import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import {incrementalSnapshotEvent, IncrementalSource} from '@sentry-internal/rrweb'; import memoize from 'lodash/memoize'; import {duration} from 'moment'; import domId from 'sentry/utils/domId'; import localStorageWrapper from 'sentry/utils/localStorage'; import countDomNodes from 'sentry/utils/replays/countDomNodes'; import extractDomNodes from 'sentry/utils/replays/extractDomNodes'; import hydrateBreadcrumbs, { replayInitBreadcrumb, } from 'sentry/utils/replays/hydrateBreadcrumbs'; import hydrateErrors from 'sentry/utils/replays/hydrateErrors'; import hydrateFrames from 'sentry/utils/replays/hydrateFrames'; import { recordingEndFrame, recordingStartFrame, } from 'sentry/utils/replays/hydrateRRWebRecordingFrames'; import hydrateSpans from 'sentry/utils/replays/hydrateSpans'; import {replayTimestamps} from 'sentry/utils/replays/replayDataUtils'; import type { BreadcrumbFrame, ErrorFrame, MemoryFrame, OptionFrame, RecordingFrame, SlowClickFrame, SpanFrame, } from 'sentry/utils/replays/types'; import { BreadcrumbCategories, EventType, isDeadClick, isDeadRageClick, isLCPFrame, isPaintFrame, } from 'sentry/utils/replays/types'; import type {ReplayError, ReplayRecord} from 'sentry/views/replays/types'; interface ReplayReaderParams { /** * Loaded segment data * * This is a mix of rrweb data, breadcrumbs and spans/transactions sorted by time * All three types are mixed together. */ attachments: unknown[] | undefined; /** * Error objects related to this replay * * Error instances could be frontend, backend, or come from the error platform * like performance-errors or replay-errors */ errors: ReplayError[] | undefined; /** * The root Replay event, created at the start of the browser session. */ replayRecord: ReplayRecord | undefined; } type RequiredNotNull = { [P in keyof T]: NonNullable; }; const sortFrames = (a, b) => a.timestampMs - b.timestampMs; function removeDuplicateClicks(frames: BreadcrumbFrame[]) { const slowClickFrames = frames.filter( frame => frame.category === 'ui.slowClickDetected' ); const clickFrames = frames.filter(frame => frame.category === ''); const otherFrames = frames.filter( frame => !(slowClickFrames.includes(frame) || clickFrames.includes(frame)) ); const uniqueClickFrames: BreadcrumbFrame[] = clickFrames.filter(clickFrame => { return !slowClickFrames.some( slowClickFrame => && 'nodeId' in && && 'nodeId' in && === && slowClickFrame.timestampMs === clickFrame.timestampMs ); }); return uniqueClickFrames.concat(otherFrames).concat(slowClickFrames); } export default class ReplayReader { static factory({attachments, errors, replayRecord}: ReplayReaderParams) { if (!attachments || !replayRecord || !errors) { return null; } try { return new ReplayReader({attachments, errors, replayRecord}); } catch (err) { Sentry.captureException(err); // If something happens then we don't really know if it's the attachments // array or errors array to blame (it's probably attachments though). // Either way we can use the replayRecord to show some metadata, and then // put an error message below it. return new ReplayReader({ attachments: [], errors: [], replayRecord, }); } } private constructor({ attachments, errors, replayRecord, }: RequiredNotNull) { this._cacheKey = domId('replayReader-'); if (replayRecord.is_archived) { this._replayRecord = replayRecord; const archivedReader = new Proxy(this, { get(_target, prop, _receiver) { if (prop === '_replayRecord') { return replayRecord; } return () => {}; }, }); return archivedReader; } const {breadcrumbFrames, optionFrame, rrwebFrames, spanFrames} = hydrateFrames(attachments); if (localStorageWrapper.getItem('REPLAY-BACKEND-TIMESTAMPS') !== '1') { // TODO(replays): We should get correct timestamps from the backend instead // of having to fix them up here. const {startTimestampMs, endTimestampMs} = replayTimestamps( replayRecord, rrwebFrames, breadcrumbFrames, spanFrames ); this.timestampDeltas = { startedAtDelta: startTimestampMs - replayRecord.started_at.getTime(), finishedAtDelta: endTimestampMs - replayRecord.finished_at.getTime(), }; replayRecord.started_at = new Date(startTimestampMs); replayRecord.finished_at = new Date(endTimestampMs); replayRecord.duration = duration( replayRecord.finished_at.getTime() - replayRecord.started_at.getTime() ); } // Hydrate the data we were given this._replayRecord = replayRecord; // Errors don't need to be sorted here, they will be merged with breadcrumbs // and spans in the getter and then sorted together. this._errors = hydrateErrors(replayRecord, errors).sort(sortFrames); // RRWeb