import type {Theme} from '@emotion/react'; import {useTheme} from '@emotion/react'; import styled from '@emotion/styled'; import type {Location} from 'history'; import moment from 'moment-timezone'; import MarkLine from 'sentry/components/charts/components/markLine'; import {ChartTooltip} from 'sentry/components/charts/components/tooltip'; import OptionSelector from 'sentry/components/charts/optionSelector'; import barSeries from 'sentry/components/charts/series/barSeries'; import lineSeries from 'sentry/components/charts/series/lineSeries'; import { ChartControls, InlineContainer, SectionValue, } from 'sentry/components/charts/styles'; import {DATA_CATEGORY_INFO} from 'sentry/constants'; import {CHART_PALETTE} from 'sentry/constants/chartPalette'; import {IconCalendar} from 'sentry/icons'; import {t} from 'sentry/locale'; import {DataCategory} from 'sentry/types/core'; import type {Organization} from 'sentry/types/organization'; import {defined} from 'sentry/utils'; import {browserHistory} from 'sentry/utils/browserHistory'; import {decodeScalar} from 'sentry/utils/queryString'; import { type CategoryOption, CHART_OPTIONS_DATACATEGORY, type ChartStats, } from 'sentry/views/organizationStats/usageChart'; import UsageChart, { CHART_OPTIONS_DATA_TRANSFORM, ChartDataTransform, } from 'sentry/views/organizationStats/usageChart'; import { getDateFromMoment, getTooltipFormatter, } from 'sentry/views/organizationStats/usageChart/utils'; import {GIGABYTE} from 'getsentry/constants'; import { type BillingMetricHistory, type BillingStat, type BillingStats, type CustomerUsage, type Plan, PlanTier, type ReservedBudgetForCategory, type Subscription, } from 'getsentry/types'; import {formatReservedWithUnits, isUnlimitedReserved} from 'getsentry/utils/billing'; import {getPlanCategoryName, hasCategoryFeature} from 'getsentry/utils/dataCategory'; import formatCurrency from 'getsentry/utils/formatCurrency'; import titleCase from 'getsentry/utils/titleCase'; import { calculateCategoryOnDemandUsage, calculateCategoryPrepaidUsage, } from 'getsentry/views/subscriptionPage/usageTotals'; const USAGE_CHART_OPTIONS_DATACATEGORY = [ ...CHART_OPTIONS_DATACATEGORY, { label: DATA_CATEGORY_INFO.spanIndexed.titleName, value: DATA_CATEGORY_INFO.spanIndexed.plural, yAxisMinInterval: 100, }, ]; /** @internal exported for tests only */ export function getCategoryOptions({ plan, hadCustomDynamicSampling, }: { hadCustomDynamicSampling: boolean; plan: Plan; }): CategoryOption[] { return USAGE_CHART_OPTIONS_DATACATEGORY.filter( opt => plan.categories.includes(opt.value as DataCategory) && (opt.value === DataCategory.SPANS_INDEXED ? hadCustomDynamicSampling : true) ); } type DroppedBreakdown = { other: number; overQuota: number; spikeProtection: number; }; interface ReservedUsageChartProps { displayMode: 'usage' | 'cost'; location: Location; organization: Organization; reservedBudgetCategoryInfo: Record; subscription: Subscription; usagePeriodEnd: string; usagePeriodStart: string; usageStats: CustomerUsage['stats']; } function getCategoryColors(theme: Theme) { return [ theme.outcome.accepted!, theme.outcome.filtered!, theme.outcome.dropped!, theme.chartOther!, // Projected ]; } function selectedCategory(location: Location, categoryOptions: CategoryOption[]) { const category = decodeScalar(location.query.category) as undefined | DataCategory; if (!category || !categoryOptions.some(cat => cat.value === category)) { return DataCategory.ERRORS; } return category; } function selectedTransform(location: Location) { const transform = decodeScalar(location.query.transform) as | undefined | ChartDataTransform; if (!transform || !Object.values(ChartDataTransform).includes(transform)) { return ChartDataTransform.CUMULATIVE; } return transform; } function chartTooltip(category: DataCategory, displayMode: 'usage' | 'cost') { const tooltipValueFormatter = getTooltipFormatter(category); return ChartTooltip({ // Trigger to axis prevents tooltip from redrawing when hovering // over individual bars trigger: 'axis', // Custom tooltip implementation as we show a breakdown for dropped results. formatter(series) { const seriesList = Array.isArray(series) ? series : [series]; // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message const time = seriesList[0]?.value?.[0]; return [ '
