# pylint: skip-file # flake8: noqa import datetime import itertools import json import random import string import click from arroyo.backends.kafka import KafkaPayload, KafkaProducer from arroyo.types import Topic from sentry.sentry_metrics.use_case_id_registry import UseCaseID make_counter_payload = lambda use_case, org_id, rand_str: { "name": f"c:{use_case}/{use_case}@none", "tags": { "environment": "production", "session.status": "init", f"metric_e2e_{use_case}_counter_k_{rand_str}": f"metric_e2e_{use_case}_counter_v_{rand_str}", }, "timestamp": int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.UTC).timestamp()), "type": "c", "value": 1, "org_id": org_id, "retention_days": 90, "project_id": 3, } make_dist_payload = lambda use_case, org_id, rand_str, value_len: { "name": f"d:{use_case}/duration@second", "tags": { "environment": "production", "session.status": "healthy", f"metric_e2e_{use_case}_dist_k_{rand_str}": f"metric_e2e_{use_case}_dist_v_{rand_str}", }, "timestamp": int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.UTC).timestamp()), "type": "d", "value": [i for i in range(value_len)], "org_id": org_id, "retention_days": 90, "project_id": 3, } make_set_payload = lambda use_case, org_id, rand_str, value_len: { "name": f"s:{use_case}/error@none", "tags": { "environment": "production", "session.status": "errored", f"metric_e2e_{use_case}_set_k_{rand_str}": f"metric_e2e_{use_case}_set_v_{rand_str}", }, "timestamp": int(datetime.datetime.now(tz=datetime.UTC).timestamp()), "type": "s", "value": [i for i in range(value_len)], "org_id": org_id, "retention_days": 90, "project_id": 3, } make_psql = ( lambda rand_str, is_generic: f""" SELECT string, organization_id, {"use_case_id," if is_generic else ""} date_added, last_seen FROM {"sentry_perfstringindexer" if is_generic else "sentry_stringindexer"} WHERE string ~ 'metric_e2e_.*{rand_str}'; """ ) make_csql = lambda rand_str, is_generic: "UNION ALL".join( [ f""" SELECT use_case_id, org_id, project_id, metric_id, timestamp, tags.key, tags.raw_value FROM {table_name} WHERE arrayExists(v -> match(v, 'metric_e2e_.*{rand_str}'), tags.raw_value) """ for table_name in ( [ "generic_metric_counters_raw_local", "generic_metric_distributions_raw_local", "generic_metric_sets_raw_local", ] if is_generic else [ "metrics_counters_v2_local", "metrics_distributions_v2_local", "metrics_sets_v2_local", ] ) ] ) def produce_msgs(messages, is_generic, host, dryrun): conf = {"bootstrap.servers": host} producer = KafkaProducer(conf) for i, message in enumerate(messages): print(f"{i + 1} / {len(messages)}") # pprint.pprint(message) if not dryrun: producer.produce( Topic(name=("ingest-performance-metrics" if is_generic else "ingest-metrics")), KafkaPayload(key=None, value=json.dumps(message).encode("utf-8"), headers=[]), ) print("Done") print() producer.close() @click.command() @click.option( "--use-cases", multiple=True, default=[ use_case_id.value for use_case_id in UseCaseID if use_case_id is not UseCaseID.SESSIONS ], show_default=True, help="The use case IDs.", ) @click.option("--rand-str", default=None, help="The random string prefix for each key value pairs.") @click.option( "--host", default="", show_default=True, help="The host and port for kafka." ) @click.option( "--dryrun", is_flag=True, default=False, show_default=True, help="Print the messages without sending them.", ) @click.option( "--start-org-id", default=1, show_default=True, help="Specify which org id(s) to start from", ) @click.option( "--end-org-id", default=1, show_default=True, help="Specify which org id(s) to end with", ) @click.option( "--num-bad-msg", default=0, show_default=True, help="Number of additional badly formatted metric messages to send", ) @click.option( "--value-len", default=6, show_default=True, help="Number of elements for metrics (sets and distributions)", ) def main(use_cases, rand_str, host, dryrun, start_org_id, end_org_id, num_bad_msg, value_len): if UseCaseID.SESSIONS.value in use_cases and len(use_cases) > 1: click.secho( "ERROR: UseCaseID.SESSIONS is in use_cases and there are more than 1 use cases", blink=True, bold=True, ) exit(1) rand_str = rand_str or "".join(random.choices(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits, k=8)) is_generic = UseCaseID.SESSIONS.value not in use_cases messages = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( ( make_counter_payload(use_case, org, rand_str), make_dist_payload(use_case, org, rand_str, value_len), make_set_payload(use_case, org, rand_str, value_len), ) for use_case in use_cases for org in range(start_org_id, end_org_id + 1) ) ) messages.extend([{"BAD_VALUE": rand_str, "idx": i} for i in range(num_bad_msg)]) random.shuffle(messages) produce_msgs(messages, is_generic, host, dryrun) metrics_per_use_case = 3 strs_per_use_case = 3 print( f"Use the following SQL to verify postgres, " f"there should be {strs_per_use_case} strings for each use cases, " f"{strs_per_use_case * len(use_cases) * (end_org_id - start_org_id + 1)} in total." ) print(make_psql(rand_str, is_generic)) if is_generic: print( f"Use the following SQL to verify clickhouse, " f"there should be {metrics_per_use_case} metrics for each use cases, " f"{metrics_per_use_case * len(use_cases) * (end_org_id - start_org_id + 1)} in total." ) print(make_csql(rand_str, is_generic)) if __name__ == "__main__": main()