import {StepType} from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/step'; import type { Docs, DocsParams, OnboardingConfig, } from 'sentry/components/onboarding/gettingStartedDoc/types'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; export enum CapacitorVersion { V2 = 'v2', V3 = 'v3', } const platformOptions = { capacitorVersion: { label: t('Capacitor Version'), items: [ { label: t('Capacitor 3'), value: CapacitorVersion.V3, }, { label: t('Capacitor 2'), value: CapacitorVersion.V2, }, ], }, }; type PlatformOptions = typeof platformOptions; type Params = DocsParams; const getInstallCapacitor2SnippetJava = () => ` import android.os.Bundle; import com.getcapacitor.BridgeActivity; import com.getcapacitor.Plugin; import io.sentry.capacitor.SentryCapacitor; import java.util.ArrayList; public class MainActivity extends BridgeActivity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); // Initializes the Bridge this.init(savedInstanceState, new ArrayList>() {{ add(SentryCapacitor.class); }}); } }`; const getInstallCapacitor2SnippetKotlin = () => ` import android.os.Bundle import com.getcapacitor.BridgeActivity import com.getcapacitor.Plugin import io.sentry.capacitor.SentryCapacitor class MainActivity : BridgeActivity() { override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState) // Initializes the Bridge this.init( savedInstanceState, listOf>( ) } }`; const getConfigureSnippetAngular = (params: Params) => ` // app.module.ts import * as Sentry from '@sentry/capacitor'; // Use "@sentry/angular-ivy" for Angular 12+ or "@sentry/angular" for Angular 10 or 11 import * as SentryAngular from '@sentry/angular-ivy'; Sentry.init( { dsn: '${params.dsn}', // To set your release and dist versions release: 'my-project-name@' + process.env.npm_package_version, dist: '1', // Set tracesSampleRate to 1.0 to capture 100% of transactions for performance monitoring. // We recommend adjusting this value in production. tracesSampleRate: 1.0, integrations: [ new SentryAngular.BrowserTracing({ // Set "tracePropagationTargets" to control for which URLs distributed tracing should be enabled tracePropagationTargets: ["localhost", /^https:\/\/yourserver\.io\/api/], routingInstrumentation: SentryAngular.routingInstrumentation, }), ] }, // Forward the init method from @sentry/angular SentryAngular.init ); @NgModule({ providers: [ { provide: ErrorHandler, // Attach the Sentry ErrorHandler useValue: SentryAngular.createErrorHandler(), }, { provide: SentryAngular.TraceService, deps: [Router], }, { provide: APP_INITIALIZER, useFactory: () => () => {}, deps: [SentryAngular.TraceService], multi: true, }, ], })`; const getConfigureSnippetStandalone = (params: Params) => ` // App.js import * as Sentry from "@sentry/capacitor"; Sentry.init({ dsn: "${params.dsn}", // Set your release version, such as 'getsentry@1.0.0' release: "my-project-name@", // Set your dist version, such as "1" dist: "", });`; const onboarding: OnboardingConfig = { install: params => [ { type: StepType.INSTALL, description: t( 'Install the Sentry Capacitor SDK alongside the sibling Sentry Angular SDK:' ), configurations: [ { language: 'bash', code: [ { label: 'npm', value: 'npm', language: 'bash', code: 'npm install --save @sentry/capacitor @sentry/angular-ivy', }, { label: 'yarn', value: 'yarn', language: 'bash', code: 'yarn add @sentry/capacitor @sentry/angular @sentry/tracing --exact', }, ], }, { language: 'bash', description: t( "Or install the standalone Sentry Capacitor SDK if you don't use Ionic/Angular:" ), code: [ { label: 'npm', value: 'npm', language: 'bash', code: 'npm install --save @sentry/capacitor @sentry/tracing', }, { label: 'yarn', value: 'yarn', language: 'bash', code: 'yarn add @sentry/capacitor', }, ], }, ], additionalInfo: tct( 'The version of the sibling SDK must match with the version referred by Sentry Capacitor. To check which version of the sibling SDK is installed, use the following command: [code:npm info @sentry/capacitor peerDependencies]', {code: } ), }, ...(params.platformOptions.capacitorVersion === CapacitorVersion.V2 ? [ { title: t('Capacitor 2 - Android'), description: tct( 'Add the [sentryCapacitorCode:SentryCapacitor] plugin class inside the [onCreateCode:onCreate] method of your [mainActivityCode:MainActivity] file.', { sentryCapacitorCode: , onCreateCode: , mainActivityCode: , } ), configurations: [ { language: 'java', code: [ { label: 'Java', value: 'java', language: 'java', code: getInstallCapacitor2SnippetJava(), }, { label: 'Kotlin', value: 'kotlin', language: 'kotlin', code: getInstallCapacitor2SnippetKotlin(), }, ], }, ], }, ] : []), ], configure: params => [ { type: StepType.CONFIGURE, description: t('You must initialize the Sentry SDK as early as you can:'), configurations: [ { description: t('With Ionic/Angular:'), language: 'typescript', code: getConfigureSnippetAngular(params), }, { description: t('Standalone:'), language: 'javascript', code: getConfigureSnippetStandalone(params), }, ], }, ], verify: () => [ { type: StepType.VERIFY, description: t( 'This snippet includes an intentional error, so you can test that everything is working as soon as you set it up:' ), configurations: [ { language: 'javascript', code: ` import * as Sentry from "@sentry/capacitor"; Sentry.captureException("Test Captured Exception"); `, }, { language: 'javascript', description: t('You can also throw an error anywhere in your application:'), code: ` // Must be thrown after Sentry.init is called to be captured. throw new Error("Test Thrown Error"); `, }, { language: 'javascript', description: t('Or trigger a native crash:'), code: ` import * as Sentry from "@sentry/capacitor"; Sentry.nativeCrash(); `, }, ], }, ], }; const docs: Docs = { onboarding, platformOptions, }; export default docs;