {ReplayTrace} from 'sentry/views/replays/detail/trace/useReplayTraces'; import type {ReplayRecord} from 'sentry/views/replays/types'; import {isRootTransaction} from '../../traceDetails/utils'; import {getTraceQueryParams} from '../traceApi/useTrace'; import type {TraceMetaQueryResults} from '../traceApi/useTraceMeta'; import { getPageloadTransactionChildCount, isAutogroupedNode, isBrowserRequestSpan, isCollapsedNode, isJavascriptSDKTransaction, isMissingInstrumentationNode, isPageloadTransactionNode, isParentAutogroupedNode, isRootNode, isServerRequestHandlerTransactionNode, isSiblingAutogroupedNode, isSpanNode, isTraceErrorNode, isTraceNode, isTransactionNode, shouldAddMissingInstrumentationSpan, } from '../traceGuards'; import {makeExampleTrace} from './makeExampleTrace'; import {MissingInstrumentationNode} from './missingInstrumentationNode'; import {ParentAutogroupNode} from './parentAutogroupNode'; import {SiblingAutogroupNode} from './siblingAutogroupNode'; import {TraceTreeEventDispatcher} from './traceTreeEventDispatcher'; import {TraceTreeNode} from './traceTreeNode'; /** * * This file implements the tree data structure that is used to represent a trace. We do * this both for performance reasons as well as flexibility. The requirement for a tree * is to support incremental patching and updates. This is important because we want to * be able to fetch more data as the user interacts with the tree, and we want to be able * efficiently update the tree as we receive more data. * * The trace is represented as a tree with different node value types (transaction or span) * Each tree node contains a reference to its parent and a list of references to its children, * as well as a reference to the value that the node holds. Each node also contains * some meta data and state about the node, such as if it is expanded or zoomed in. The benefit * of abstracting parts of the UI state is that the tree will persist user actions such as expanding * or collapsing nodes which would have otherwise been lost when individual nodes are remounted in the tree. * * Each tree holds a list reference, which is a live reference to a flattened representation * of the tree (used to render the tree in the UI). Since the list is mutable (and we want to keep it that way for performance * reasons as we want to support mutations on traces with ~100k+ nodes), callers need to manage reactivity themselves. * * An alternative, but not recommended approach is to call build() on the tree after each mutation, * which will iterate over all of the children and build a fresh list reference. * * In most cases, the initial tree is a list of transactions containing other transactions. Each transaction can * then be expanded into a list of spans which can also in some cases be expanded. * * - trace - trace * |- parent transaction --> when expanding |- parent transaction * |- child transaction |- span * |- span this used to be a transaction, * |- child transaction span <- but is now be a list of spans * |- span belonging to the transaction * this results in child txns to be lost, * which is a confusing user experience * * The tree supports autogrouping of spans vertically or as siblings. When that happens, a autogrouped node of either a vertical or * sibling type is inserted as an intermediary node. In the vertical case, the autogrouped node * holds the reference to the head and tail of the autogrouped sequence. In the sibling case, the autogrouped node * holds a reference to the children that are part of the autogrouped sequence. When expanding and collapsing these nodes, * the tree perform a reference swap to either point to the head (when expanded) or tail (when collapsed) of the autogrouped sequence. * * In vertical grouping case, the following happens: * * - root - root * - trace - trace * |- transaction |- transaction * |- span 1 <-| these become autogrouped |- autogrouped (head=span1, tail=span3, children points to children of tail) * |- span 2 |- as they are inserted into |- other span (parent points to autogrouped node) * |- span 3 <-| the tree. * |- other span * * When the autogrouped node is expanded the UI needs to show the entire collapsed chain, so we swap the tail children to point * back to the tail, and have autogrouped node point to its head as the children. * * - root - root * - trace - trace * |- transaction |- transaction * |- autogrouped (head=span1, tail=span3) <- when expanding |- autogrouped (head=span1, tail=span3, children points to head) * | other span (paren points to autogrouped) |- span 1 (head) * |- span 2 * |- span 3 (tail) * |- other span (children of tail, parent points to tail) * * Notes and improvements: * - the notion of expanded and zoomed is confusing, they stand for the same idea from a UI pov * - ??? */ export declare namespace TraceTree { interface TraceTreeEvents { ['trace timeline change']: (view: [number, number]) => void; } // Raw node values interface Span extends RawSpanType { measurements?: Record; } interface Transaction extends TraceFullDetailed { profiler_id: string; sdk_name: string; } type Trace = TraceSplitResults; type TraceError = TraceErrorType; type TracePerformanceIssue = TracePerformanceIssueType; type Profile = {profile_id: string} | {profiler_id: string}; type Project = { slug: string; }; type Root = null; // All possible node value types type NodeValue = | Trace | Transaction | TraceError | Span | MissingInstrumentationSpan | SiblingAutogroup | ChildrenAutogroup | CollapsedNode | Root; interface CollapsedNode { type: 'collapsed'; } // Node types interface MissingInstrumentationSpan { start_timestamp: number; timestamp: number; type: 'missing_instrumentation'; } interface SiblingAutogroup extends Span { autogrouped_by: { description: string; op: string; }; } interface ChildrenAutogroup extends Span { autogrouped_by: { op: string; }; } // All possible node types type Node = | TraceTreeNode | ParentAutogroupNode | SiblingAutogroupNode | MissingInstrumentationNode; type NodePath = `${'txn' | 'span' | 'ag' | 'trace' | 'ms' | 'error' | 'empty'}-${string}`; type Metadata = { event_id: string | undefined; project_slug: string | undefined; spans?: