#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 from __future__ import absolute_import import click import docker import json import os import six import zlib from datetime import datetime from contextlib import contextmanager from sentry.runner.commands.devservices import get_docker_client, get_or_create from sentry.utils.apidocs import MockUtils, iter_scenarios, iter_endpoints, get_sections from sentry.utils.integrationdocs import sync_docs from sentry.conf.server import SENTRY_DEVSERVICES from subprocess import Popen HERE = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) OUTPUT_PATH = "/usr/src/output" SENTRY_CONFIG = os.environ["SENTRY_CONF"] = os.path.join(HERE, "sentry.conf.py") os.environ["SENTRY_SKIP_BACKEND_VALIDATION"] = "1" client = get_docker_client() # Use a unique network and namespace for our apidocs namespace = "apidocs" # Define our set of containers we want to run APIDOC_CONTAINERS = ["postgres", "redis", "clickhouse", "snuba", "relay"] devservices_settings = { container_name: SENTRY_DEVSERVICES[container_name] for container_name in APIDOC_CONTAINERS } apidoc_containers_overrides = { "postgres": {"environment": {"POSTGRES_DB": "sentry_api_docs"}, "volumes": None}, "redis": {"volumes": None}, "clickhouse": {"ports": None, "volumes": None, "only_if": None}, "snuba": { "pull": None, "command": ["devserver", "--no-workers"], "environment": { "CLICKHOUSE_HOST": namespace + "_clickhouse", "DEFAULT_BROKERS": None, "REDIS_HOST": namespace + "_redis", }, "volumes": None, "only_if": None, }, "relay": {"pull": None, "volumes": None, "only_if": None, "with_devserver": None}, } def deep_merge(defaults, overrides): """ Deep merges two dictionaries. If the value is None in `overrides`, that key-value pair will not show up in the final result. """ merged = {} for key in defaults: if isinstance(defaults[key], dict): if key not in overrides: merged[key] = defaults[key] elif overrides[key] is None: continue elif isinstance(overrides[key], dict): merged[key] = deep_merge(defaults[key], overrides[key]) else: raise Exception("Types must match") elif key in overrides and overrides[key] is None: continue elif key in overrides: merged[key] = overrides[key] else: merged[key] = defaults[key] return merged @contextmanager def apidoc_containers(): network = get_or_create(client, "network", namespace) containers = deep_merge(devservices_settings, apidoc_containers_overrides) # Massage our list into some shared settings instead of repeating # it for each definition. for name, options in containers.items(): options["network"] = namespace options["detach"] = True options["name"] = namespace + "_" + name containers[name] = options # Pull all of our unique images once. pulled = set() for name, options in containers.items(): if options["image"] not in pulled: click.secho("> Pulling image '%s'" % options["image"], err=True, fg="green") client.images.pull(options["image"]) pulled.add(options["image"]) # Run each of our containers, if found running already, delete first # and create new. We never want to reuse. for name, options in containers.items(): try: container = client.containers.get(options["name"]) except docker.errors.NotFound: pass else: container.stop() container.remove() click.secho("> Creating '%s' container" % options["name"], err=True, fg="yellow") client.containers.run(**options) yield # Delete all of our containers now. If it's not running, do nothing. for name, options in containers.items(): try: container = client.containers.get(options["name"]) except docker.errors.NotFound: pass else: click.secho("> Removing '%s' container" % container.name, err=True, fg="red") container.stop() container.remove() # Remove our network that we created. click.secho("> Removing '%s' network" % network.name, err=True, fg="red") network.remove() def color_for_string(s): colors = ("red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "cyan", "magenta") return colors[zlib.crc32(s) % len(colors)] def report(category, message, fg=None): if fg is None: fg = color_for_string(category) click.echo( "[%s] %s: %s" % (six.text_type(datetime.utcnow()).split(".")[0], click.style(category, fg=fg), message) ) def run_scenario(vars, scenario_ident, func): from sentry.utils.apidocs import Runner runner = Runner(scenario_ident, func, **vars) report("scenario", 'Running scenario "%s"' % scenario_ident) func(runner) return runner.to_json() @click.command() @click.option("--output-path", type=click.Path()) @click.option("--output-format", type=click.Choice(["json", "markdown", "both"]), default="both") def cli(output_path, output_format): global OUTPUT_PATH if output_path is not None: OUTPUT_PATH = os.path.abspath(output_path) with apidoc_containers(): from sentry.runner import configure configure() sentry = Popen( [ "sentry", "--config=" + SENTRY_CONFIG, "run", "web", "-w", "1", "--bind", "", ] ) from django.core.management import call_command call_command( "migrate", interactive=False, traceback=True, verbosity=0, migrate=True, merge=True, ignore_ghost_migrations=True, ) utils = MockUtils() report("org", "Creating user and organization") user = utils.create_user("john@interstellar.invalid") org = utils.create_org("The Interstellar Jurisdiction", owner=user) report("auth", "Creating api token") api_token = utils.create_api_token(user) report("org", "Creating team") team = utils.create_team("Powerful Abolitionist", org=org) utils.join_team(team, user) projects = [] for project_name in "Pump Station", "Prime Mover": report("project", 'Creating project "%s"' % project_name) project = utils.create_project(project_name, teams=[team], org=org) release = utils.create_release(project=project, user=user) report("event", 'Creating event for "%s"' % project_name) event1 = utils.create_event(project=project, release=release, platform="python") event2 = utils.create_event(project=project, release=release, platform="java") projects.append({"project": project, "release": release, "events": [event1, event2]}) # HACK: the scenario in ProjectDetailsEndpoint#put requires our integration docs to be in place # so that we can validate the platform. We create the docker container that runs generator.py # with SENTRY_LIGHT_BUILD=1, which doesn't run `sync_docs` and `sync_docs` requires sentry # to be configured, which we do in this file. So, we need to do the sync_docs here. sync_docs(quiet=True) vars = { "org": org, "me": user, "api_token": api_token, "teams": [{"team": team, "projects": projects}], } scenario_map = {} report("docs", "Collecting scenarios") for scenario_ident, func in iter_scenarios(): scenario = run_scenario(vars, scenario_ident, func) scenario_map[scenario_ident] = scenario section_mapping = {} report("docs", "Collecting endpoint documentation") for endpoint in iter_endpoints(): report("endpoint", 'Collecting docs for "%s"' % endpoint["endpoint_name"]) section_mapping.setdefault(endpoint["section"], []).append(endpoint) sections = get_sections() if output_format in ("json", "both"): output_json(sections, scenario_map, section_mapping) if output_format in ("markdown", "both"): output_markdown(sections, scenario_map, section_mapping) if sentry is not None: report("sentry", "Shutting down sentry server") sentry.kill() sentry.wait() def output_json(sections, scenarios, section_mapping): report("docs", "Generating JSON documents") for id, scenario in scenarios.items(): dump_json("scenarios/%s.json" % id, scenario) section_listings = {} for section, title in sections.items(): entries = {} for endpoint in section_mapping.get(section, []): entries[endpoint["endpoint_name"]] = endpoint["title"] dump_json("endpoints/%s.json" % endpoint["endpoint_name"], endpoint) section_listings[section] = {"title": title, "entries": entries} dump_json("sections.json", {"sections": section_listings}) def output_markdown(sections, scenarios, section_mapping): report("docs", "Generating markdown documents") # With nested URLs, we can have groups of URLs that are nested under multiple base URLs. We only want # them to show up once in the index.md. So, keep a set of endpoints we have already processed # to avoid duplication. processed_endpoints = set() for section, title in sections.items(): i = 0 links = [] for endpoint in section_mapping.get(section, []): i += 1 path = u"{}/{}.md".format(section, endpoint["endpoint_name"]) auth = "" if len(endpoint["params"].get("auth", [])): auth = endpoint["params"]["auth"][0]["description"] payload = dict( title=endpoint["title"], sidebar_order=i, description="\n".join(endpoint["text"]).strip(), warning=endpoint["warning"], method=endpoint["method"], api_path=endpoint["path"], query_parameters=endpoint["params"].get("query"), path_parameters=endpoint["params"].get("path"), parameters=endpoint["params"].get("param"), authentication=auth, example_request=format_request(endpoint, scenarios), example_response=format_response(endpoint, scenarios), ) dump_markdown(path, payload) if path not in processed_endpoints: links.append({"title": endpoint["title"], "path": path}) processed_endpoints.add(path) dump_index_markdown(section, title, links) def dump_json(path, data): path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, "json", path) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) except OSError: pass with open(path, "w") as f: for line in json.dumps(data, indent=2, sort_keys=True).splitlines(): f.write(line.rstrip() + "\n") def dump_index_markdown(section, title, links): from sentry.web.helpers import render_to_string path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, "markdown", section, "index.md") try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) except OSError: pass with open(path, "w") as f: contents = render_to_string("sentry/apidocs/index.md", dict(title=title, links=links)) f.write(contents) def dump_markdown(path, data): path = os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, "markdown", path) try: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) except OSError: pass with open(path, "w") as f: template = u"""--- # This file is automatically generated from the API using `sentry/api-docs/generator.py.` # Do not manually edit this file. {} --- """ contents = template.format(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=2)) f.write(contents) def find_first_scenario(endpoint, scenario_map): for scene in endpoint["scenarios"]: if scene not in scenario_map: continue try: return scenario_map[scene]["requests"][0] except IndexError: return None return None def format_request(endpoint, scenario_map): scene = find_first_scenario(endpoint, scenario_map) if not scene: return "" request = scene["request"] lines = [ u"{} {} HTTP/1.1".format(request["method"], request["path"]), "Host: sentry.io", "Authorization: Bearer ", ] lines.extend(format_headers(request["headers"])) if request["data"]: lines.append("") lines.append(json.dumps(request["data"], sort_keys=True, indent=2)) return "\n".join(lines) def format_response(endpoint, scenario_map): scene = find_first_scenario(endpoint, scenario_map) if not scene: return "" response = scene["response"] lines = [u"HTTP/1.1 {} {}".format(response["status"], response["reason"])] lines.extend(format_headers(response["headers"])) if response["data"]: lines.append("") lines.append(json.dumps(response["data"], sort_keys=True, indent=2)) return "\n".join(lines) def format_headers(headers): """Format headers into a list.""" return [u"{}: {}".format(key, value) for key, value in headers.items()] if __name__ == "__main__": cli()