import {useCallback, useLayoutEffect, useRef} from 'react'; export interface UsePassiveResizableDrawerOptions { direction: 'right' | 'left' | 'down' | 'up'; initialSize: number; min: number; onResize: (size: number, min: number, user: boolean) => void; ref?: HTMLElement | null; } /** * Hook to support draggable container resizing * * This only resizes one dimension at a time. */ export function usePassiveResizableDrawer(options: UsePassiveResizableDrawerOptions): { onMouseDown: React.MouseEventHandler<HTMLElement>; size: React.MutableRefObject<number>; } { const stateRef = useRef<undefined | 'resizing'>(); const rafIdRef = useRef<number | null>(null); const sizeRef = useRef(options.initialSize); const currentMouseVectorRaf = useRef<[number, number] | null>(null); // We intentionally fire this once at mount to ensure the dimensions are set and // any potentional values set by CSS will be overriden. If no initialDimensions are provided, // invoke the onResize callback with the previously stored dimensions. const {direction, initialSize, onResize} = options; useLayoutEffect(() => { sizeRef.current = initialSize; onResize(initialSize, options.min, false); // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps }, [initialSize, direction, onResize]); const onMouseMove = useCallback( (event: MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); const isXAxis = options.direction === 'left' || options.direction === 'right'; const isInverted = options.direction === 'down' || options.direction === 'left'; = 'none'; = 'none'; // We've disabled pointerEvents on the body, the cursor needs to be // applied to the root most element to work = isXAxis ? 'ew-resize' : 'ns-resize'; if (rafIdRef.current !== null) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(rafIdRef.current); } rafIdRef.current = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => { if (!currentMouseVectorRaf.current) { return; } const newPositionVector: [number, number] = [event.clientX, event.clientY]; const newAxisPosition = isXAxis ? newPositionVector[0] : newPositionVector[1]; const currentAxisPosition = isXAxis ? currentMouseVectorRaf.current[0] : currentMouseVectorRaf.current[1]; const positionDelta = currentAxisPosition - newAxisPosition; currentMouseVectorRaf.current = newPositionVector; sizeRef.current = Math.round( Math.max(options.min, sizeRef.current + positionDelta * (isInverted ? -1 : 1)) ); onResize(sizeRef.current, options.min, true); }); }, [options.direction, onResize, options.min] ); const onMouseUp = useCallback(() => { stateRef.current = undefined; = ''; = ''; = ''; = ''; document.removeEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove); document.removeEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); }, [onMouseMove]); const onMouseDown = useCallback( (evt: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>) => { stateRef.current = 'resizing'; currentMouseVectorRaf.current = [evt.clientX, evt.clientY]; = (direction === 'left' || direction === 'right' ? 'ew-resize' : 'ns-resize') + ' !important'; document.addEventListener('mousemove', onMouseMove, {passive: false}); document.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp); }, [onMouseMove, onMouseUp, direction] ); useLayoutEffect(() => { // Watches for external resize events and ensures the local size value is kept in sync const ref = options.ref; const observer = new ResizeObserver(elements => { const container = elements[0]; if (!container) { return; } if (stateRef.current === 'resizing') { return; } if (container.contentRect) { const width = container.contentRect.width; const height = container.contentRect.height; if (typeof width !== 'number' || typeof height !== 'number') { return; } sizeRef.current = options.direction === 'left' || options.direction === 'right' ? width : height; } }); if (ref) { observer.observe(ref); } return () => { observer.disconnect(); if (rafIdRef.current !== null) { window.cancelAnimationFrame(rafIdRef.current); } }; }, [options.direction, options.ref]); return {onMouseDown, size: sizeRef}; }