import type {Theme} from '@emotion/react'; import type {Location} from 'history'; import pick from 'lodash/pick'; import round from 'lodash/round'; import moment from 'moment'; import type {DateTimeObject} from 'sentry/components/charts/utils'; import ExternalLink from 'sentry/components/links/externalLink'; import {normalizeDateTimeParams} from 'sentry/components/organizations/pageFilters/parse'; import {PAGE_URL_PARAM, URL_PARAM} from 'sentry/constants/pageFilters'; import {desktop, mobile} from 'sentry/data/platformCategories'; import {t, tct} from 'sentry/locale'; import type {PlatformKey, Release, SemverVerison, VersionInfo} from 'sentry/types'; import {ReleaseStatus} from 'sentry/types/release'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import {MutableSearch} from 'sentry/utils/tokenizeSearch'; import {IssueSortOptions} from 'sentry/views/issueList/utils'; export const CRASH_FREE_DECIMAL_THRESHOLD = 90; export const roundDuration = (seconds: number) => { return round(seconds, seconds > 60 ? 0 : 3); }; export const getCrashFreePercent = ( percent: number, decimalThreshold = CRASH_FREE_DECIMAL_THRESHOLD, decimalPlaces = 3 ): number => { const roundedValue = round(percent, percent > decimalThreshold ? decimalPlaces : 0); if (roundedValue === 100 && percent < 100) { return ( Math.floor(percent * Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces)) / Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces) ); } return roundedValue; }; export const displayCrashFreePercent = ( percent: number, decimalThreshold = CRASH_FREE_DECIMAL_THRESHOLD, decimalPlaces = 3, formatLessThanOnePercent = true ): string => { if (isNaN(percent)) { return '\u2015'; } if (formatLessThanOnePercent && percent < 1 && percent > 0) { return `<1\u0025`; } const rounded = getCrashFreePercent( percent, decimalThreshold, decimalPlaces ).toLocaleString(); return `${rounded}\u0025`; }; export const getSessionStatusPercent = (percent: number, absolute = true) => { return round(absolute ? Math.abs(percent) : percent, 3); }; export const displaySessionStatusPercent = (percent: number, absolute = true) => { return `${getSessionStatusPercent(percent, absolute).toLocaleString()}\u0025`; }; export const getReleaseNewIssuesUrl = ( orgSlug: string, projectId: string | number | null, version: string ) => { return { pathname: `/organizations/${orgSlug}/issues/`, query: { project: projectId, // we are resetting time selector because releases' new issues count doesn't take time selector into account statsPeriod: undefined, start: undefined, end: undefined, query: new MutableSearch([`firstRelease:${version}`]).formatString(), sort: IssueSortOptions.FREQ, }, }; }; export const getReleaseUnhandledIssuesUrl = ( orgSlug: string, projectId: string | number | null, version: string, dateTime: DateTimeObject = {} ) => { return { pathname: `/organizations/${orgSlug}/issues/`, query: { ...dateTime, project: projectId, query: new MutableSearch([ `release:${version}`, 'error.unhandled:true', ]).formatString(), sort: IssueSortOptions.FREQ, }, }; }; export const getReleaseHandledIssuesUrl = ( orgSlug: string, projectId: string | number | null, version: string, dateTime: DateTimeObject = {} ) => { return { pathname: `/organizations/${orgSlug}/issues/`, query: { ...dateTime, project: projectId, query: new MutableSearch([ `release:${version}`, 'error.handled:true', ]).formatString(), sort: IssueSortOptions.FREQ, }, }; }; export const isReleaseArchived = (release: Release) => release.status === ReleaseStatus.ARCHIVED; export type ReleaseBounds = { type: 'normal' | 'clamped' | 'ancient'; releaseEnd?: string | null; releaseStart?: string | null; }; export function getReleaseBounds(release?: Release): ReleaseBounds { const retentionBound = moment().subtract(90, 'days'); const {lastEvent, currentProjectMeta, dateCreated} = release || {}; const {sessionsUpperBound} = currentProjectMeta || {}; let type: ReleaseBounds['type'] = 'normal'; let releaseStart = moment(dateCreated).startOf('minute'); let releaseEnd = moment( (moment(sessionsUpperBound).isAfter(lastEvent) ? sessionsUpperBound : lastEvent) ?? undefined ).endOf('minute'); if (moment(releaseStart).isSame(releaseEnd, 'minute')) { releaseEnd = moment(releaseEnd).add(1, 'minutes'); } if (releaseStart.isBefore(retentionBound)) { releaseStart = retentionBound; type = 'clamped'; if ( releaseEnd.isBefore(releaseStart) || (!defined(sessionsUpperBound) && !defined(lastEvent)) ) { releaseEnd = moment(); type = 'ancient'; } } return { type, releaseStart: releaseStart.utc().format(), releaseEnd: releaseEnd.utc().format(), }; } type GetReleaseParams = { location: Location; releaseBounds: ReleaseBounds; }; export function getReleaseParams({location, releaseBounds}: GetReleaseParams) { const params = normalizeDateTimeParams( pick(location.query, [ ...Object.values(URL_PARAM), ...Object.values(PAGE_URL_PARAM), 'cursor', ]), { allowAbsolutePageDatetime: true, allowEmptyPeriod: true, } ); if ( !Object.keys(params).some(param => [URL_PARAM.START, URL_PARAM.END, URL_PARAM.UTC, URL_PARAM.PERIOD].includes(param) ) ) { params[URL_PARAM.START] = releaseBounds.releaseStart; params[URL_PARAM.END] = releaseBounds.releaseEnd; } return params; } const adoptionStagesLink = ( ); export const ADOPTION_STAGE_LABELS: Record< string, {name: string; tooltipTitle: React.ReactNode; type: keyof Theme['tag']} > = { low_adoption: { name: t('Low Adoption'), tooltipTitle: tct( 'This release has a low percentage of sessions compared to other releases in this project. [link:Learn more]', {link: adoptionStagesLink} ), type: 'warning', }, adopted: { name: t('Adopted'), tooltipTitle: tct( 'This release has a high percentage of sessions compared to other releases in this project. [link:Learn more]', {link: adoptionStagesLink} ), type: 'success', }, replaced: { name: t('Replaced'), tooltipTitle: tct( 'This release was previously Adopted, but now has a lower level of sessions compared to other releases in this project. [link:Learn more]', {link: adoptionStagesLink} ), type: 'default', }, }; export const isMobileRelease = (releaseProjectPlatform: PlatformKey) => ([, ...desktop] as string[]).includes(releaseProjectPlatform); /** * Helper that escapes quotes and formats release version into release search * ex - com.sentry.go_app@"1.0.0-chore" */ export function searchReleaseVersion(version: string): string { // Wrap with quotes and escape any quotes inside return `release:"${version.replace(/"/g, '\\"')}"`; } export function isVersionInfoSemver( versionInfo: VersionInfo['version'] ): versionInfo is SemverVerison { return versionInfo.hasOwnProperty('components'); }