number; }; type Indicator = { duration: number; label: string; measurement: Measurement; poor: boolean; start: number; type: 'cls' | 'fcp' | 'fp' | 'lcp' | 'ttfb'; }; type CollectedVital = {key: string; measurement: Measurement}; } export enum TraceShape { ONE_ROOT = 'one_root', NO_ROOT = 'no_root', BROWSER_MULTIPLE_ROOTS = 'browser_multiple_roots', MULTIPLE_ROOTS = 'multiple_roots', BROKEN_SUBTRACES = 'broken_subtraces', ONLY_ERRORS = 'only_errors', EMPTY_TRACE = 'empty_trace', } function fetchTransactionSpans( api: Client, organization: Organization, project_slug: string, event_id: string ): Promise { return api.requestPromise( `/organizations/${organization.slug}/events/${project_slug}:${event_id}/?averageColumn=span.self_time&averageColumn=span.duration` ); } function fetchTrace( api: Client, params: { orgSlug: string; query: string; traceId: string; } ): Promise> { return api.requestPromise( `/organizations/${params.orgSlug}/events-trace/${params.traceId}/?${params.query}` ); } export class TraceTree extends TraceTreeEventDispatcher { eventsCount = 0; projects = new Map(); type: 'loading' | 'empty' | 'error' | 'trace' = 'trace'; root: TraceTreeNode = TraceTreeNode.Root(); vital_types: Set<'web' | 'mobile'> = new Set(); vitals = new Map, TraceTree.CollectedVital[]>(); profiled_events = new Set>(); indicators: TraceTree.Indicator[] = []; list: TraceTreeNode[] = []; events: Map = new Map(); private _spanPromises: Map> = new Map(); static MISSING_INSTRUMENTATION_THRESHOLD_MS = 100; static Empty() { const tree = new TraceTree().build(); tree.type = 'empty'; return tree; } static Loading(metadata: TraceTree.Metadata): TraceTree { const t = makeExampleTrace(metadata); t.type = 'loading';; return t; } static Error(metadata: TraceTree.Metadata): TraceTree { const t = makeExampleTrace(metadata); t.type = 'error';; return t; } static FromTrace( trace: TraceTree.Trace, options: { meta: TraceMetaQueryResults['data'] | null; replay: ReplayRecord | null; } ): TraceTree { const tree = new TraceTree(); const traceNode = new TraceTreeNode(tree.root, trace, { event_id: undefined, project_slug: undefined, }); tree.root.children.push(traceNode); function visit( parent: TraceTreeNode, value: TraceTree.Transaction | TraceTree.TraceError ) { tree.eventsCount++; tree.projects.set(value.project_id, { slug: value.project_slug, }); const node = new TraceTreeNode(parent, value, { spans: options.meta?.transactiontoSpanChildrenCount[value.event_id] ?? 0, project_slug: value && 'project_slug' in value ? value.project_slug : undefined, event_id: value && 'event_id' in value ? value.event_id : undefined, }); if (isTransactionNode(node)) { const spanChildrenCount = options.meta?.transactiontoSpanChildrenCount[node.value.event_id]; // We check for >1 events, as the first one is the transaction node itself node.canFetch = spanChildrenCount === undefined ? true : spanChildrenCount > 1; } if (!node.metadata.project_slug && !node.metadata.event_id) { const parentNodeMetadata = TraceTree.ParentTransaction(node)?.metadata; if (parentNodeMetadata) { node.metadata = {...parentNodeMetadata}; } } parent.children.push(node); if (node.value && 'children' in node.value) { for (const child of node.value.children) { visit(node, child); } } } traceQueueIterator(trace, traceNode, visit); // At this point, the tree is built, we need iterate over it again to collect all of the // measurements, web vitals, errors and perf issues as well as calculate the min and max space // the trace should take up. const traceSpaceBounds = [Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY]; TraceTree.ForEachChild(traceNode, c => { traceSpaceBounds[0] = Math.min(traceSpaceBounds[0],[0]); traceSpaceBounds[1] = Math.max(traceSpaceBounds[1],[0] +[1]); if (isTransactionNode(c)) { for (const error of c.value.errors) { traceNode.errors.add(error); } for (const performanceIssue of c.value.performance_issues) { traceNode.performance_issues.add(performanceIssue); } } if (isTraceErrorNode(c)) { traceNode.errors.add(c.value); } if (c.profiles.length > 0) { tree.profiled_events.add(c); } if (c.value && 'measurements' in c.value) { tree.indicators = tree.indicators.concat( collectTraceMeasurements( c,[0], c.value.measurements, tree.vitals, tree.vital_types ) ); } if ( c.parent && isPageloadTransactionNode(c) && isServerRequestHandlerTransactionNode(c.parent) && getPageloadTransactionChildCount(c.parent) === 1 ) { // // The swap can occur at a later point when new transactions are fetched, // // which means we need to invalidate the tree and re-render the UI. const parent = c.parent.parent; TraceTree.Swap({parent: c.parent, child: c, reason: 'pageload server handler'}); TraceTree.invalidate(parent!, true); } }); // The sum of all durations of traces that exist under a replay is not always // equal to the duration of the replay. We need to adjust the traceview bounds // to ensure that we can see the max of the replay duration and the sum(trace durations). This way, we // can ensure that the replay timestamp indicators are always visible in the traceview along with all spans from the traces. if (options.replay) { const replayStart = options.replay.started_at.getTime(); const replayEnd = options.replay.finished_at.getTime(); traceSpaceBounds[0] = Math.min(traceSpaceBounds[0], replayStart); traceSpaceBounds[1] = Math.max(traceSpaceBounds[1], replayEnd); } for (const indicator of tree.indicators) { // If any indicator starts after the trace ends, set end to the indicator start if (indicator.start > traceSpaceBounds[1]) { traceSpaceBounds[1] = indicator.start; } // If an indicator starts before the trace start, set start to the indicator start if (indicator.start < traceSpaceBounds[0]) { traceSpaceBounds[0] = indicator.start; } } // Space needs a start and end, if we don't have one we can't construct a timeline. if (!Number.isFinite(traceSpaceBounds[0])) { traceSpaceBounds[0] = 0; } if (!Number.isFinite(traceSpaceBounds[1])) { traceSpaceBounds[1] = 0; } const space = [traceSpaceBounds[0], traceSpaceBounds[1] - traceSpaceBounds[0]]; = [space[0], space[1]]; = [space[0], space[1]]; tree.indicators.sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start); return