', seriesList .map(s => { const label = s.seriesName ?? ''; const value = displayMode === 'usage' ? // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message tooltipValueFormatter(s.value?.[1]) : // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message formatCurrency(s.value?.[1] ?? 0); // @ts-expect-error TS(2339): Property 'dropped' does not exist on type 'OptionD... Remove this comment to see the full error message const dropped = as DroppedBreakdown | undefined; if (typeof dropped === 'undefined' || value === '0') { return `
${s.marker} ${label} ${value}
`; } const other = tooltipValueFormatter(dropped.other); const overQuota = tooltipValueFormatter(dropped.overQuota); const spikeProtection = tooltipValueFormatter(dropped.spikeProtection); // Used to shift breakdown over the same amount as series markers. const indent = ''; const labels = [ `
${s.marker} ${t( 'Dropped' )} ${value}
`, `
${indent} ${t( 'Over Quota' )} ${overQuota}
`, `
${indent} ${t( 'Spike Protection' )} ${spikeProtection}
`, `
${indent} ${t( 'Other' )} ${other}
`, ]; return labels.join(''); }) .join(''), '
', ``, `
`, ].join(''); }, }); } function mapReservedToChart(reserved: number | null, category: string) { if (isUnlimitedReserved(reserved)) { return 0; } if (category === DataCategory.ATTACHMENTS) { return typeof reserved === 'number' ? reserved * GIGABYTE : 0; } return reserved || 0; } function defaultChartData(): ChartStats { return { accepted: [], dropped: [], projected: [], reserved: [], onDemand: [], }; } /** @internal exported for tests only */ export function mapStatsToChart({ stats = [], transform, }: { stats: BillingStats; transform: ChartDataTransform; }) { const isCumulative = transform === ChartDataTransform.CUMULATIVE; let sumAccepted = 0; let sumDropped = 0; let sumOther = 0; let sumOverQuota = 0; let sumSpikeProtection = 0; const chartData = defaultChartData(); stats.forEach(stat => { if (!stat) { return; } const date = getDateFromMoment(moment(; const isProjected = stat.isProjected ?? true; const accepted = stat.accepted ?? 0; const dropped = ?? 0; sumDropped = isCumulative ? sumDropped + dropped : dropped; sumAccepted = isCumulative ? sumAccepted + accepted : accepted; if (stat.dropped.overQuota) { sumOverQuota = isCumulative ? sumOverQuota + stat.dropped.overQuota : stat.dropped.overQuota; } if (stat.dropped.spikeProtection) { sumSpikeProtection = isCumulative ? sumSpikeProtection + stat.dropped.spikeProtection : stat.dropped.spikeProtection; } sumOther = Math.max(sumDropped - sumOverQuota - sumSpikeProtection, 0); if (isProjected) { chartData.projected.push({ value: [date, sumAccepted], }); } else { chartData.accepted.push({ value: [date, sumAccepted], }); // TODO(ts) (chartData.dropped as any[]).push({ value: [date, sumDropped], dropped: { other: sumOther, overQuota: sumOverQuota, spikeProtection: sumSpikeProtection, } as DroppedBreakdown, }); } }); return chartData; } /** @internal exported for tests only */ export function mapCostStatsToChart({ stats = [], transform, subscription, category, }: { category: string; stats: BillingStats; subscription: Subscription; transform: ChartDataTransform; }) { const isCumulative = transform === ChartDataTransform.CUMULATIVE; /** * On demand is already a running total, so we'll need to subtract when not cumulative. */ let previousOnDemandCostRunningTotal = 0; let sumReserved = 0; const chartData = defaultChartData(); // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message const metricHistory = subscription.categories[category]; const prepaid = metricHistory.prepaid ?? 0; stats.forEach(stat => { if (!stat) { return; } const date = getDateFromMoment(moment(; const isProjected = stat.isProjected ?? true; const accepted = stat.accepted ?? 0; let onDemand = 0; if (defined(stat.onDemandCostRunningTotal)) { onDemand = isCumulative ? stat.onDemandCostRunningTotal : stat.onDemandCostRunningTotal - previousOnDemandCostRunningTotal; previousOnDemandCostRunningTotal = stat.onDemandCostRunningTotal; } const {prepaidSpend, prepaidPrice} = calculateCategoryPrepaidUsage( category, subscription, {accepted}, prepaid ); sumReserved = isCumulative ? sumReserved + prepaidSpend : prepaidSpend; // Ensure that the reserved amount does not exceed the prepaid amount. sumReserved = Math.min(sumReserved, prepaidPrice); if (!isProjected) { chartData.reserved!.push({ value: [date, sumReserved], }); chartData.onDemand!.push({ value: [date, onDemand], }); } }); return chartData; } /** @internal exported for tests only */ export function mapReservedBudgetStatsToChart({ statsByDateAndCategory = {}, transform, subscription, reservedBudgetCategoryInfo, }: { statsByDateAndCategory: Record>; subscription: Subscription; transform: ChartDataTransform; reservedBudgetCategoryInfo?: Record; }) { const isCumulative = transform === ChartDataTransform.CUMULATIVE; /** * On demand is already a running total, so we'll need to subtract when not cumulative. */ let previousOnDemandCostRunningTotal = 0; let sumReserved = 0; const chartData = defaultChartData(); if (!reservedBudgetCategoryInfo) { return chartData; } Object.entries(statsByDateAndCategory).forEach(([date, statsByCategory]) => { let reservedForDate = 0; let onDemandForDate = 0; Object.entries(statsByCategory).forEach(([category, stats]) => { const prepaid = reservedBudgetCategoryInfo[category]?.prepaidBudget ?? 0; const reservedCpe = reservedBudgetCategoryInfo[category]?.reservedCpe ?? 0; stats.forEach(stat => { if (!stat) { return; } const isProjected = stat.isProjected ?? true; const accepted = stat.accepted ?? 0; let onDemand = 0; if (defined(stat.onDemandCostRunningTotal)) { onDemand = isCumulative ? stat.onDemandCostRunningTotal : stat.onDemandCostRunningTotal - previousOnDemandCostRunningTotal; previousOnDemandCostRunningTotal = stat.onDemandCostRunningTotal; } const {prepaidSpend, prepaidPrice} = calculateCategoryPrepaidUsage( category, subscription, {accepted}, prepaid, reservedCpe ); sumReserved = isCumulative ? sumReserved + prepaidSpend : prepaidSpend; sumReserved = Math.min(sumReserved, prepaidPrice); if (!isProjected) { // if cumulative, sumReserved is the prepaid amount used so far, otherwise it's the amount used for this date if (isCumulative) { reservedForDate = sumReserved; } else { reservedForDate += sumReserved; } // when cumulative, onDemand is the running total for the category // otherwise, onDemand is the amount used for the category for this date // either way we need to add them together to get the on-demand amount across the categories onDemandForDate += onDemand; } }); }); const dateKey = getDateFromMoment(moment(date)); chartData.reserved!.push({ value: [dateKey, reservedForDate], }); chartData.onDemand!.push({ value: [dateKey, onDemandForDate], }); }); return chartData; } function ReservedUsageChart({ location, organization, subscription, usagePeriodStart, usagePeriodEnd, usageStats, displayMode, reservedBudgetCategoryInfo, }: ReservedUsageChartProps) { const theme = useTheme(); const categoryOptions = getCategoryOptions({ plan: subscription.planDetails, hadCustomDynamicSampling: subscription.hadCustomDynamicSampling, }); const category = selectedCategory(location, categoryOptions); const transform = selectedTransform(location); const currentHistory: BillingMetricHistory | undefined = // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message subscription.categories[category]; const categoryStats = usageStats[category]; const isReservedBudgetCategory = subscription.reservedBudgetCategories?.includes(category) ?? false; if (isReservedBudgetCategory) { displayMode = 'cost'; } function chartMetadata() { let dataCategoryMetadata: { chartData: ChartStats; isUnlimitedQuota: boolean; yAxisQuotaLine: number; yAxisQuotaLineLabel: string; } = { isUnlimitedQuota: false, chartData: { accepted: [], dropped: [], projected: [], reserved: [], onDemand: [], }, yAxisQuotaLine: 0, yAxisQuotaLineLabel: '', }; if (categoryStats) { if (isReservedBudgetCategory) { if ([DataCategory.SPANS, DataCategory.SPANS_INDEXED].includes(category)) { if (subscription.hadCustomDynamicSampling) { const statsByDateAndCategory = categoryStats.reduce( (acc, stat) => { if (stat) { acc[] = {[category]: [stat]}; } return acc; }, {} as Record> ); dataCategoryMetadata.chartData = mapReservedBudgetStatsToChart({ statsByDateAndCategory, transform, subscription, reservedBudgetCategoryInfo, }); } else { const otherCategory = category === DataCategory.SPANS ? DataCategory.SPANS_INDEXED : DataCategory.SPANS; const otherCategoryStats = usageStats[otherCategory] ?? []; const statsByCategory = { [category]: categoryStats, [otherCategory]: otherCategoryStats, }; const statsByDateAndCategory = Object.entries(statsByCategory).reduce( (acc, [budgetCategory, stats]) => { stats.forEach(stat => { if (stat) { acc[] = {...acc[], [budgetCategory]: [stat]}; } }); return acc; }, {} as Record> ); dataCategoryMetadata.chartData = mapReservedBudgetStatsToChart({ statsByDateAndCategory, transform, subscription, reservedBudgetCategoryInfo, }); } } } else