/*eslint-env node*/ /*eslint import/no-nodejs-modules:0 */ const crypto = require('crypto'); const https = require('https'); const os = require('os'); const { NODE_ENV, SENTRY_INSTRUMENTATION, SENTRY_WEBPACK_WEBHOOK_SECRET, GITHUB_SHA, GITHUB_REF, } = process.env; const IS_CI = !!GITHUB_SHA; const PLUGIN_NAME = 'SentryInstrumentation'; const GB_BYTE = 1073741824; const createSignature = function (secret, payload) { const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha1', secret); return `sha1=${hmac.update(payload).digest('hex')}`; }; class SentryInstrumentation { constructor() { // Only run if SENTRY_INSTRUMENTATION` is set or when in ci, // only in the javascript suite that runs webpack if (!SENTRY_INSTRUMENTATION) { return; } this.initialBuild = false; this.Sentry = require('@sentry/node'); require('@sentry/tracing'); // This is required to patch Sentry this.Sentry.init({ dsn: 'https://3d282d186d924374800aa47006227ce9@sentry.io/2053674', environment: IS_CI ? 'ci' : 'local', tracesSampleRate: 1.0, }); if (IS_CI) { this.Sentry.setTag('branch', GITHUB_REF); } const cpus = os.cpus(); this.Sentry.setTag('platform', os.platform()); this.Sentry.setTag('arch', os.arch()); this.Sentry.setTag( 'cpu', cpus && cpus.length ? `${cpus[0].model} (cores: ${cpus.length})}` : 'N/A' ); } /** * Measures the file sizes of assets emitted from the entrypoints */ measureAssetSizes(compilation) { if (!SENTRY_WEBPACK_WEBHOOK_SECRET) { return; } [...compilation.entrypoints].forEach(([entrypointName, entry]) => entry.chunks.forEach(chunk => chunk.files .filter(assetName => !assetName.endsWith('.map')) .forEach(assetName => { const asset = compilation.assets[assetName]; const size = asset.size(); const file = assetName; const body = JSON.stringify({ file, entrypointName, size, commit: GITHUB_SHA, environment: IS_CI ? 'ci' : '', node_env: NODE_ENV, }); const req = https.request({ host: 'product-eng-webhooks-vmrqv3f7nq-uw.a.run.app', path: '/metrics/webpack/webhook', method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': Buffer.byteLength(body), 'x-webpack-signature': createSignature( SENTRY_WEBPACK_WEBHOOK_SECRET, body ), }, }); req.end(body); }) ) ); } measureBuildTime(startTime, endTime) { if (!this.Sentry) { return; } const transaction = this.Sentry.startTransaction({ op: 'webpack-build', name: !this.initialBuild ? 'initial-build' : 'incremental-build', description: 'webpack build times', startTimestamp: startTime, trimEnd: true, }); const span = transaction.startChild({ op: 'build', description: 'webpack build', data: { os: `${os.platform()} ${os.arch()} v${os.release()}`, memory: os.freemem() ? `${os.freemem() / GB_BYTE} / ${os.totalmem() / GB_BYTE} GB (${ (os.freemem() / os.totalmem()) * 100 }% free)` : 'N/A', loadavg: os.loadavg(), }, startTimestamp: startTime, }); span.finish(endTime); transaction.finish(); } apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.done.tapAsync( PLUGIN_NAME, async ({compilation, startTime, endTime}, done) => { // Only record this once and only on Travis // Don't really care about asset sizes during local dev if (IS_CI && !this.initialBuild) { this.measureAssetSizes(compilation); } if (this.Sentry) { this.measureBuildTime(startTime / 1000, endTime / 1000); await this.Sentry.flush(); } this.initialBuild = true; done(); } ); } } module.exports = SentryInstrumentation;