import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; export const ALL_PROVIDERS = { email: 'default', slack: 'never', msteams: 'never', }; export const ALL_PROVIDER_NAMES = Object.keys(ALL_PROVIDERS); /** * These values are stolen from the DB. */ export const VALUE_MAPPING = { default: 0, never: 10, always: 20, subscribe_only: 30, committed_only: 40, }; export const SUPPORTED_PROVIDERS = ['email', 'slack', 'msteams'] as const; export type SupportedProviders = (typeof SUPPORTED_PROVIDERS)[number]; export const MIN_PROJECTS_FOR_CONFIRMATION = 3; export const MIN_PROJECTS_FOR_SEARCH = 3; export const MIN_PROJECTS_FOR_PAGINATION = 100; export type ProviderValue = 'always' | 'never'; interface NotificationBaseObject { id: string; scopeIdentifier: string; scopeType: string; type: string; } export interface NotificationOptionsObject extends NotificationBaseObject { value: ProviderValue | 'subscribe_only' | 'committed_only'; } export interface NotificationProvidersObject extends NotificationBaseObject { provider: SupportedProviders; value: ProviderValue; } export interface DefaultSettings { providerDefaults: SupportedProviders[]; typeDefaults: Record<string, ProviderValue>; } export const NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_TYPES = [ 'alerts', 'workflow', 'deploy', 'approval', 'quota', 'reports', 'email', 'spikeProtection', ] as const; export const SELF_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_TYPES = [ 'personalActivityNotifications', 'selfAssignOnResolve', ]; // 'alerts' | 'workflow' ... export type NotificationSettingsType = (typeof NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_TYPES)[number]; export const NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_PATHNAMES: Record<NotificationSettingsType, string> = { alerts: 'alerts', workflow: 'workflow', deploy: 'deploy', approval: 'approval', quota: 'quota', reports: 'reports', email: 'email', spikeProtection: 'spike-protection', }; export const CONFIRMATION_MESSAGE = ( <div> <p style={{marginBottom: '20px'}}> <strong>Are you sure you want to disable these notifications?</strong> </p> <p> {t( 'Turning this off will irreversibly overwrite all of your fine-tuning settings to "off".' )} </p> </div> ); export const NOTIFICATION_FEATURE_MAP: Partial<Record<NotificationSettingsType, string>> = { quota: 'slack-overage-notifications', spikeProtection: 'spike-projections', };