if (displayMode === 'cost') { dataCategoryMetadata.chartData = mapCostStatsToChart({ stats: categoryStats, transform, category, subscription, }); } else { dataCategoryMetadata.chartData = mapStatsToChart({ stats: categoryStats, transform, }); } } if (currentHistory) { dataCategoryMetadata = { ...dataCategoryMetadata, isUnlimitedQuota: isUnlimitedReserved(currentHistory.reserved), yAxisQuotaLine: mapReservedToChart(currentHistory.reserved, category), yAxisQuotaLineLabel: formatReservedWithUnits(currentHistory.reserved, category, { isAbbreviated: true, }), }; if (displayMode === 'cost') { const {prepaidPrice} = calculateCategoryPrepaidUsage( category, subscription, {accepted: 0}, reservedBudgetCategoryInfo[category]?.prepaidBudget ?? currentHistory.prepaid ); const {onDemandCategoryMax} = calculateCategoryOnDemandUsage( category, subscription ); dataCategoryMetadata.yAxisQuotaLine = prepaidPrice + onDemandCategoryMax; } } return { isCumulative: transform === ChartDataTransform.CUMULATIVE, ...dataCategoryMetadata, }; } function handleSelectDataCategory(value: ChartDataTransform) { browserHistory.push({ pathname: location.pathname, query: {...location.query, transform: value}, }); } function handleSelectDataTransform(value: DataCategory) { browserHistory.push({ pathname: location.pathname, query: {...location.query, category: value}, }); } /** * Whether the account has access to the data category * or tracked usage in the current billing period. */ function hasOrUsedCategory(dataCategory: string) { return ( hasCategoryFeature(dataCategory, subscription, organization) || usageStats[dataCategory]?.some( (item: BillingStat) => > 0 && !item.isProjected ) ); } function renderFooter() { const {planDetails} = subscription; const displayOptions = getCategoryOptions({ plan: planDetails, hadCustomDynamicSampling: subscription.hadCustomDynamicSampling, }).reduce((acc, option) => { if (hasOrUsedCategory(option.value)) { if ( option.value === DataCategory.SPANS && subscription.hadCustomDynamicSampling ) { option.label = t('Accepted Spans'); } acc.push(option); // Display upsell if the category is available } else if (planDetails.availableCategories?.includes(option.value)) { acc.push({ ...option, tooltip: t( 'Your plan does not include %s. Migrate to our latest plans to access new features.', option.value ), disabled: true, }); } return acc; }, [] as CategoryOption[]); return ( {moment(usagePeriodStart).format('ll')} {' — '} {moment(usagePeriodEnd).format('ll')} handleSelectDataTransform(val as DataCategory)} /> handleSelectDataCategory(val as ChartDataTransform) } /> ); } const {isCumulative, isUnlimitedQuota, chartData, yAxisQuotaLine, yAxisQuotaLineLabel} = chartMetadata(); return ( s} usageDateStart={usagePeriodStart} usageDateEnd={usagePeriodEnd} usageStats={chartData} usageDateShowUtc={false} categoryOptions={categoryOptions} categoryColors={getCategoryColors(theme)} chartSeries={[ ...(displayMode === 'cost' && chartData.reserved ? [ barSeries({ // Reserved spend name: 'Included in Subscription', data: chartData.reserved, barMinHeight: 1, stack: 'usage', legendHoverLink: false, color: CHART_PALETTE[5]![0]!, }), barSeries({ name: subscription.planTier === PlanTier.AM3 ? 'Pay-as-you-go' : 'On-Demand', data: chartData.onDemand, barMinHeight: 1, stack: 'usage', legendHoverLink: false, color: CHART_PALETTE[5]![1]!, }), ] : []), lineSeries({ markLine: MarkLine({ silent: true, lineStyle: { color: !isCumulative || isUnlimitedQuota ? 'transparent' : theme.gray300, type: 'dashed', }, data: [{yAxis: isCumulative ? yAxisQuotaLine : 0}], precision: 1, label: { show: isCumulative ? true : false, position: 'insideStartBottom', formatter: displayMode === 'usage' ? t(`Plan Quota (%s)`, yAxisQuotaLineLabel) : t('Max Spend'), color: theme.chartLabel, backgroundColor: theme.background, borderRadius: 2, padding: 2, fontSize: 10, }, }), }), ]} yAxisFormatter={displayMode === 'usage' ? undefined : formatCurrency} chartTooltip={chartTooltip(category, displayMode)} title={ {displayMode === 'usage' ? t('Current Usage Period') : t( 'Estimated %s Spend This Period', titleCase( getPlanCategoryName({ plan: subscription.planDetails, category, hadCustomDynamicSampling: subscription.hadCustomDynamicSampling, }) ) )} } /> ); } export default ReservedUsageChart; const Title = styled('div')` font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSizeExtraLarge}; font-weight: normal; `;