tree; } static FromSpans( node: TraceTreeNode, spans: TraceTree.Span[], event: EventTransaction | null ): [TraceTreeNode, [number, number]] { // collect transactions const transactions = TraceTree.FindAll(node, n => isTransactionNode(n) ) as TraceTreeNode[]; // Create span nodes const spanNodes: TraceTreeNode[] = []; const spanIdToNode = new Map>(); // Transactions have a span_id that needs to be used as the edge to child child span if (node.value && 'span_id' in node.value) { spanIdToNode.set(node.value.span_id, node); } for (const span of spans) { const spanNode: TraceTreeNode = new TraceTreeNode(null, span, { event_id: node.metadata.event_id, project_slug: node.metadata.project_slug, }); spanNode.event = event; if (spanIdToNode.has(span.span_id)) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setFingerprint(['trace-span-id-hash-collision']); scope.captureMessage('Span ID hash collision detected'); }); } spanIdToNode.set(span.span_id, spanNode); spanNodes.push(spanNode); } // Clear children of root node as we are recreating the sub tree node.children = []; // Construct the span tree for (const span of spanNodes) { // If the span has no parent span id, nest it under the root const parent = span.value.parent_span_id ? spanIdToNode.get(span.value.parent_span_id) ?? node : node; span.parent = parent; parent.children.push(span); } // Reparent transactions under children spans for (const transaction of transactions) { const parent = spanIdToNode.get(transaction.value.parent_span_id!); // If the parent span does not exist in the span tree, the transaction will remain under the current node if (!parent) { if (transaction.parent?.children.indexOf(transaction) === -1) { transaction.parent.children.push(transaction); } continue; } if (transaction === node) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setFingerprint(['trace-tree-span-parent-cycle']); scope.captureMessage( 'Span is a parent of its own transaction, this should not be possible' ); }); continue; } parent.children.push(transaction); transaction.parent = parent; } const subTreeSpaceBounds: [number, number] = [[0],[1]]; TraceTree.ForEachChild(node, c => { c.invalidate(); // When reparenting transactions under spans, the children are not guaranteed to be in order // so we need to sort them chronologically after the reparenting is complete // Track the min and max space of the sub tree as spans have ms precision subTreeSpaceBounds[0] = Math.min(subTreeSpaceBounds[0],[0]); subTreeSpaceBounds[1] = Math.max(subTreeSpaceBounds[1],[1]); if (isSpanNode(c)) { for (const performanceIssue of getRelatedPerformanceIssuesFromTransaction( c.value, node )) { c.performance_issues.add(performanceIssue); } for (const error of getRelatedSpanErrorsFromTransaction(c.value, node)) { c.errors.add(error); } if (isBrowserRequestSpan(c.value)) { const serverRequestHandler = c.parent?.children.find(n => isServerRequestHandlerTransactionNode(n) ); if (serverRequestHandler) { serverRequestHandler.parent!.children = serverRequestHandler.parent!.children.filter( n => n !== serverRequestHandler ); c.children.push(serverRequestHandler); serverRequestHandler.parent = c; } } } c.children.sort(traceChronologicalSort); }); if (!Number.isFinite(subTreeSpaceBounds[0])) { subTreeSpaceBounds[0] = 0; } if (!Number.isFinite(subTreeSpaceBounds[1])) { subTreeSpaceBounds[1] = 0; } return [node, subTreeSpaceBounds]; } appendTree(tree: TraceTree) { const baseTraceNode = this.root.children[0]; const additionalTraceNode = tree.root.children[0]; if (!baseTraceNode || !additionalTraceNode) { throw new Error('No trace node found in tree'); } for (const child of additionalTraceNode.children) { child.parent = baseTraceNode; baseTraceNode.children.push(child); } for (const error of additionalTraceNode.errors) { baseTraceNode.errors.add(error); } for (const performanceIssue of additionalTraceNode.performance_issues) { baseTraceNode.performance_issues.add(performanceIssue); } for (const profile of additionalTraceNode.profiles) { baseTraceNode.profiles.push(profile); } for (const [node, vitals] of tree.vitals) { this.vitals.set(node, vitals); } for (const [node, _] of tree.vitals) { if ([0] && node.value && 'start_timestamp' in node.value && 'measurements' in node.value ) { tree.indicators = tree.indicators.concat( collectTraceMeasurements( node,[0], node.value.measurements, this.vitals, this.vital_types ) ); } } // We need to invalidate the data in the last node of the tree // so that the connectors are updated and pointing to the sibling nodes const last = this.root.children[this.root.children.length - 1]; TraceTree.invalidate(last, true); const previousEnd =[0] +[1]; const newEnd =[0] +[1];[0] = Math.min([0],[0]);[1] = Math.max( previousEnd -[0], newEnd -[0] ); for (const child of tree.root.children) { this.list = this.list.concat(TraceTree.VisibleChildren(child)); } } /** * Invalidate the visual data used to render the tree, forcing it * to be recalculated on the next render. This is useful when for example * the tree is expanded or collapsed, or when the tree is mutated and * the visual data is no longer valid as the indentation changes */ static invalidate(node: TraceTreeNode, recurse: boolean) { node.invalidate(); if (recurse) { const queue = [...node.children]; if (isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { queue.push(node.head); } while (queue.length > 0) { const next = queue.pop()!; next.invalidate(); if (isParentAutogroupedNode(next)) { queue.push(next.head); } for (let i = 0; i < next.children.length; i++) { queue.push(next.children[i]); } } } } static DetectMissingInstrumentation(root: TraceTreeNode): number { let previous: TraceTreeNode | null = null; let missingInstrumentationCount = 0; TraceTree.ForEachChild(root, child => { if ( previous && child && isSpanNode(previous) && isSpanNode(child) && shouldAddMissingInstrumentationSpan(child.event?.sdk?.name ?? '') && shouldAddMissingInstrumentationSpan(previous.event?.sdk?.name ?? '') &&[0] -[0] -[1] >= TraceTree.MISSING_INSTRUMENTATION_THRESHOLD_MS ) { const node = new MissingInstrumentationNode( child.parent!, { type: 