import {ReactElement} from 'react'; import * as React from 'react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import * as Sentry from '@sentry/react'; import isEqual from 'lodash/isEqual'; import AsyncComponent from 'app/components/asyncComponent'; import SelectControl from 'app/components/forms/selectControl'; import PageHeading from 'app/components/pageHeading'; import {t} from 'app/locale'; import space from 'app/styles/space'; import {Organization} from 'app/types'; import withOrganization from 'app/utils/withOrganization'; import Input from 'app/views/settings/components/forms/controls/input'; import RadioGroup from 'app/views/settings/components/forms/controls/radioGroup'; enum MetricValues { ERRORS, USERS, } enum Actions { ALERT_ON_EVERY_ISSUE, CUSTOMIZED_ALERTS, CREATE_ALERT_LATER, } const UNIQUE_USER_FREQUENCY_CONDITION = 'sentry.rules.conditions.event_frequency.EventUniqueUserFrequencyCondition'; const EVENT_FREQUENCY_CONDITION = 'sentry.rules.conditions.event_frequency.EventFrequencyCondition'; const NOTIFY_EVENT_ACTION = 'sentry.rules.actions.notify_event.NotifyEventAction'; const METRIC_CONDITION_MAP = { [MetricValues.ERRORS]: EVENT_FREQUENCY_CONDITION, [MetricValues.USERS]: UNIQUE_USER_FREQUENCY_CONDITION, } as const; const DEFAULT_PLACEHOLDER_VALUE = '10'; type StateUpdater = (updatedData: RequestDataFragment) => void; type Props = AsyncComponent['props'] & { organization: Organization; onChange: StateUpdater; }; type State = AsyncComponent['state'] & { // TODO(ts): When we have alert conditional types, convert this conditions: any; intervalChoices: [string, string][] | undefined; threshold: string; interval: string; alertSetting: string; metric: MetricValues; }; type RequestDataFragment = { defaultRules: boolean; shouldCreateCustomRule: boolean; name: string; conditions: {interval: string; id: string; value: string}[] | undefined; actions: {id: string}[]; actionMatch: string; frequency: number; }; function getConditionFrom( interval: string, metricValue: MetricValues, threshold: string ): {interval: string; id: string; value: string} { let condition: string; switch (metricValue) { case MetricValues.ERRORS: condition = EVENT_FREQUENCY_CONDITION; break; case MetricValues.USERS: condition = UNIQUE_USER_FREQUENCY_CONDITION; break; default: throw new RangeError('Supplied metric value is not handled'); } return { interval, id: condition, value: threshold, }; } function unpackConditions(conditions: any[]) { const equalityReducer = (acc, curr) => { if (!acc || !curr || !isEqual(acc, curr)) { return null; } return acc; }; const intervalChoices = conditions .map(condition => condition.formFields?.interval?.choices) .reduce(equalityReducer); return {intervalChoices, interval: intervalChoices?.[0]?.[0]}; } class IssueAlertOptions extends AsyncComponent { getDefaultState(): State { return { ...super.getDefaultState(), conditions: [], intervalChoices: [], alertSetting: Actions.CREATE_ALERT_LATER.toString(), metric: MetricValues.ERRORS, interval: '', threshold: '', }; } getAvailableMetricChoices() { return [ [MetricValues.ERRORS, t('occurrences of')], [MetricValues.USERS, t('users affected by')], ].filter(valueDescriptionPair => { const [value] = valueDescriptionPair; return this.state.conditions?.some?.