import type {Scope} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import { type BillingMetricHistory, BillingType, type EventBucket, type Subscription, } from 'getsentry/types'; import {isAmPlan, isDeveloperPlan} from 'getsentry/utils/billing'; import trackGetsentryAnalytics from 'getsentry/utils/trackGetsentryAnalytics'; import {getBucket} from 'getsentry/views/amCheckout/utils'; export const hasPermissions = ({access}: Organization, scope: Scope) => access?.includes(scope); export const trackSubscriptionView = ( organization: Organization, subscription: Subscription, page: string ) => trackGetsentryAnalytics('subscription_page.viewed', { organization, subscription, page_tab: page, }); export function calculateCategorySpend( subscription: Subscription, category: string ): { onDemandSpent: number; onDemandUnitPrice: number; prepaidPrice: number; prepaidSpent: number; unitPrice: number; } { // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message const categoryInfo: BillingMetricHistory = subscription.categories[category]; // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message const slots: EventBucket[] = subscription.planDetails.planCategories[category]; if (!defined(categoryInfo?.reserved)) { return { prepaidSpent: 0, onDemandSpent: 0, unitPrice: 0, onDemandUnitPrice: 0, prepaidPrice: 0, }; } const priceBucket = getBucket({events: categoryInfo.reserved, buckets: slots}); const eventsByPrice = getBucket({ price: priceBucket.price, buckets: slots, }).events; const unitPrice = priceBucket.unitPrice ?? 0; // Subtract gifted usage from total usage const usage = categoryInfo.usage -; const reservedUse = Math.min(usage, eventsByPrice); const isMonthly = subscription.planDetails.billingInterval === 'monthly'; // Put prepaid prices into monthly terms const prepaidPrice = priceBucket.price / (isMonthly ? 1 : 12); const percentPrepaidUsed = Math.min(reservedUse / eventsByPrice, 1); const prepaidSpent = percentPrepaidUsed * prepaidPrice; const onDemandSpent = categoryInfo.onDemandSpendUsed ?? 0; return { prepaidSpent, prepaidPrice, onDemandSpent, unitPrice, onDemandUnitPrice: priceBucket.onDemandPrice ?? 0, }; } export function calculateTotalSpend(subscription: Subscription): { onDemandTotalSpent: number; prepaidTotalPrice: number; prepaidTotalSpent: number; } { let prepaidTotalSpent = 0; let onDemandTotalSpent = 0; let prepaidTotalPrice = 0; for (const category of subscription.planDetails.categories) { const {prepaidSpent, onDemandSpent, prepaidPrice} = calculateCategorySpend( subscription, category ); prepaidTotalSpent += prepaidSpent; onDemandTotalSpent += onDemandSpent; prepaidTotalPrice += prepaidPrice; } return {prepaidTotalSpent, onDemandTotalSpent, prepaidTotalPrice}; } /** * Check if the plan is one that we can show spend for */ export function shouldSeeSpendVisibility(subscription: Subscription) { return ( !subscription.isSponsored && !subscription.isTrial && subscription.type !== BillingType.INVOICED && // Exclude mmX as the remaining mmX plans should be managed or partner plans isAmPlan(subscription.plan) && // No spend from developer plans !isDeveloperPlan(subscription.planDetails) ); } export function hasSpendVisibilityNotificationsFeature(organization: Organization) { return organization.features.includes('spend-visibility-notifications'); }