'missing_instrumentation', start_timestamp: previous.value.timestamp, timestamp: child.value.start_timestamp, }, { event_id: undefined, project_slug: undefined, }, previous, child ); missingInstrumentationCount++; if (child.parent === previous) { // The tree is dfs iterated, so it can only ever be the first child previous.children.splice(0, 0, node); node.parent = previous; } else { const childIndex = child.parent?.children.indexOf(child) ?? -1; if (childIndex === -1) { Sentry.captureException('Detecting missing instrumentation failed'); return; } child.parent?.children.splice(childIndex, 0, node); } previous = node; return; } previous = child; }); return missingInstrumentationCount; } // We can just filter out the missing instrumentation // nodes as they never have any children that require remapping static RemoveMissingInstrumentationNodes( root: TraceTreeNode ): number { let removeCount = 0; TraceTree.Filter(root, node => { if (isMissingInstrumentationNode(node)) { removeCount++; return false; } return true; }); return removeCount; } static AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes( root: TraceTreeNode ): number { const queue = [root]; let autogroupCount = 0; while (queue.length > 0) { const node = queue.pop()!; if (!isSpanNode(node) || node.children.length > 1) { for (const child of node.children) { queue.push(child); } continue; } const head = node; let tail = node; let groupMatchCount = 0; let errors: TraceErrorType[] = []; let performance_issues: TraceTree.TracePerformanceIssue[] = []; let start =[0]; let end =[0] +[1]; while ( tail && tail.children.length === 1 && isSpanNode(tail.children[0]) && tail.children[0].value.op === head.value.op ) { start = Math.min(start,[0]); end = Math.max(end,[0] +[1]); errors = errors.concat(Array.from(tail.errors)); performance_issues = performance_issues.concat( Array.from(tail.performance_issues) ); groupMatchCount++; tail = tail.children[0]; } if (groupMatchCount < 1) { for (const child of head.children) { queue.push(child); } continue; } const autoGroupedNode = new ParentAutogroupNode( node.parent, { ...head.value, autogrouped_by: { op: head.value && 'op' in head.value ? head.value.op ?? '' : '', }, }, { event_id: undefined, project_slug: undefined, }, head, tail ); autogroupCount++; if (!node.parent) { throw new Error('Parent node is missing, this should be unreachable code'); } const children = isParentAutogroupedNode(node.parent) ? node.parent.tail.children : node.parent.children; const index = children.indexOf(node); if (index === -1) { throw new Error('Node is not a child of its parent'); } children[index] = autoGroupedNode; autoGroupedNode.head.parent = autoGroupedNode; autoGroupedNode.groupCount = groupMatchCount + 1; // Checking the tail node for errors as it is not included in the grouping // while loop, but is hidden when the autogrouped node is collapsed errors = errors.concat(Array.from(tail.errors)); performance_issues = performance_issues.concat(Array.from(tail.performance_issues)); start = Math.min(start,[0]); end = Math.max(end,[0] +[1]); = [start, end - start]; autoGroupedNode.errors = new Set(errors); autoGroupedNode.performance_issues = new Set(performance_issues); for (const c of tail.children) { c.parent = autoGroupedNode; queue.push(c); } } return autogroupCount; } static RemoveDirectChildrenAutogroupNodes( root: TraceTreeNode ): number { let removeCount = 0; TraceTree.ForEachChild(root, node => { if (isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { const index = node.parent?.children.indexOf(node) ?? -1; if (!node.parent || index === -1) { Sentry.captureException('Removing direct children autogroup nodes failed'); return; } removeCount++; node.parent.children[index] = node.head; // Head of parent now points to the parent of autogrouped node node.head.parent = node.parent; // All children now point to the tail of the autogrouped node for (const child of node.tail.children) { child.parent = node.tail; } } }); return removeCount; } static AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root: TraceTreeNode): number { const queue = [root]; let autogroupCount = 0; while (queue.length > 0) { const node = queue.pop()!; if (isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { queue.push(node.head); } else { for (const child of node.children) { queue.push(child); } } if (isAutogroupedNode(node) || isMissingInstrumentationNode(node)) { continue; } if (node.children.length < 5) { continue; } let index = 0; let matchCount = 0; while (index < node.children.length) { // Skip until we find a span candidate if (!isSpanNode(node.children[index])) { index++; matchCount = 0; continue; } const current = node.children[index] as TraceTreeNode; const next = node.children[index + 1] as TraceTreeNode; if ( next && isSpanNode(next) && next.children.length === 0 && current.children.length === 0 && next.value.op === current.value.op && next.value.description === current.value.description ) { matchCount++; // If the next node is the last node in the list, we keep iterating if (index + 1 < node.children.length) { index++; continue; } } if (matchCount >= 4) { const autoGroupedNode = new SiblingAutogroupNode( node, { ...current.value, autogrouped_by: { op: current.value.op ?? '', description: current.value.description ?? '', }, }, { event_id: undefined, project_slug: undefined, } ); autogroupCount++; autoGroupedNode.groupCount = matchCount + 1; const start = index - matchCount; let start_timestamp = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; let timestamp = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (let j = start; j < start + matchCount + 1; j++) { const child = node.children[j]; start_timestamp = Math.min(start_timestamp, node.children[j].space[0]); timestamp = Math.max( timestamp, node.children[j].space[0] + node.children[j].space[1] ); if (node.children[j].hasErrors) { for (const error of child.errors) { autoGroupedNode.errors.add(error); } for (const performanceIssue of child.performance_issues) { autoGroupedNode.performance_issues.add(performanceIssue); } } autoGroupedNode.children.push(node.children[j]); node.children[j].parent = autoGroupedNode; } = [start_timestamp, timestamp - start_timestamp]; node.children.splice(start, matchCount + 1, autoGroupedNode); index = start + 1; matchCount = 0; } else { index++; matchCount = 0; } } } return autogroupCount; } static RemoveSiblingAutogroupNodes(root: TraceTreeNode): number { let removeCount = 0; TraceTree.ForEachChild(root, node => { if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(node)) { removeCount++; const index = node.parent?.children.indexOf(node) ?? -1; if (!node.parent || index === -1) { Sentry.captureException('Removing sibling autogroup nodes failed'); return; } node.parent.children.splice(index, 1, ...node.children); for (const child of node.children) { child.parent = node.parent; } } }); return removeCount; } static DirectVisibleChildren( node: TraceTreeNode ): TraceTreeNode[] { if (isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { if (node.expanded) { return [node.head]; } return node.tail.children; } return node.children; } static VisibleChildren( root: TraceTreeNode ): TraceTreeNode[] { const queue: TraceTreeNode[] = []; const visibleChildren: TraceTreeNode[] = []; if (root.expanded || isParentAutogroupedNode(root)) { const children = TraceTree.DirectVisibleChildren(root); for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { queue.push(children[i]); } } while (queue.length > 0) { const node = queue.pop()!; visibleChildren.push(node); // iterate in reverse to ensure nodes are processed in order if (node.expanded || isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { const children = TraceTree.DirectVisibleChildren(node); for (let i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { queue.push(children[i]); } } } return visibleChildren; } static PathToNode(node: TraceTreeNode): TraceTree.NodePath[] { // If the node is a transaction node, then it will not require any // fetching and we can link to it directly if (isTransactionNode(node)) { return [nodeToId(node)]; } // Otherwise, we need to traverse up the tree until we find a transaction node. const nodes: TraceTreeNode[] = [node]; let current: TraceTreeNode | null = node.parent; while (current && !isTransactionNode(current)) { current = current.parent; } if (current && isTransactionNode(current)) { nodes.push(current); } return; } static ForEachChild( root: TraceTreeNode, cb: (node: TraceTreeNode) => void ): void { const queue: TraceTreeNode[] = []; if (isParentAutogroupedNode(root)) { queue.push(root.head); } else { for (let i = root.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { queue.push(root.children[i]); } } while (queue.length > 0) { const next = queue.pop()!; cb(next); // Parent autogroup nodes have a head and tail pointer instead of children if (isParentAutogroupedNode(next)) { queue.push(next.head); } else { for (let i = next.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { queue.push(next.children[i]); } } } } // Removes node and all its children from the tree static Filter( node: TraceTreeNode, predicate: (node: TraceTreeNode) => boolean ): TraceTreeNode { const queue = [node]; while (queue.length) { const next = queue.pop()!; next.children = next.children.filter(c => { if (predicate(c)) { queue.push(c); return true; } return false; }); } return node; } static Find( root: TraceTreeNode, predicate: (node: TraceTreeNode) => boolean ): TraceTreeNode | null { const queue = [root]; while (queue.length > 0) { const next = queue.pop()!; if (predicate(next)) { return next; } if (isParentAutogroupedNode(next)) { queue.push(next.head); } else { for (const child of next.children) { queue.push(child); } } } return null; } static FindAll( root: TraceTreeNode, predicate: (node: TraceTreeNode) => boolean ): TraceTreeNode[] { const queue = [root]; const results: TraceTreeNode[] = []; while (queue.length > 0) { const next = queue.pop()!; if (predicate(next)) { results.push(next); } if (isParentAutogroupedNode(next)) { queue.push(next.head); } else { for (let i = next.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { queue.push(next.children[i]); } } } return results; } static FindByPath( tree: TraceTree, path: TraceTree.NodePath ): TraceTreeNode | null { const [type, id, rest] = path.split('-'); if (!type || !id || rest) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setFingerprint(['trace-view-path-error']); scope.captureMessage('Invalid path to trace tree node '); }); return null; } if (type === 'trace' && id === 'root') { return tree.root.children[0]; } return TraceTree.Find(tree.root, node => { if (type === 'txn' && isTransactionNode(node)) { // A transaction itself is a span and we are starting to treat it as such. // Hence we check for both event_id and span_id. return node.value.event_id === id || node.value.span_id === id; } if (type === 'span' && isSpanNode(node)) { return node.value.span_id === id; } if (type === 'ag' && isAutogroupedNode(node)) { if (isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { return ( node.value.span_id === id || node.head.value.span_id === id || node.tail.value.span_id === id ); } if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(node)) { const child = node.children[0]; if (isSpanNode(child)) { return child.value.span_id === id; } } } if (type === 'ms' && isMissingInstrumentationNode(node)) { return node.previous.value.span_id === id || === id; } if (type === 'error' && isTraceErrorNode(node)) { return node.value.event_id === id; } return false; }); } static FindByID( root: TraceTreeNode, eventId: string ): TraceTreeNode | null { return TraceTree.Find(root, n => { if (isTransactionNode(n)) { // A transaction itself is a span and we are starting to treat it as such. // Hence we check for both event_id and span_id. if (n.value.event_id === eventId || n.value.span_id === eventId) { return true; } // If we dont have an exact match, then look for an event_id in the errors or performance issues for (const e of n.errors) { if (e.event_id === eventId) { return true; } } for (const p of n.performance_issues) { if (p.event_id === eventId) { return true; } } } if (isSpanNode(n)) { if (n.value.span_id === eventId) { return true; } // If we dont have an exact match, then look for an event_id in the errors or performance