( object => object?.id === METRIC_CONDITION_MAP[value] ); }); } getIssueAlertsChoices( hasProperlyLoadedConditions: boolean ): [string, string | ReactElement][] { const options: [string, React.ReactNode][] = [ [Actions.CREATE_ALERT_LATER.toString(), t("I'll create my own alerts later")], [Actions.ALERT_ON_EVERY_ISSUE.toString(), t('Alert me on every new issue')], ]; if (hasProperlyLoadedConditions) { options.push([ Actions.CUSTOMIZED_ALERTS.toString(), { // XXX(epurkhiser): The `e.preventDefault` here is needed to stop // propegation of the click up to the label, causing it to focus // the radio input and lose focus on the select. e.preventDefault(); const alertSetting = Actions.CUSTOMIZED_ALERTS.toString(); this.setStateAndUpdateParents({alertSetting}); }} > {t('When there are more than')} this.setStateAndUpdateParents({threshold:}) } data-test-id="range-input" /> this.setStateAndUpdateParents({metric: metric.value})} data-test-id="metric-select-control" /> {t('a unique error in')} this.setStateAndUpdateParents({interval: interval.value}) } data-test-id="interval-select-control" /> , ]); } return[choiceValue, node]) => [ choiceValue, {node}, ]); } getUpdatedData(): RequestDataFragment { let defaultRules: boolean; let shouldCreateCustomRule: boolean; const alertSetting: Actions = parseInt(this.state.alertSetting, 10); switch (alertSetting) { case Actions.ALERT_ON_EVERY_ISSUE: defaultRules = true; shouldCreateCustomRule = false; break; case Actions.CREATE_ALERT_LATER: defaultRules = false; shouldCreateCustomRule = false; break; case Actions.CUSTOMIZED_ALERTS: defaultRules = false; shouldCreateCustomRule = true; break; default: throw new RangeError('Supplied alert creation action is not handled'); } return { defaultRules, shouldCreateCustomRule, name: 'Send a notification for new issues', conditions: this.state.interval.length > 0 && this.state.threshold.length > 0 ? [ getConditionFrom( this.state.interval, this.state.metric, this.state.threshold ), ] : undefined, actions: [{id: NOTIFY_EVENT_ACTION}], actionMatch: 'all', frequency: 5, }; } setStateAndUpdateParents( state: | (( prevState: Readonly, props: Readonly ) => Pick | State | null) | Pick | State | null, callback?: () => void ): void { this.setState(state, () => { callback?.(); this.props.onChange(this.getUpdatedData()); }); } getEndpoints(): ReturnType { return [['conditions', `/projects/${this.props.organization.slug}/rule-conditions/`]]; } onLoadAllEndpointsSuccess(): void { const conditions = this.state.conditions?.filter?.(object => Object.values(METRIC_CONDITION_MAP).includes(object?.id) ); if (!conditions || conditions.length === 0) { this.setStateAndUpdateParents({ conditions: undefined, }); return; } const {intervalChoices, interval} = unpackConditions(conditions); if (!intervalChoices || !interval) { Sentry.withScope(scope => { scope.setExtra('props', this.props); scope.setExtra('state', this.state); Sentry.captureException( new Error('Interval choices or sent from API endpoint is inconsistent or empty') ); }); this.setStateAndUpdateParents({ conditions: undefined, }); return; } this.setStateAndUpdateParents({ conditions, intervalChoices, interval, }); } renderBody(): React.ReactElement { const issueAlertOptionsChoices = this.getIssueAlertsChoices( this.state.conditions?.length > 0 ); return ( {t('Set your default alert settings')} this.setStateAndUpdateParents({alertSetting})} value={this.state.alertSetting} /> ); } } export default withOrganization(IssueAlertOptions); const CustomizeAlertsGrid = styled('div')` display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(5, max-content); grid-gap: ${space(1)}; align-items: center; `; const InlineInput = styled(Input)` width: 80px; `; const InlineSelectControl = styled(SelectControl)` width: 160px; `; const RadioGroupWithPadding = styled(RadioGroup)` padding: ${space(3)} 0; margin-bottom: 50px; box-shadow: 0 -1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); `; const PageHeadingWithTopMargins = styled(PageHeading)` margin-top: 65px; `; const RadioItemWrapper = styled('div')` min-height: 35px; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; `;