Events are not sorted here, they are fetched in sorted order. this._sortedRRWebEvents = rrwebFrames; // Breadcrumbs must be sorted. Crumbs like `slowClick` and `multiClick` will // have the same timestamp as the click breadcrumb, but will be emitted a // few seconds later. this._sortedBreadcrumbFrames = hydrateBreadcrumbs( replayRecord, breadcrumbFrames ).sort(sortFrames); // Spans must be sorted so components like the Timeline and Network Chart // can have an easier time to render. this._sortedSpanFrames = hydrateSpans(replayRecord, spanFrames).sort(sortFrames); this._optionFrame = optionFrame; // Insert extra records to satisfy minimum requirements for the UI this._sortedBreadcrumbFrames.push(replayInitBreadcrumb(replayRecord)); this._sortedRRWebEvents.unshift(recordingStartFrame(replayRecord)); this._sortedRRWebEvents.push(recordingEndFrame(replayRecord)); } public timestampDeltas = {startedAtDelta: 0, finishedAtDelta: 0}; private _cacheKey: string; private _errors: ErrorFrame[] = []; private _optionFrame: undefined | OptionFrame; private _replayRecord: ReplayRecord; private _sortedBreadcrumbFrames: BreadcrumbFrame[] = []; private _sortedRRWebEvents: RecordingFrame[] = []; private _sortedSpanFrames: SpanFrame[] = []; toJSON = () => this._cacheKey; /** * @returns Duration of Replay (milliseonds) */ getDurationMs = () => { return this._replayRecord.duration.asMilliseconds(); }; getReplay = () => { return this._replayRecord; }; getRRWebFrames = () => this._sortedRRWebEvents; getRRWebMutations = () => this._sortedRRWebEvents.filter( event => [EventType.IncrementalSnapshot].includes(event.type) && [IncrementalSource.Mutation].includes( (event as incrementalSnapshotEvent).data.source ) // filter only for mutation events ); getErrorFrames = () => this._errors; getConsoleFrames = memoize(() => this._sortedBreadcrumbFrames.filter( frame => frame.category === 'console' || !BreadcrumbCategories.includes(frame.category) ) ); getNavigationFrames = memoize(() => [ ...this._sortedBreadcrumbFrames.filter(frame => frame.category === 'replay.init'), ...this._sortedSpanFrames.filter(frame => frame.op.startsWith('navigation.')), ].sort(sortFrames) ); getNetworkFrames = memoize(() => this._sortedSpanFrames.filter( frame => frame.op.startsWith('navigation.') || frame.op.startsWith('resource.') ) ); getDOMFrames = memoize(() => [ ...removeDuplicateClicks( this._sortedBreadcrumbFrames .filter(frame => 'nodeId' in ( ?? {})) .filter( frame => !( (frame.category === 'ui.slowClickDetected' && !isDeadClick(frame as SlowClickFrame)) || frame.category === 'ui.multiClick' ) ) ), ...this._sortedSpanFrames.filter(frame => 'nodeId' in ( ?? {})), ].sort(sortFrames) ); countDomNodes = memoize(() => countDomNodes({ frames: this.getRRWebMutations(), rrwebEvents: this.getRRWebFrames(), startTimestampMs: this._replayRecord.started_at.getTime(), }) ); getDomNodes = memoize(() => extractDomNodes({ frames: this.getDOMFrames(), rrwebEvents: this.getRRWebFrames(), }) ); getMemoryFrames = memoize(() => this._sortedSpanFrames.filter((frame): frame is MemoryFrame => frame.op === 'memory') ); getChapterFrames = memoize(() => [ ...this.getPerfFrames(), ...this._sortedBreadcrumbFrames.filter(frame => ['replay.init', 'replay.mutations'].includes(frame.category) ), ...this._errors, ].sort(sortFrames) ); getPerfFrames = memoize(() => [ ...removeDuplicateClicks( this._sortedBreadcrumbFrames.filter( frame => ['navigation', ''].includes(frame.category) || (frame.category === 'ui.slowClickDetected' && (isDeadClick(frame as SlowClickFrame) || isDeadRageClick(frame as SlowClickFrame))) ) ), ...this._sortedSpanFrames.filter(frame => frame.op.startsWith('navigation.')), ].sort(sortFrames) ); getLPCFrames = memoize(() => this._sortedSpanFrames.filter(isLCPFrame)); getPaintFrames = memoize(() => this._sortedSpanFrames.filter(isPaintFrame)); getSDKOptions = () => this._optionFrame; isNetworkDetailsSetup = memoize(() => { const sdkOptions = this.getSDKOptions(); if (sdkOptions) { return sdkOptions.networkDetailHasUrls; } // Network data was added in JS SDK 7.50.0 while sdkConfig was added in v7.51.1 // So even if we don't have the config object, we should still fallback and // look for spans with network data, as that means things are setup! return this.getNetworkFrames().some( frame => // We'd need to `filter()` before calling `some()` in order for TS to be happy // @ts-expect-error Object.keys(frame?.data?.request?.headers ?? {}).length || // @ts-expect-error Object.keys(frame?.data?.response?.headers ?? {}).length ); }); }