issues for (const e of n.errors) { if (e.event_id === eventId) { return true; } } for (const p of n.performance_issues) { if (p.event_id === eventId) { return true; } } } if (isTraceErrorNode(n)) { return n.value.event_id === eventId; } if (isTraceNode(n)) { return false; } if (isMissingInstrumentationNode(n)) { return n.previous.value.span_id === eventId || === eventId; } if (isParentAutogroupedNode(n)) { return ( n.value.span_id === eventId || n.head.value.span_id === eventId || n.tail.value.span_id === eventId ); } if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(n)) { const child = n.children[0]; if (isSpanNode(child)) { return child.value.span_id === eventId; } } if (eventId === 'root' && isTraceNode(n)) { return true; } return false; }); } static ParentTransaction( node: TraceTreeNode ): TraceTreeNode | null { let next: TraceTreeNode | null = node.parent; while (next) { if (isTransactionNode(next)) { return next; } next = next.parent; } return null; } expand(node: TraceTreeNode, expanded: boolean): boolean { // Trace root nodes are not expandable or collapsable if (isTraceNode(node)) { return false; } // Expanding is not allowed for zoomed in nodes if (expanded === node.expanded || node.zoomedIn) { return false; } if (isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { if (!expanded) { const index = this.list.indexOf(node); this.list.splice(index + 1, TraceTree.VisibleChildren(node).length); // When we collapse the autogroup, we need to point the tail children // back to the tail autogroup node. for (const c of node.tail.children) { c.parent = node; } this.list.splice(index + 1, 0, ...TraceTree.VisibleChildren(node.tail)); } else { const index = this.list.indexOf(node); this.list.splice(index + 1, TraceTree.VisibleChildren(node).length); // When the node is collapsed, children point to the autogrouped node. // We need to point them back to the tail node which is now visible for (const c of node.tail.children) { c.parent = node.tail; } this.list.splice( index + 1, 0, node.head, ...TraceTree.VisibleChildren(node.head) ); } TraceTree.invalidate(node, true); node.expanded = expanded; return true; } if (!expanded) { const index = this.list.indexOf(node); this.list.splice(index + 1, TraceTree.VisibleChildren(node).length); node.expanded = expanded; // When transaction nodes are collapsed, they still render child transactions if (isTransactionNode(node)) { this.list.splice(index + 1, 0, ...TraceTree.VisibleChildren(node)); } } else { node.expanded = expanded; // Flip expanded so that we can collect visible children const index = this.list.indexOf(node); this.list.splice(index + 1, 0, ...TraceTree.VisibleChildren(node)); } TraceTree.invalidate(node, true); return true; } zoom( node: TraceTreeNode, zoomedIn: boolean, options: { api: Client; organization: Organization; preferences: Pick; } ): Promise { if (isTraceNode(node)) { return Promise.resolve(null); } if (zoomedIn === node.zoomedIn || !node.canFetch) { return Promise.resolve(null); } if (!zoomedIn) { const index = this.list.indexOf(node); // Remove currently visible children this.list.splice(index + 1, TraceTree.VisibleChildren(node).length); // Flip visibility node.zoomedIn = zoomedIn; // When transactions are zoomed out, they still render child transactions if (isTransactionNode(node)) { // Find all transactions that are children of the current transaction // remove all non transaction events from current node and its children // point transactions back to their parents const transactions = TraceTree.FindAll( node, c => isTransactionNode(c) && c !== node ); for (const t of transactions) { // point transactions back to their parents const parent = TraceTree.ParentTransaction(t); // If they already have the correct parent, then we can skip this if (t.parent === parent) { continue; } if (!parent) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setFingerprint(['trace-view-transaction-parent']); scope.captureMessage('Failed to find parent transaction when zooming out'); }); continue; } t.parent = parent; parent.children.push(t); } node.children = node.children.filter(c => isTransactionNode(c)); node.children.sort(traceChronologicalSort); this.list.splice(index + 1, 0, ...TraceTree.VisibleChildren(node)); } TraceTree.invalidate(node, true); return Promise.resolve(null); } const key = options.organization.slug + ':' + node.metadata.project_slug! + ':' + node.metadata.event_id!; const promise = this._spanPromises.get(key) ?? fetchTransactionSpans( options.api, options.organization, node.metadata.project_slug!, node.metadata.event_id! ); node.fetchStatus = 'loading'; promise .then((data: EventTransaction) => { // The user may have collapsed the node before the promise resolved. When that // happens, dont update the tree with the resolved data. Alternatively, we could implement // a cancellable promise and avoid this cumbersome heuristic. // Remove existing entries from the list const index = this.list.indexOf(node); node.fetchStatus = 'resolved'; if (node.expanded && index !== -1) { const childrenCount = TraceTree.VisibleChildren(node).length; if (childrenCount > 0) { this.list.splice(index + 1, childrenCount); } } // API response is not sorted const spans = data.entries.find(s => s.type === 'spans') ?? {data: []};, b) => a.start_timestamp - b.start_timestamp); const [root, spanTreeSpaceBounds] = TraceTree.FromSpans(node,, data); root.zoomedIn = true; // Spans contain millisecond precision, which means that it is possible for the // children spans of a transaction to extend beyond the start and end of the transaction // through ns precision. To account for this, we need to adjust the space of the transaction node and the space // of our trace so that all of the span children are visible and can be rendered inside the view const previousStart =[0]; const previousDuration =[1]; const newStart = spanTreeSpaceBounds[0]; const newEnd = spanTreeSpaceBounds[0] + spanTreeSpaceBounds[1]; // Extend the start of the trace to include the new min start if (newStart <=[0]) {[0] = newStart; } // Extend the end of the trace to include the new max end if (newEnd >[0] +[1]) {[1] = newEnd -[0]; } if ( previousStart !