import {useMemo} from 'react'; import orderBy from 'lodash/orderBy'; import {bulkUpdate, useFetchIssueTags} from 'sentry/actionCreators/group'; import {Client} from 'sentry/api'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import ConfigStore from 'sentry/stores/configStore'; import {useLegacyStore} from 'sentry/stores/useLegacyStore'; import type {Group, GroupActivity} from 'sentry/types'; import type {Event} from 'sentry/types/event'; import {useLocation} from 'sentry/utils/useLocation'; export function markEventSeen( api: Client, orgId: string, projectId: string, groupId: string ) { bulkUpdate( api, { orgId, projectId, itemIds: [groupId], failSilently: true, data: {hasSeen: true}, }, {} ); } export function fetchGroupUserReports( orgSlug: string, groupId: string, query: Record<string, string> ) { const api = new Client(); return api.requestPromise(`/organizations/${orgSlug}/issues/${groupId}/user-reports/`, { includeAllArgs: true, query, }); } export function useDefaultIssueEvent() { const user = useLegacyStore(ConfigStore).user; const options = user ? user.options : null; return options?.defaultIssueEvent ?? 'recommended'; } /** * Returns the environment name for an event or null * * @param event */ export function getEventEnvironment(event: Event) { const tag = event.tags.find(({key}) => key === 'environment'); return tag ? tag.value : null; } const SUBSCRIPTION_REASONS = { commented: t( "You're receiving workflow notifications because you have commented on this issue." ), assigned: t( "You're receiving workflow notifications because you were assigned to this issue." ), bookmarked: t( "You're receiving workflow notifications because you have bookmarked this issue." ), changed_status: t( "You're receiving workflow notifications because you have changed the status of this issue." ), mentioned: t( "You're receiving workflow notifications because you have been mentioned in this issue." ), }; /** * @param group * @param removeLinks add/remove links to subscription reasons text (default: false) * @returns Reason for subscription */ export function getSubscriptionReason(group: Group) { if (group.subscriptionDetails?.disabled) { return t('You have disabled workflow notifications for this project.'); } if (!group.isSubscribed) { return t('Subscribe to workflow notifications for this issue'); } if (group.subscriptionDetails) { const {reason} = group.subscriptionDetails; if (reason === 'unknown') { return t( "You're receiving workflow notifications because you are subscribed to this issue." ); } if (reason && SUBSCRIPTION_REASONS.hasOwnProperty(reason)) { return SUBSCRIPTION_REASONS[reason]; } } return t( "You're receiving updates because you are subscribed to workflow notifications for this project." ); } export function getGroupMostRecentActivity( activities: GroupActivity[] | undefined ): GroupActivity | undefined { // Most recent activity return activities ? orderBy([...activities], ({dateCreated}) => new Date(dateCreated), ['desc'])[0] : undefined; } export enum ReprocessingStatus { REPROCESSED_AND_HASNT_EVENT = 'reprocessed_and_hasnt_event', REPROCESSED_AND_HAS_EVENT = 'reprocessed_and_has_event', REPROCESSING = 'reprocessing', NO_STATUS = 'no_status', } // Reprocessing Checks export function getGroupReprocessingStatus( group: Group, mostRecentActivity?: GroupActivity ) { const {status, count, activity: activities} = group; const groupCount = Number(count); switch (status) { case 'reprocessing': return ReprocessingStatus.REPROCESSING; case 'unresolved': { const groupMostRecentActivity = mostRecentActivity ?? getGroupMostRecentActivity(activities); if (groupMostRecentActivity?.type === 'reprocess') { if (groupCount === 0) { return ReprocessingStatus.REPROCESSED_AND_HASNT_EVENT; } return ReprocessingStatus.REPROCESSED_AND_HAS_EVENT; } return ReprocessingStatus.NO_STATUS; } default: return ReprocessingStatus.NO_STATUS; } } export const useFetchIssueTagsForDetailsPage = ( { groupId, orgSlug, environment = [], isStatisticalDetector = false, statisticalDetectorParameters, }: { environment: string[]; orgSlug: string; groupId?: string; isStatisticalDetector?: boolean; statisticalDetectorParameters?: { durationBaseline: number; end: string; start: string; transaction: string; }; }, {enabled = true}: {enabled?: boolean} = {} ) => { return useFetchIssueTags( { groupId, orgSlug, environment, readable: true, limit: 4, isStatisticalDetector, statisticalDetectorParameters, }, {enabled} ); }; export function useEnvironmentsFromUrl(): string[] { const location = useLocation(); const envs = location.query.environment; const envsArray = useMemo(() => { return typeof envs === 'string' ? [envs] : envs ?? []; }, [envs]); return envsArray; } export function getGroupDetailsQueryData({ environments, }: { environments?: string[]; } = {}): Record<string, string | string[]> { // Note, we do not want to include the environment key at all if there are no environments const query: Record<string, string | string[]> = { ...(environments && environments.length > 0 ? {environment: environments} : {}), expand: ['inbox', 'owners'], collapse: ['release', 'tags'], }; return query; } export function getGroupEventDetailsQueryData({ environments, query, stacktraceOnly, }: { environments?: string[]; query?: string; stacktraceOnly?: boolean; } = {}): Record<string, string | string[]> { const defaultParams = { collapse: stacktraceOnly ? ['stacktraceOnly'] : ['fullRelease'], ...(query ? {query} : {}), }; if (!environments || environments.length === 0) { return defaultParams; } return {...defaultParams, environment: environments}; }