==[0] || previousDuration !==[1] ) { this.dispatch('trace timeline change',; } if (options.preferences.missing_instrumentation) { TraceTree.DetectMissingInstrumentation(root); } if (options.preferences.autogroup.sibling) { TraceTree.AutogroupSiblingSpanNodes(root); } if (options.preferences.autogroup.parent) { TraceTree.AutogroupDirectChildrenSpanNodes(root); } if (index !== -1) { this.list.splice(index + 1, 0, ...TraceTree.VisibleChildren(node)); } return data; }) .catch(_e => { node.fetchStatus = 'error'; }); this._spanPromises.set(key, promise); return promise; } static EnforceVisibility( tree: TraceTree, node: TraceTreeNode ): number { let index = tree.list.indexOf(node); if (node && index === -1) { let parent_node = node.parent; while (parent_node) { // Transactions break autogrouping chains, so we can stop here tree.expand(parent_node, true); // This is very wasteful as it performs O(n^2) search each time we expand a node... // In most cases though, we should be operating on a tree with sub 10k elements and hopefully // a low autogrouped node count. index = node ? tree.list.indexOf(node) : -1; if (index !== -1) { break; } parent_node = parent_node.parent; } } return index; } static ExpandToEventID( tree: TraceTree, eventId: string, options: { api: Client; organization: Organization; preferences: Pick; } ): Promise { const node = TraceTree.FindByID(tree.root, eventId); if (!node) { return Promise.resolve(); } return TraceTree.ExpandToPath(tree, TraceTree.PathToNode(node), options); } static ExpandToPath( tree: TraceTree, scrollQueue: TraceTree.NodePath[], options: { api: Client; organization: Organization; preferences: Pick; } ): Promise { const transactionIds = new Set( scrollQueue.filter(s => s.startsWith('txn-')).map(s => s.replace('txn-', '')) ); // If we are just linking to a transaction, then we dont need to fetch its spans if (transactionIds.size === 1 && scrollQueue.length === 1) { return Promise.resolve(); } const transactionNodes = TraceTree.FindAll( tree.root, node => isTransactionNode(node) && (transactionIds.has(node.value.span_id) || transactionIds.has(node.value.event_id)) ); const promises = => tree.zoom(node, true, options)); return Promise.all(promises) .then(_resp => { // Ignore response }) .catch(e => { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setFingerprint(['trace-view-expand-to-path-error']); scope.captureMessage('Failed to expand to path'); scope.captureException(e); }); }); } // Only supports parent/child swaps (the only ones we need) static Swap({ parent, child, reason, }: { child: TraceTreeNode; parent: TraceTreeNode; reason: TraceTreeNode['reparent_reason']; }) { const commonRoot = parent.parent!; const parentIndex = commonRoot.children.indexOf(parent); if (!commonRoot || parentIndex === -1) { throw new Error('Cannot find common parent'); } TraceTree.Filter(commonRoot, c => c !== child); parent.parent = null; child.parent = null; // Insert child into parent commonRoot.children[parentIndex] = child; child.children.push(parent); child.parent = commonRoot; parent.parent = child; child.reparent_reason = reason; parent.reparent_reason = reason; } static IsLastChild(n: TraceTreeNode): boolean { if (!n.parent) { return false; } if (isParentAutogroupedNode(n.parent)) { if (n.parent.expanded) { // The autogrouped return true; } return n.parent.tail.children[n.parent.tail.children.length - 1] === n; } return n.parent.children[n.parent.children.length - 1] === n; } static HasVisibleChildren(node: TraceTreeNode): boolean { if (isParentAutogroupedNode(node)) { if (node.expanded) { return node.head.children.length > 0; } return node.tail.children.length > 0; } if (node.expanded) { return node.children.length > 0; } return false; } /** * Return a lazily calculated depth of the node in the tree. * Root node has a value of -1 as it is abstract. */ static Depth(node: TraceTreeNode): number { if (node.depth !== undefined) { return node.depth; } let depth = -2; let start: TraceTreeNode | null = node; while (start) { depth++; start = start.parent; } node.depth = depth; return depth; } static ConnectorsTo(node: TraceTreeNode): number[] { if (node.connectors !== undefined) { return node.connectors; } const connectors: number[] = []; let start: TraceTreeNode | null = node.parent; if (start && isTraceNode(start) && !TraceTree.IsLastChild(node)) { node.connectors = [-TraceTree.Depth(node)]; return node.connectors; } if (!TraceTree.IsLastChild(node)) { connectors.push(TraceTree.Depth(node)); } while (start) { if (!start.value || !start.parent) { break; } if (TraceTree.IsLastChild(start)) { start = start.parent; continue; } connectors.push( isTraceNode(start.parent) ? -TraceTree.Depth(start) : TraceTree.Depth(start) ); start = start.parent; } node.connectors = connectors; return connectors; } toList(): TraceTreeNode[] { this.list = TraceTree.VisibleChildren(this.root); return this.list; } rebuild() { TraceTree.invalidate(this.root, true); this.list = this.toList(); return this; } build() { this.list = this.toList(); return this; } get shape(): TraceShape { const trace = this.root.children[0]; if (!trace) { return TraceShape.EMPTY_TRACE; } if (!isTraceNode(trace)) { throw new TypeError('Not trace node'); } const traceStats = trace.value.transactions?.reduce<{ javascriptRootTransactions: TraceTree.Transaction[]; orphans: number; roots: number; }>( (stats, transaction) => { if (isRootTransaction(transaction)) { stats.roots++; if (isJavascriptSDKTransaction(transaction)) { stats.javascriptRootTransactions.push(transaction); } } else { stats.orphans++; } return stats; }, {roots: 0, orphans: 0, javascriptRootTransactions: []} ) ?? {roots: 0, orphans: 0, javascriptRootTransactions: []}; if (traceStats.roots === 0) { if (traceStats.orphans > 0) { return TraceShape.NO_ROOT; } if ((trace.value.orphan_errors?.length ?? 0) > 0) { return TraceShape.ONLY_ERRORS; } return TraceShape.EMPTY_TRACE; } if (traceStats.roots === 1) { if (traceStats.orphans > 0) { return TraceShape.BROKEN_SUBTRACES; } return TraceShape.ONE_ROOT; } if (traceStats.roots > 1) { if (traceStats.javascriptRootTransactions.length > 0) { return TraceShape.BROWSER_MULTIPLE_ROOTS; } return TraceShape.MULTIPLE_ROOTS; } throw new Error('Unknown trace type'); } fetchAdditionalTraces(options: { api: Client; filters: any; meta: TraceMetaQueryResults | null; organization: Organization; replayTraces: ReplayTrace[]; rerender: () => void; urlParams: Location['query']; }): () => void { let cancelled = false; const {organization, api, urlParams, filters, rerender, replayTraces} = options; const clonedTraceIds = [...replayTraces]; const root = this.root.children[0]; root.fetchStatus = 'loading'; rerender(); (async () => { while (clonedTraceIds.length > 0) { const batch = clonedTraceIds.splice(0, 3); const results = await Promise.allSettled( => { return fetchTrace(api, { orgSlug: organization.slug, query: qs.stringify( getTraceQueryParams(urlParams, filters.selection, { timestamp: batchTraceData.timestamp, }) ), traceId: batchTraceData.traceSlug, }); }) ); if (cancelled) { return; } const updatedData = results.reduce( (acc, result) => { // Ignoring the error case for now if (result.status === 'fulfilled') { const {transactions, orphan_errors} = result.value; acc.transactions.push(...transactions); acc.orphan_errors.push(...orphan_errors); } return acc; }, { transactions: [], orphan_errors: [], } as TraceSplitResults ); this.appendTree( TraceTree.FromTrace(updatedData, { meta: options.meta?.data, replay: null, }) ); rerender(); } root.fetchStatus = 'idle'; rerender(); })(); return () => { root.fetchStatus = 'idle'; cancelled = true; }; } /** * Prints the tree in a human readable format, useful for debugging and testing */ print() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(this.serialize()); } serialize() { return ( '\n' + this.list .map(t => printTraceTreeNode(t, 0)) .filter(Boolean) .join('\n') + '\n' ); } } // Generates a ID of the tree node based on its type function nodeToId(n: TraceTreeNode): TraceTree.NodePath { if (isAutogroupedNode(n)) { if (isParentAutogroupedNode(n)) { return `ag-${n.head.value.span_id}`; } if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(n)) { const child = n.children[0]; if (isSpanNode(child)) { return `ag-${child.value.span_id}`; } } } if (isTransactionNode(n)) { return `txn-${n.value.event_id}`; } if (isSpanNode(n)) { return `span-${n.value.span_id}`; } if (isTraceNode(n)) { return `trace-root`; } if (isTraceErrorNode(n)) { return `error-${n.value.event_id}`; } if (isRootNode(n)) { throw new Error('A path to root node does not exist as the node is virtual'); } if (isMissingInstrumentationNode(n)) { return `ms-${n.previous.value.span_id}`; } throw new Error('Not implemented'); } function printTraceTreeNode( t: TraceTreeNode, offset: number ): string { // +1 because we may be printing from the root which is -1 indexed const padding = ' '.repeat(TraceTree.Depth(t) + offset); if (isAutogroupedNode(t)) { if (isParentAutogroupedNode(t)) { return padding + `parent autogroup (${t.head.value.op}: ${t.groupCount})`; } if (isSiblingAutogroupedNode(t)) { return ( padding + `sibling autogroup (${(t.children[0] as TraceTreeNode)?.value?.op}: ${t.groupCount})` ); } return padding + 'autogroup'; } if (isSpanNode(t)) { return ( padding + (t.value.op || 'unknown span') + ' - ' + (t.value.description || 'unknown description') ); } if (isTransactionNode(t)) { return ( padding + (t.value.transaction || 'unknown transaction') + ' - ' + (t.value['transaction.op'] ?? 'unknown op') ); } if (isMissingInstrumentationNode(t)) { return padding + 'missing_instrumentation'; } if (isRootNode(t)) { return padding + 'virtual root'; } if (isTraceNode(t)) { return padding + 'trace root'; } if (isTraceErrorNode(t)) { return padding + (t.value.event_id || t.value.level) || 'unknown trace error'; } if (isCollapsedNode(t)) { return padding + 'collapsed'; } return 'unknown node'; } // Double queue iterator to merge transactions and errors into a single list ordered by timestamp // without having to reallocate the potentially large list of transactions and errors. function traceQueueIterator( trace: TraceTree.Trace, root: TraceTreeNode, visitor: ( parent: TraceTreeNode, value: TraceTree.Transaction | TraceTree.TraceError ) => void ) { let tIdx = 0; let oIdx = 0; const tLen = trace.transactions.length; const oLen = trace.orphan_errors.length; const transactions = [...trace.transactions].sort( (a, b) => a.start_timestamp - b.start_timestamp ); const orphan_errors = [...trace.orphan_errors].sort( (a, b) => (a?.timestamp ?? 0) - (b?.timestamp ?? 0) ); // Items in each queue are sorted by timestamp, so we just take // from the queue with the earliest timestamp which means the final list will be ordered. while (tIdx < tLen || oIdx < oLen) { const transaction = transactions[tIdx]; const orphan = orphan_errors[oIdx]; if (transaction && orphan) { if ( typeof orphan.timestamp === 'number' && transaction.start_timestamp <= orphan.timestamp ) { visitor(root, transaction); tIdx++; } else { visitor(root, orphan); oIdx++; } } else if (transaction) { visitor(root, transaction); tIdx++; } else if (orphan) { visitor(root, orphan); oIdx++; } } } function traceChronologicalSort( a: TraceTreeNode, b: TraceTreeNode ) { return[0] -[0]; } function getRelatedSpanErrorsFromTransaction( span: TraceTree.Span, node: TraceTreeNode ): TraceTree.TraceError[] { if (!isTransactionNode(node) || !node.value?.errors?.length) { return []; } const errors: TraceTree.TraceError[] = []; for (const error of node.value.errors) { if (error.span === span.span_id) { errors.push(error); } } return errors; } // Returns a list of performance errors related to the txn with ids matching the span id function getRelatedPerformanceIssuesFromTransaction( span: TraceTree.Span, node: TraceTreeNode ): TraceTree.TracePerformanceIssue[] { if (!isTransactionNode(node) || !node.value?.performance_issues?.length) { return []; } const performanceIssues: TraceTree.TracePerformanceIssue[] = []; for (const perfIssue of node.value.performance_issues) { for (const s of perfIssue.span) { if (s === span.span_id) { performanceIssues.push(perfIssue); } } for (const suspect of perfIssue.suspect_spans) { if (suspect === span.span_id) { performanceIssues.push(perfIssue); } } } return performanceIssues; }